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Follow Up Boss Introduces Automations 2.0: Enhancing Real Estate CRM Capabilities

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You need tools that keep up.

Enter Follow Up Boss, the go-to CRM for real estate pros. They're about to unleash Automations 2.0, and it's a total game-changer.

Real Estate veteran Tiffany Gelzenis covers all the upcoming new features of this update, and how it will flip the script on how you manage leads and grow your business.

Watch her full talk below. 

 Today, let's dive into the exciting features of FUB's Automations 2.0:

  1. Supercharged workflows

  2. Smart lead redistribution

  3. And much more!

The Takeaway:

Follow Up Boss's Automations 2.0 enhances real estate CRM with unified workflows, true-false branching, and improved lead management. It enables personalized follow-ups, streamlines data entry, and smartly redistributes leads based on renewed interest, helping agents save time and potentially close more deals.
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Remember the old days? Follow Up Boss started with basic automation tools like Action Plans.

But they were clunky and scattered. Now, Automations 2.0 changes everything.

It brings all those features together in one smooth, user-friendly system.

You'll breeze through complex tasks that used to give you headaches.

Creating intricate workflows for tricky business problems? It's a walk in the park now.

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Key Features of Automations 2.0

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Say goodbye to fragmented systems. Automations 2.0 introduces a slick visual interface. It merges automations and action plans into one streamlined hub.

The drag-and-drop design is a breeze to use. Building complex sequences? It's never been easier.

Use Case: Need to juggle tags? Forget separate action plans. Now you can weave these actions right into your main workflow. It's simpler and more efficient.

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This clever feature brings "if-this-then-that" logic to your workflows. It opens up a world of personalized, targeted follow-ups based on specific triggers or actions.

Use Case: Create a workflow that tracks how many properties a lead views. If they see more than five, kick off one sequence. Over 25? Time for an urgent follow-up.

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Take control of your email timing with Automations 2.0. Schedule emails for:

  1. The next business day

  2. Specific hours

  3. Custom dates

It's all about boosting your professionalism and readability.

Use Case: Set up follow-up emails to send two days after initial contact, during business hours only. Skip holidays. Watch your open rates soar and your professional image shine.

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Before, you were stuck with day-long delays. Now, Automations 2.0 lets you fine-tune down to the minute. It's perfect for timely follow-ups and actions.

Use Case: Create a workflow that waits 15 minutes after a form submission before sending an automated email. It feels like immediate, personal attention.

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Let your workflows update custom fields based on specific triggers. It's seamless data management at its finest.

Use Case: When a deal stage shifts to "closed," automatically update the buyer's new home purchase date field. It's perfect for future anniversary cards or marketing efforts.

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Automations 2.0 lets you trigger deal creation based on specific actions. It streamlines tracking potential listings without manual input.

Use Case: Set up automatic deal card generation when an appointment outcome is marked as "met." Your listing board updates effortlessly.

Enhanced Web Activity Info and Lead Redistribution

Automations 2.0 is shaking up how we handle existing contacts who show renewed interest. 

It uses beefed-up web activity data to turn lead management into a dynamic, responsive system.

Here's the magic:

When a contact in your database makes a new inquiry (like through Realtor.com), Automations 2.0 treats it as a fresh lead opportunity.

It grabs new source info and tags without messing with the original data.

This kicks off a redistribution workflow, assigning the lead to an agent or team as if it were brand new.

Why it's a big deal:

  • Catches valuable opportunities that might have slipped through the cracks

  • Enables quick follow-up on renewed interest from past clients

  • Facilitates smarter lead routing based on the latest info

Let's paint a picture: A past client asks about a listing on Realtor.com. Instead of going unnoticed, Automations 2.0 springs into action:

  1. Spots the inquiry from an existing contact

  2. Creates a new opportunity with current source details and tags

  3. Assigns this opportunity based on preset rules

  4. Changes the contact's stage to "active lead"

  5. Triggers immediate follow-up actions

Don't let another chance slip away. Treat every inquiry with urgency and precision using Automations 2.0!

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Automations 2.0 is packed with features, but their true power lies in how you use them. Here's how to make the most of this tool:

Streamline Follow-ups

Craft seamless follow-up sequences with emails, tasks, and lead stage changes. Set precise time delays for a natural flow.

Personalize Journeys

Use true-false branching to tailor experiences based on client actions or traits. It's ideal for first-time buyers, luxury clients, or investors.

Boost Team Efficiency

Automate data entry with deal creation and custom field updates. Let your team focus on high-value client interactions.

Enhance Lead Distribution

Leverage enhanced web activity info to smartly route leads. Make sure every inquiry reaches the right agent promptly.

Re-engage Your Database

Reignite interest from old leads and past clients. Use targeted workflows that tap into renewed engagement.

Perfect Communication Timing

Use advanced email scheduling to send messages at optimal times. Watch your open rates and engagement levels soar.

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Unlock the full potential of Automations 2.0 with these best practices:

  1. Start Simple: Don't dive into complex workflows right away. Begin with straightforward automations. Add complexity as you gain confidence.

  2. Test and Refine: Keep an eye on your automation performance. Tweak based on metrics like email open rates, response rates, and conversions.

  3. Personalize: Use custom fields and branching logic to craft personalized communications. Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach.

  4. Balance Automation with Personal Touch: Automations 2.0 is powerful, but remember: real estate thrives on relationships. Use automation to enhance—not replace—personal interactions.

  5. Maintain a Clean Database: Regularly update your database. Keep your information accurate and up-to-date. It's key to keeping your automations effective.

  6. Document Your Workflows: As your automations grow more complex, document them carefully. It makes troubleshooting easier and helps you share successful strategies with your team.

The Future of Real Estate Automation

Automations 2.0 is a big leap forward in real estate CRM, but it's just the beginning. As technology marches on, expect even more groundbreaking features like:

  • AI-driven lead scoring and prioritization

  • Enhanced predictive analytics to spot potential buyers or sellers

  • Smart home tech integration for timely follow-ups (e.g., messaging when a lead returns home)

  • Voice-activated CRM updates

Real estate pros who master Automations 2.0 will be ready to excel as these innovations unfold.

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Automation is changing the real estate game, but Ylopo takes it to a whole new level. High-quality seller leads flow straight into your CRM. AI manages your texts and calls. With Ylopo's cutting-edge tools, you can:

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Stay ahead in today's fast-moving market. Don't miss out! Book your free Ylopo demo now. Watch their technology boost your business. The future of real estate is here—are you ready to jump in?

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