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What Do You Say to a Real Estate Lead?

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Setting Expectations in Lead Engagement

When engaging with a real estate lead, start by thinking about how you connected with them and what they expect based on their registration or outreach method. 

Barry Jenkins, Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, advises, "I really need to think about what their expectations are. And I need to start with that."

Understanding Lead Expectations and Initial Contact Points

Experienced realtors know leads come from various sources, each with unique expectations.

Common scenarios include:

  • Property-specific inquiries (e.g., asking for more photos or details about a listing)

  • Market trend information requests for a specific area

  • Home equity inquiries

  • General home search profiles created on your website

Matching your initial approach to their expectations is crucial for starting the conversation right.

Barry Jenkins, Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, advises:

"I really need to think about what their expectations are. And I need to start with that."

Barry suggests this simple yet effective opening script:

"Hi, this is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I'm attempting to reach [Lead Name]. Looks like [he/she] created a home search profile on my website."

This achieves several goals:

  • Clearly states who you are and your company

  • Specifies the lead you're trying to reach

  • Provides context for the call by mentioning their action (e.g., creating a home search profile)

Ending the statement with a slight uptick in pitch turns it into a question, encouraging the lead to respond and engage.

Handling Common Objections with Empathy and Curiosity

Experienced realtors know the usual objections leads often raise, such as:

  • "I'm just looking."

  • "I'm not ready."

  • "I'm not serious."

  • "My [family member] is a realtor."

Barry suggests complimenting their objection empathetically to disarm them.

For example, if a lead says, "I'm just looking," respond with:

"I'm so glad you're not ready because this is a big process."

This validates their feelings and shows understanding, setting up a more productive conversation.

After acknowledging their objection, keep asking questions.

Barry recommends this powerful question that promotes self-discovery:

"I'm sure you're not ready to move yet, but when you do, what are you hoping to change about where you live right now?"

This question shifts focus from future wants to current and past pain points, allowing the lead to explore their motivations deeply.

The Power of Self-Discovery in Lead Nurturing

In psychology, self-discovery is a powerful tool for personal growth and decision-making.

Questions that encourage leads to examine their current situation and motivations allow realtors to provide significant value beyond the typical transactional approach.

Barry emphasizes how rare and valuable these self-discovery conversations are, stating:

"I don't know about you, but there aren't a long list of people in my life that when I get done talking to them, I feel like I learn more about myself. People pay therapists a lot of money to lead them down the path of self-discovery."

As leads delve into their personal experiences, like issues with bedrooms, gardens, backyards, or accessibility concerns, realtors can connect authentically and build trust.

This trust forms the foundation for a strong realtor-client relationship that goes beyond mere transactions.

Advanced Techniques for Deeper Discovery and Connection

Once you've built rapport and encouraged self-discovery, pivot the conversation toward more in-depth discovery questions about the lead's wants and needs.

This is where experienced realtors can excel by using advanced techniques to uncover valuable insights.

Mirroring and Reflecting

Mirroring involves subtly mimicking the lead's language, tone, and even body language (if in person or on video) to create familiarity and connection.

Reflecting means paraphrasing the lead's statements to show understanding and encourage further elaboration.


Lead: "I really need more space for my growing family." Realtor: "More space for your growing family is a top priority." (Mirroring and reflecting)

Asking "How" and "What" Questions

Open-ended questions starting with "how" or "what" invite leads to share more details and insights.

These questions also help realtors avoid being mere order-takers or waiters, as Barry puts it:

"Did you want to see a home Saturday? Would you like fries with that?"


  • "How did you decide that more space was necessary?"

  • "What factors did you consider when determining your ideal location?"

Asking these questions shows genuine interest and positions realtors as trusted advisors rather than pushy salespeople.

Niche-Specific Strategies for Targeted Lead Nurturing

While general principles of effective lead communication apply broadly, experienced realtors know the importance of adapting their approach to specific niches within the real estate market.

Two notable niches that require customized strategies are luxury real estate and senior housing.

Luxury Real Estate

When dealing with high-net-worth individuals in the luxury market, realtors must understand the unique desires and expectations of this clientele.

Some important considerations include:

  • Emphasizing discretion and privacy throughout the process

  • Demonstrating knowledge of luxury amenities and high-end finishes

  • Using a network of trusted vendors and service providers to offer a seamless, white-glove experience

Example discovery question:

"What specific features or amenities are most essential to your ideal luxury living experience?"

Senior Housing

With the aging Baby Boomer population, the senior housing market is set for significant growth in coming years.

Realtors specializing in this niche must be sensitive to the unique needs and concerns of older adults and their families.

Important aspects to focus on include:

  • Accessibility and universal design features

  • Proximity to healthcare facilities and support services

  • Opportunities for social engagement and community involvement

Example discovery question:

"What specific accommodations or support services are most important to you or your loved one in a senior living community?"

Customizing their approach to these and other niche markets allows experienced realtors to stand out and provide exceptional value to their clients.

The Future of Real Estate Lead Communication

As technology advances, the way realtors communicate with leads will certainly evolve.

Some emerging trends and technologies likely to shape the future of real estate lead communication include:

1. AI-Powered Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by artificial intelligence can handle initial lead inquiries, gather basic information, and even schedule appointments.

This allows realtors to focus on high-value activities and build relationships with the most promising leads.

2. Personalized Video Messaging

With video content growing in popularity, realtors can use personalized video messages to stand out and build stronger connections with leads.

These videos can range from initial introductions to property walkthroughs and neighborhood tours.

3. Virtual and Augmented Reality

As virtual and augmented reality technologies become more accessible, realtors will be able to offer immersive property experiences to leads, regardless of their physical location.

This can be particularly valuable for out-of-town buyers or those with limited mobility.

4. Predictive Analytics and Lead Scoring

Advanced predictive analytics tools can help realtors identify the most promising leads based on factors such as demographics, behavior, and engagement.

Focusing on high-quality leads allows realtors to optimize their time and resources for maximum impact.

The Bottom Line

Effectively communicating with real estate leads requires a mix of empathy, curiosity, and strategic questioning.

Understanding lead expectations, handling objections gracefully, and facilitating self-discovery allows realtors to build authentic connections and position themselves as trusted advisors.

As the real estate landscape continues to change, successful realtors will be those who adapt to new technologies and niche-specific strategies while maintaining a human touch.

Staying current with these trends and continually improving communication skills helps experienced realtors thrive in a competitive market and provide exceptional value to their clients.

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