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Integrity: A Ylopo Core Value and The Key To Being A Successful Remote Worker

Integrity in the workplace is important because it is one of the key foundations of good and lasting relationships. It fosters a positive and transparent workplace culture and guides people towards good decision making. 

Would you want to involve yourself with a firm or business who is dishonest with their clients and employees? At Ylopo, we see to it that integrity is one of our core values: a moral compass that guides our decisions and actions despite any challenges in our industry. We hold the same principle for our contractors as well — their integrity is crucial to help the company thrive and for our clients to be more than satisfied. 

And because it comes in many forms, we believe integrity is...

Your integrity as a remote worker will show by doing the right thing, even though no one is watching you. There may be no HR, no boss or manager who is lurking behind you and supervising your every move, but you must be committed to working just as hard and be counted to doing your best. This includes avoiding using the company’s equipment and resources for your personal use, striving to complete your task before deadlines, and showing enthusiasm for your work. When you’re doing the right thing, there’s no reason for your manager or colleagues to question your conduct because you can prove that you always behave in honorable ways.

Being a person with integrity means you let your actions speak for who you are and what you believe in. Don’t be that someone who’s saying one thing, but their actions are saying something else. Be consistent with your thoughts, your words, and your actions, especially when dealing with any issues or problems at work.

Knowing what values are important to you as a person and as an employee will help you when making decisions, especially during challenging situations. And sometimes, when the choice isn’t easy, your values are far more important than your capabilities. Integrity is about standing firmly to what you believe is right, even if everyone else is on the wrong side or doing something different.

We all make mistakes from time to time, and it’s especially common at work. If you’re part of a team that’s working remotely, even though your colleagues are not physically with you, remember that anything you do could influence everyone’s performance and output. When you made a mistake, you have to make yourself accountable for your shortcomings. Don’t pass the blame on someone else, and focus instead on being solution-oriented. You must be willing to correct your mistakes and learn from them. If you’re honest and open to constructive feedback despite your fault, it will show that you’re truly committed to your work and you take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. 

Integrity isn’t just about honesty and trust; it’s also about respecting others. Even if you don’t agree with someone else’s beliefs and opinion, it’s important to listen tentatively and remain respectful towards the other person. Practice and encourage open and honest communication especially at your workplace. This is why employees with integrity shine, no matter where they are in the workplace. They don’t underestimate their fellow workers, and you can always count on them to remain truthful. And with constant communication, integrity helps build positivity, trust, and effective interpersonal relationships even among remote co-workers.

But more than anything else, we believe that integrity is a choice that we consistently have to make.