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Essential Open House Tips for Agents

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But many agents miss out on their full potential.

Kyle Draper, who leads the Serene team at EXP Realty near Los Angeles, has cracked the code.

He's turned open houses into lead-generating powerhouses. And in our most recent Success Summit at Austin, he laid all of his secrets down on the table.

Watch his full presentation below.

Today, we’re diving deeper into Kyle's top tricks for upping your open house game and standing out in a crowded market.

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The Bottom Line:

Impress buyers with a staged property, warm welcome, and expert knowledge. Market well and consider weekdays for serious shoppers. Follow up to convert leads into clients.
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Kyle's team has hit it big with their open house focus:

  • 19 homes sold from open houses in just one year

  • $4.5 million in pending deals

  • Over 700 open house leads generated

These numbers show what's possible when you get strategic with open houses.

Now, let's break down the key parts of Kyle's "next-level approach" that sets his team apart from the pack.

Old School vs. New School

Many agents just wing it with open houses.

They show up at the last minute, use paper sign-in sheets, and only follow up with the most talkative visitors.

This can work okay, but it leaves potential leads and commissions on the table.

The new school approach includes:

  1. Heavy marketing before the event

  2. Smart tech for grabbing leads and following up

  3. Becoming a neighborhood guru

  4. Engaging all visitors, not just the talkers

  5. Showing off "secret" listings

Use these advanced tricks and you'll get way more bang for your open house buck and leave other agents in the dust.

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A key part of Kyle's open house strategy is "circle prospecting" – marketing to homes in the neighborhood near the open house.

Here's how to do it successfully.

Target at least 40 nearby houses

  • 10 to the left of the property

  • 10 to the right of the property

  • 20 across the street

Create a special open house flyer

  1. Include key event details like date, time, and property info

  2. Add a QR code linked to your seller lead capture system

  3. Leave out the listing price to spark curiosity

Do two rounds of flyer distribution

  • Early in the week (like on Thursday)

  • The morning of the open house event

Go the extra mile with your outreach

  • Find For Sale By Owner (FSBO) and expired listings in the area

  • Use a smart, helpful script when you reach out:

"Hey there! I'm [Name] with [Team/Brokerage]. Your neighbors down the street at [Address] are having an open house this weekend. We're expecting a lot of buyer traffic through the neighborhood. I wanted to introduce myself in case there are any issues with parking – just give me a call if you need anything.

By the way, we think this listing may get multiple offers. That means there could be pre-approved buyers who really want to move to this neighborhood but miss out on this house. Would you maybe consider a no-pressure, off-market showing to see if your home might be a good fit for one of these eager buyers?"

This approach helps you come across as a helpful and savvy neighborhood real estate agent, increasing your chances of engaging potential sellers.

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One of Kyle's secret weapons is Ylopo's Open House Tool.

This digital wonder streamlines lead capture and follow-up, giving you a major edge.

Check out these cool features:

  1. QR Code Sign-In: Visitors scan a code to enter their info. No more messy paper sheets!

  2. Instant CRM Upload: Leads go straight into your database under the right agent.

  3. Auto Follow-Up: A smart action plan kicks off, including:

    • A welcome email with helpful stuff (like first-time buyer guides)

    • A custom property drip based on the open house listing

This system nurtures leads you might've missed.

Kyle shared a story about a visitor who seemed uninterested.

Thanks to the automated drip, they reached out two weeks later about a suggested listing and quickly went under contract!

Setting up the open house tool is a breeze:

  1. Go to your branded website/open-tool or /tools

  2. Pick the right agent from the dropdown

  3. Type in the property's MLS number

This takes seconds but can lead to big results down the road.

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Want to stand out at open houses?

You've got to know your stuff inside and out.

Let's dive into how you can become the go-to expert that buyers trust.

Know It Like You Own It

First things first - you need to eat, sleep, and breathe the property you're showing.

Here's your game plan:

  1. Memorize the basics: square footage, lot size, build year, recent upgrades.

  2. Pinpoint what makes this place special.

  3. Dig into potential red flags: busy streets, upcoming construction, you name it.

Don't just skim the surface.

Dig deep.

When a buyer asks about the water heater's age or the attic insulation, you'll want that info at your fingertips.

Crunch Those Numbers

Buyers care about the bottom line.

Be ready with the listing price and price per square foot.

Know recent sales of similar properties.

Have property tax details on hand.

For condos or HOAs, understand monthly dues, what they cover, reserve fund health, and any surprise fees lurking around the corner.

Pro tip: Create a cheat sheet with these figures. Quick glances beat fumbling through papers any day.

Stay in the Loop

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to offers.

  • Keep tabs on offer deadlines.

  • Know about any bids already on the table.

  • Understand seller preferences or quirks.

  • Be aware of unusual terms or contingencies.

Become a Local Expert

Your job isn't just about the house - it's about selling the lifestyle.

  1. Get the scoop on schools: ratings, specialties, and hidden gems.

  2. Know about parks and recreation, from dog parks to hiking trails.

  3. Familiarize yourself with shopping and dining options, including local hotspots and hidden treasures.

  4. Understand the community vibe: events, projects, and what makes this area tick.

  5. Take a stroll around the block.

  6. Chat with neighbors.

The more you know, the more confident you'll be singing the area's praises.

Anticipate and Prepare

Every property has its quirks.

  • Be ready for the tough questions.

  • For condos, know HOA rules, rental restrictions, and pet policies.

  • Understand utility costs and internet options (because who doesn't need fast Wi-Fi?).

  • Know about cell service quality (no one wants to live in a dead zone).

  • Be prepared to discuss neighbor relations and noise levels.

  • Understand the parking situation, especially crucial in busy areas.

  • Think like a buyer. What would you want to know if you were moving in?

Nail these details and you'll field questions with ease.

No more "let me get back to you on that" - you'll have answers ready to roll. And this confidence is magnetic.

It shows buyers you're not just another agent, but a true real estate pro they can trust.

Remember, open houses aren't just about showcasing a property.

They're your chance to showcase yourself.

So study up, stay sharp, and get ready to impress.

Your next big sale might walk through that door any minute!

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Beyond the Chatty Cathys

A common mistake is focusing only on the most talkative open house visitors.

While these folks might seem like hot leads, they're often friendly with every agent they meet.

Try these tricks to connect with all attendees to max out your open house ROI.

  • Watch Body Language: Pay attention to facial expressions and posture to gauge interest, even from quiet visitors.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Get people talking with questions like, "What features are you looking for in a home?" or "How does this place stack up against others you've seen?"

  • Share Insider Info: Offer tidbits about the neighborhood, market trends, or upcoming developments to spark interest.

  • Use Visual Aids: Have market reports, neighborhood guides, or property comparison sheets handy for those who like to absorb info on their own.

  • Give Space When Needed: If someone clearly wants to look around solo, let them be, but stay available for questions.

  • Smart Follow-Up: Use your open house tool's automated systems to nurture all leads, not just the chatty ones.

Remember, the goal isn't necessarily to sell this specific house.

You want to position yourself as the go-to resource for any real estate needs.

The Off-Market Inventory Binder

One of Kyle's coolest ideas is using an "Off-Market Listings" binder as a conversation starter at open houses.

Here's how to make it work.

  1. First off, you'll want to kick off a weekly treasure hunt. Get someone on your team to dig up local properties that aren't officially listed but might be up for grabs. This is your gold mine of information.

  2. Next, it's time to dress up your binder. Create something that screams "exclusive info inside!" Label it with a catchy title like "Off-Market Listings - Internal Use Only." This will pique interest right away.

  3. Now, think about strategic placement. Put your binder where folks can spot it, but don't make a fuss about it right away. Let curiosity do its thing. You'll be amazed at how many people will ask about it.

  4. When visitors inevitably inquire, use it as a conversation kickstarter. Find out if they're only looking at on-market properties or if they're open to some hidden gems. This is your chance to showcase your insider knowledge.

  5. Don't forget to highlight the goodies. Explain why off-market properties can be a goldmine. Less competition and unique opportunities are just the start - you can really show off your expertise here.

  6. Finally, consider the buyer's agent bonus. If visitors are working with other agents, ask if their agent is showing them off-market inventory too. This might just give you an edge!

This simple prop can transform you into a well-connected local expert with access to secret real estate opportunities.

It's like having a magic wand in the form of a binder!

Making the Most of Open House Day

While prep is key, how you handle the actual event can make or break your success.

First things first: be an early bird. Show up with plenty of time to spare. You'll want to set up, review your materials, and get in the zone before visitors start arriving.

Setting the mood is crucial.

Make the place feel welcoming. Clean, bright, and comfy is the name of the game.

Maybe throw in some light snacks or subtle scents to create a homey vibe.

You want visitors to feel instantly at ease.

Next, don't forget to tool up.

Have property info sheets, neighborhood guides, and business cards at the ready. You want to be prepared for any question that comes your way. 

The more information you can provide, the more professional you'll appear.

Tech can be your best friend at an open house.

Keep a tablet or laptop handy.

It's great for quick info lookups or scheduling follow-ups on the spot. This shows you're efficient and on top of your game.

Flexibility is key, so be ready to roll.

If you're working with a partner, be prepared to leave the open house to show interested buyers other properties nearby.

This kind of adaptability can really impress potential clients.

Don't miss out on valuable feedback.

Ask visitors what they think of the property. Their answers can help you gauge interest and tailor your follow-up.

It's all about understanding their needs and preferences.

Lastly, focus on next steps.

Before folks leave, try to nail down a concrete next action.

Maybe it's showing another property or setting up a buyer consultation. This keeps the momentum going and shows you're proactive.

Follow-Up Strategies for Long-Term Wins

The work doesn't stop when the open house ends.

Use these follow-up tricks to boost your conversion rates:

  1. Quick Personal Outreach: Contact the most promising leads within 24 hours with a personalized message or call.

  2. Use Your Auto-Systems: Make sure your CRM is set up to nurture leads with relevant content and property suggestions.

  3. Provide Value: Share market reports, neighborhood guides, or other helpful resources to stay on people's radar.

  4. Don't Give Up: Don't quit after one or two tries. Develop a long-term nurture plan for leads that don't respond right away.

  5. Track What Works: Keep an eye on which strategies get the best results and keep refining your approach.

  6. Ask for Referrals: As you build relationships with open house visitors, don't forget to ask if they know anyone else looking to buy or sell.

Prepping the Property for Maximum Impact

Getting the house ready is crucial for a killer open house.

Here are some tips to make the place shine.

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  • Give the property a top-to-bottom scrub.

  • Wash windows, scrub floors, and dust every nook and cranny.

  • Pay extra attention to kitchens and bathrooms – these can make or break a buyer's impression.

  • Work with the homeowner to declutter.

  • Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a spacious, neutral vibe.

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  • A well-staged home helps buyers see the potential and connect emotionally with the space.

  • Consider hiring a pro stager or work with the homeowner to rearrange furniture, add tasteful decorative touches, and create a cohesive look throughout the house

  • Remember, the goal is to highlight the property's best features while appealing to a wide range of tastes.

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  • Don't underestimate the power of a great first impression.

  • Make sure the lawn is mowed and hedges are trimmed.

  • Tidy up any outdoor spaces.

  • Add some potted plants or hanging baskets to create a welcoming entrance.

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  • Engage the senses to make the open house memorable.

  • Open windows before the event to let fresh air circulate and get rid of any funky smells.

  • Use subtle, pleasant scents like vanilla or citrus to create a warm vibe.

  • Play soft, neutral music in the background to set a relaxing tone and make visitors feel at ease.

Taking the time to prep the property right allows you to set the stage for an open house that leaves a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Leveling Up Your Open House Game

By using these advanced open house strategies, you can turn simple showings into lead-generating machines.

Key things to remember:

  1. Thorough prep and neighborhood outreach

  2. Using tech for smooth lead capture and follow-up

  3. Becoming the go-to neighborhood expert

  4. Engaging all visitors, not just the chatty ones

  5. Using cool props like the off-market inventory binder

  6. Maximizing day-of opportunities with smart tactics

  7. Implementing a solid follow-up system

Sure, these techniques take more effort than the usual approach.

But the potential payoff is huge.

Standing out from other agents and consistently delivering value to prospects positions you to turn your open houses into a steady stream of closed deals and referrals.

Remember, the big goal isn't just to sell one house.

It's to establish yourself as the real estate guru in your market.

With persistence, prep, and the right open house strategies, you can make open houses the cornerstone of your thriving real estate business.

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Ylopo's open house tool is just the tip of the iceberg.

Our AI-powered platform takes your lead gen and nurturing to new heights, way beyond just open houses.

Think of it like having a tireless virtual assistant working 24/7 to engage leads, freeing you up to build relationships.

From smart lead capture to personalized follow-ups across multiple channels, Ylopo helps you stay connected with potential clients every step of the way.

Ready to see how our full suite of tools can transform your entire real estate business?

Book a free demo today and discover how Ylopo can turn every opportunity into closed deals!

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