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8 Best Places for Agents to Buy Real Estate Leads

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Just a couple of decades ago, missing leads, struggling to close deals, and blending into the crowded real estate market were common challenges.

Fast forward to today, and the landscape has dramatically shifted.

It's now the reality of modern real estate lead generation.

From AI-powered platforms to tried-and-true methods with a digital twist, we're about to explore the tools and strategies that are reshaping the industry.

Let's dive into the world of lead generation powerhouses that are revolutionizing real estate success.

We'll uncover how these innovative platforms are not just finding leads, but finding the right leads at the right time.

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Finding quality leads can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

But don't sweat it!

We've done the heavy lifting for you.

After carefully reviewing dozens of platforms, we've identified the cream of the crop.

These platforms stand out for their pricing, reputation, and the quality of leads they deliver.

Zillow Premier Agent

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It uses Zillow's massive online presence and smart algorithms to connect agents with potential buyers and sellers.

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  • Wide reach.

  • Smart lead matching.

  • Flexible pricing

  • Comprehensive tools: Get everything you need for lead tracking, management, and performance analytics.

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  1. ROI varies based on market, property value, and competition. It's not one-size-fits-all, so you'll need to crunch some numbers for your specific situation.

  2. High-value markets often yield better ROI, but lead costs are typically higher. It's a classic "you gotta spend money to make money" scenario.

  3. Costs range from $300 to $500 per month in non-metro areas. That's about the price of a fancy coffee maker, but with potentially much bigger returns.

  4. Metro areas may see costs over $1,000 per month. Yes, it's a chunk of change.

  5. Zillow Flex program offers a pay-per-performance model (invite-only). Try only if you're confident in your closing skills.

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  • High visibility and targeted advertising

  • Steady lead generation.

  • Comprehensive tools and analytics.

  • Opportunity to build online reputation.

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  1. High costs and competition: You might need deep pockets, especially in hot markets.

  2. Inconsistent lead quality: Not every lead will be a gem. Some might be cubic zirconia.

  3. Heavy reliance on Zillow's platform: Don't put all your eggs in one basket, as the saying goes.

  4. Learning curve for maximizing benefits: You might need to hit the books to get the most out of it.


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It's like having the backing of the real estate industry's biggest names.

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Connections℠ Plus:

  • Provides active buyer leads in your market.

  • Includes tools to help convert leads into clients.

  • Pricing varies based on market and competition

ReadyConnect Concierge℠:

  1. Connects agents with pre-screened leads through live transfers.

  2. Up to five times higher conversion rate than industry average.

  3. Pay only when you close a deal. It's a performance-based (pay-at-closing) model that aligns with your success.

Market VIP:

  • Designed for elite brokerages. This is the first-class lounge of lead generation.

  • Exclusive access to high-quality leads with less competition.

  • Personalized support and tailored pricing.

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  1. High-quality leads.

  2. Various programs to fit different needs.

  3. Tools to help convert leads effectively.

  4. Official status as the National Association of Realtors' site.

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  • High competition in some markets: You might be elbowing your way through a crowd in hot markets.

  • Inconsistent lead quality across programs: Not all leads are created equal, even within the same platform.

  • Costs can add up quickly: Keep an eye on your budget - it's easy to get carried away.


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  • Exclusive leads within chosen ZIP code(s).

  • Managed ads on Facebook.

  • High-conversion landing pages.

  • Robust CRM system with automated nurturing.

  • Market reports and IDX website integration.

  • Integration with popular CRMs.

  • Lead referral program.

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  1. Professional package: Starts at $399 per month, plus $250 minimum ad budget. It's not pocket change, but it could be a game-changer for your business.

  2. "Lite" plan: Starts at $499 per month, fewer leads and restricted features. A good starting point if you're dipping your toes in the water.

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  • Exclusive leads within chosen ZIP code(s).

  • Comprehensive CRM system.

  • Automated follow-ups.

  • Integration with other CRMs.

  • Lead referral program.

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  1. High cost, especially with additional features: You might need to tighten your belt elsewhere.

  2. Quantity vs. quality concerns: More leads don't always mean more closings.

Market Leader

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It's known for its all-in-one approach.

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  • Targeted ads on Google and Facebook.

  • Leads directed to HouseValues.com or agent's IDX-enabled websites.

  • Network Boost feature for extra leads.

  • Integrated CRM system.

  • Comprehensive Marketing Center.

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  1. Professional plan (individual agents): Starts at $139 per month, plus about $25 per lead. It's priced to be accessible for solo agents.

  2. Team pricing: Starts at $139 per month with additional per-user charges. Scales with your team size.

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  • Comprehensive marketing automation tools.

  • Guaranteed lead volume each month.

  • Affordable pricing.

  • Exclusive leads.

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  1. Limited customization options: You might feel a bit boxed in if you like to tinker.

  2. No concierge service or free trial period: You're diving in head-first.

  3. Lead responsiveness challenges reported by some users: Not every lead will be chomping at the bit to buy or sell.



REDX specializes in providing agents with pre-verified leads from various sources.

It's known for its focus on expired listings, For Sale By Owner (FSBO), and other niche lead types. If you like fishing in less crowded waters, this might be your platform.

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  • Various lead types: Expired listings, FSBO, FRBO, GeoLeads, Pre-foreclosure properties.

  • Vortex lead management system.

  • Power Dialer tool for efficient outreach.

  • Pre-verified leads for accuracy and DNC compliance.

  • Comprehensive training and support resources.

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  1. Basic Plan: $89.99 per month (FSBO and expired leads)

  2. Essential Plan: $129.99 per month (adds GeoLeads)

  3. Ultimate Plan: $229.99 per month (all lead types, including pre-foreclosures and FRBOs)

Each plan is like a different size fishing net - pick the one that matches your appetite for leads.

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  • Wide variety of lead types.

  • Accurate and pre-verified leads.

  • Effective lead management and prospecting tools.

  • Strong customer support and training resources.

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  1. Non-exclusive leads: You might be competing with other agents for the same prospects.

  2. Limited integration with other CRMs: Might not play nice with all your existing tools.

  3. Success depends on quick and effective follow-up: You snooze, you lose in this game.


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It leverages advanced algorithms and data analysis to help agents target potential sellers.

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  • Predictive analytics technology

  • Option for exclusive leads.

  • Comprehensive marketing tools.

  • Integrated CRM system.

  • ROOF concierge service with dedicated Inside Sales Agent (ISA).

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  1. Leads: $0.05 per property (targeted area), $0.10 per property (exclusive)

  2. ZIP code leads: $300 per month, $600 for exclusivity

  3. Comprehensive packages: $599 to $899 per month

  4. Pricing is flexible, allowing you to scale your investment with your business growth.

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  • High accuracy in predicting seller leads.

  • Option for exclusive leads.

  • Comprehensive marketing and lead nurturing tools.

  • ISA service for enhanced lead conversion.

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  1. Limited to seller leads: Not ideal if you're focused on buyers.

  2. Higher cost for exclusive leads: Quality comes at a price.

  3. Requires strong follow-up and nurturing strategy: The tool is only as good as the agent using it.


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It leverages a wide range of data points and machine learning algorithms to help agents target potential sellers.

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  • Advanced predictive analytics engine.

  • SmartTargeting automated marketing campaigns.

  • Integration with popular CRM systems.

  • Smart Farming feature for automated follow-up.

  • Reach 150 service for showcasing success and testimonials.

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  1. Basic plans start around $500 per month

  2. Comprehensive packages up to $1,000 per month or more

  3. Typically requires a 12-month contract

It's an investment, but one that could pay off big time if used effectively.

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  • Highly accurate predictive analytics.

  • Automated, multi-channel marketing campaigns.

  • Seamless integration with popular CRMs.

  • Additional services for enhanced lead nurturing.

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  1. Higher cost compared to some other platforms: Quality comes at a price.

  2. Long-term contract requirement: You're in it for the long haul.

  3. May not be as effective for buyer-focused agents: It's all about the sellers here.

Ylopo: Best Place to Buy Leads for Realtors

Ylopo is the premier lead generation platform revolutionizing real estate lead gen.

It's like having a team of expert assistants at your fingertips 24/7, but with a high-tech twist.

Ylopo uses cutting-edge AI to take your real estate business to new heights.

After all, it's not just about finding leads - it's about finding the right leads and nurturing them effectively.
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  1. AI-Powered Lead Generation: Ylopo creates dynamic ads on social media, targeting the most relevant audience. It's like having a lead-hunting bloodhound with a Ph.D. in marketing! Our systems analyze user behavior, preferences, and market trends to create ads that resonate with potential clients. It's not just casting a wide net - it's precision fishing.

  2. Automated Lead Nurturing: Ylopo AI, our AI assistant sends personalized texts and emails to leads. It never sleeps, never takes a vacation, and never asks for a raise! This system keeps your leads warm even when you're off the clock. It's like having a tireless personal assistant dedicated to keeping your pipeline full.

  3. AI Voice: Makes persistent calls, handles objections, and qualifies leads before passing them to you. It's like having a tireless sales team working around the clock. This feature can engage with leads in natural conversation, answering basic questions and gauging interest levels. Only the most promising leads make it to your desk, saving you time and energy.

  4. Comprehensive Marketing and CRM Integration: Create custom, high-converting websites with IDX integration. Ylopo plays nice with popular CRMs like Follow-Up Boss. This seamless integration means you're not juggling multiple systems - everything works together smoothly. Your website becomes a lead-generating machine, capturing visitor information and preferences.

  5. Dynamic Video Ads (DyVa) and remarketing campaigns: Re-engage old leads and keep your brand front and center. It's like having a billboard that follows your leads around the internet! These personalized video ads can showcase properties that match a lead's preferences, keeping them engaged with your brand even if they're not ready to buy immediately.

  6. Brand Building: Ylopo helps you build your brand by creating and promoting custom video ads across various platforms. In today's digital age, a strong online presence is crucial. Ylopo ensures your brand stands out in a crowded market, positioning you as the go-to real estate expert in your area.

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Ylopo's pricing is flexible, based on the number of leads you want to generate each month.

You can scale up or down as needed. This flexibility allows you to adjust your investment based on your current business needs and market conditions.

While specific pricing isn't publicly listed, you can expect to invest a significant amount for access to this powerful AI-driven platform. However, many agents find the ROI justifies the cost.

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  • Advanced AI-driven lead generation and nurturing

  • High-quality, exclusive leads: You're not just getting quantity, but quality leads tailored to your business.

  • Comprehensive tools for marketing, CRM integration, and brand building: It's a one-stop-shop for your real estate marketing needs.

  • Automated follow-up systems that save time and enhance efficiency: Let the AI handle the grunt work while you focus on closing deals.

  • Personalized approach to lead nurturing: Each lead receives customized attention, increasing the chances of conversion.

  • Continuous learning and optimization: The AI system improves over time, learning from successful interactions to refine its approach.


  1. Cost can be high, particularly for smaller agents or those new to the market: It's an investment that might strain tight budgets.

  2. Requires long-term commitment and effective follow-up strategies (but what platform or tactic doesn’t?).

  3. Learning curve: Mastering all of Ylopo's features can take time and effort.

  4. Dependence on technology: While AI is powerful, it's not infallible. You'll need to monitor and adjust as needed.

Ylopo is ideal for real estate pros looking to effectively use modern tools to 2x - 3x their lead generation and nurturing yields.

Our comprehensive suite of tools and focus on high-quality leads make it a valuable investment for agents aiming for long-term growth and efficiency.

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Ylopo has been at the forefront of AI before the ChatGPT boom. Most of our competitors in the space brag about AI tools that are just touched-up versions of LLMs.

Our AI tools are not.

If you're looking for smart, human-like AI systems that tirelessly hunts and nurtures leads, freeing you to focus on building relationships and sealing deals, Ylopo does it better, leagues ahead of everyone else.

But Ylopo goes beyond mere lead generation. We're a comprehensive solution for your real estate business. Here's why we are a cut above the rest:

  1. AI-Powered Precision: Ylopo's artificial intelligence doesn't just find leads - it finds the right leads. By analyzing vast amounts of data, it identifies potential clients who are most likely to convert. This means less time wasted on tire-kickers and more time spent with serious buyers and sellers.

  2. Dynamic Adaptation: The AI doesn't just set and forget. It continuously learns and adapts based on the performance of your campaigns. This means your lead generation efforts become more effective over time, like a fine wine that gets better with age.

  3. Multichannel Approach: Ylopo doesn't put all its eggs in one basket. It uses a variety of channels to reach potential clients, including social media, email, SMS, and even voice calls. This comprehensive approach ensures you're reaching leads wherever they are.

  4. Personalization at Scale: One of the biggest challenges in real estate is providing personalized attention to a large number of leads. Ylopo solves this with its AI-driven personalization. Each lead receives customized content and communication, making them feel valued and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  5. Time-Saving Automation: Time is money in real estate, and Ylopo saves you plenty of both. Its automated systems handle much of the grunt work of lead nurturing, freeing you up to focus on whatyou do best - closing deals.

  6. Brand Building: In today's digital age, your online presence is often a client's first impression of you. Ylopo helps you put your best foot forward with custom websites and compelling video ads that captivate your audience.

  7. Always-On Availability: With Ylopo's AI texting and voice calls, you're always available for clients - even while you sleep! This 24/7 responsiveness can be the difference between winning or losing a client in today's fast-paced market.

  8. Scalability: Whether you're a solo agent or leading a team of real estate rockstars, Ylopo equips you with tools to skyrocket your business. It's designed to grow with you, supporting your business as it expands.

  9. Focus on Quality: While some platforms prioritize quantity over quality, Ylopo strikes a balance. It focuses on delivering high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into success stories.

  10. Continuous Innovation: The real estate market is always evolving, and so is Ylopo. The platform consistently rolls out new features and improvements, ensuring you're always at the cutting edge of lead generation technology.

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Many agents using Ylopo have reported significant increases in their lead conversion rates and overall business growth.

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To recap, let's break it down and compare these lead generation powerhouses side by side. Here's a handy table to help you see how they stack up:

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So, you've got your lead generation platform up and running. Leads are starting to trickle in.

But now what?

Generating leads is just the first step.

To really make the most of your lead generation efforts, you need a solid plan for nurturing and converting those leads into clients.

Here are some expert tips to help you squeeze every ounce of potential from your lead generation efforts:

Leverage Digital Real Estate Directories

First on this list, of course, would be the most popular way to go about this. Digital real estate directories like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Trulia are often the first stop for many buyers and sellers. Here's how to make the most of them:

  • Create a robust profile: Don't skimp on the details. Fill out every section of your profile with care.

  • Consistently post your listings: Keep your profile fresh and active.

  • Take advantage of paid advertising: Consider options, like some of those mentioned above, to boost your visibility.

Remember, these directories are like fishing holes teeming with potential leads. Cast your line wisely!

Get Creative: Think Outside the Lead Gen Box

Successful agents know that cookie-cutter approaches don't cut it in lead generation. It's time to put on your thinking cap and get creative:

  1. Partner with local businesses: Sponsor a local sports team or offer to host a community event.

  2. Host unique events: How about a shred-a-thon or a pet adoption day?

  3. Collaborate with complementary businesses: Team up with home improvement stores or interior designers for co-marketing opportunities.

The key is to think beyond traditional methods. You never know where your next big lead might come from!

Social Media: Your New Best Friend

In today's digital age, if you're not on social media, you're missing out on a goldmine of leads. Here's how to make social media work for you:

  • Be active and engaging: Post regularly about your listings, share helpful tips for buyers and sellers, and interact with your followers.

  • Use paid advertising: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer powerful targeting tools to get your name in front of potential leads.

  • Embrace video content: Video tends to perform better on social media. Use it to showcase your listings and give potential clients a taste of your personality.

Remember, social media is about building relationships. Don't just sell - engage, educate, and entertain!

Open Houses: The Classic Lead Gen Technique with a Modern Twist

Open houses might be old school, but they're still a powerful lead generation tool. Here's how to give this classic technique a modern makeover:

  1. Promote digitally: Use social media and email marketing to spread the word about your open house.

  2. Create eye-catching materials: Design attractive flyers and door hangers to catch people's attention.

  3. Engage attendees: Don't just stand in the corner. Talk to everyone who comes through the door.

  4. Follow up: After the event, reach out to attendees to keep the conversation going.

Open houses are more than just showing a property - they're an opportunity to meet potential clients face-to-face. Make the most of it!

Network, Network, Network

As those in the industry like to say, your network is your net worth. Building relationships with other professionals can lead to a steady stream of referrals. Here's how to network like a pro:

  • Attend local events: Chamber of Commerce meetings, charity events, and industry conferences are great places to meet people.

  • Join professional organizations: Real estate associations and local business groups can provide valuable connections.

  • Reach out directly: Don't be shy about contacting potential referral partners for coffee or lunch.

  • Give to get: Remember, networking is a two-way street. Be willing to refer business to your partners as well.

Building a strong network takes time, but the payoff in referral leads can be huge!

Content is King: Attract Leads with Valuable Information

Content is still king. By creating valuable, informative content, you can attract potential clients to your website and social media profiles. Here's how to make content work for you:

  1. Start a blog: Share your expertise on the local real estate market, the home buying and selling process, and more.

  2. Create downloadable resources: Offer guides, checklists, and eBooks that provide in-depth information on specific topics.

  3. Use various formats: Mix it up with written content, videos, infographics, and podcasts.

  4. Focus on value: Create content that genuinely helps your audience, not just thinly veiled sales pitches.

Remember, the goal is to position yourself as a knowledgeable resource. When people see you as an expert, they're more likely to trust you with their real estate needs.

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One thing is clear: the industry has evolved, and continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

AI-powered platforms like Ylopo are revolutionizing lead generation and nurturing in real estate.

No longer do agents cast wide nets and hope for the best; they now harness cutting-edge technology to target the right leads at the perfect moment.

Yet, these tools aren't magic solutions.

Real estate success still demands hard work, dedication, and relationship-building. Top agents will seamlessly blend AI's power with their unique skills and expertise. 

As AI handles tedious tasks, agents can focus on guiding clients, negotiating deals, and mastering market intricacies.

Staying ahead means constantly adapting to new trends and technologies. The future of real estate is here—embrace it or get left behind.

The most thrilling aspect of this new real estate era is the potential for unmatched personalization and customer service.

With AI-driven insights and round-the-clock availability, agents can offer tailored, attentive service that clients desire.

This could forge deeper trust and loyalty, fostering long-term relationships across multiple transactions. Yet, like any new technology, there will be challenges.

Agents must choose their tools wisely to ensure they provide genuine value while addressing concerns around data privacy and ethical AI use.

Despite these hurdles, the future of real estate lead generation is electrifying. Platforms like Ylopo are pushing boundaries, positioning adaptable agents for remarkable success in this brave new world brimming with endless possibilities.
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