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Does Realtor.com Generate Leads?

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Realtor.com: Your Gateway to Ready Buyers

Realtor.com is in the business of connecting agents with folks who are serious about buying.

Barry Jenkins, the Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, breaks it down for us:

"Yes, Realtor.com does sell leads. Typically, it's a home buyer that has picked out a house and has said, I want to get more information about 123 Smith Street."

Why These Leads Are Gold

We all know leads can be hit or miss.

But Realtor.com? They're serving up legit stuff.

Barry puts it this way:

"Instead of a 15 or a $20 lead from Google that doesn't know what they want yet, and having to navigate that with them, you could get a lead that's maybe $400 or $500 from Realtor.com and they've already picked out a house."

Sure, you're shelling out more per lead, but think about it - these folks are ready to roll.

They've done their homework and are itching to make a move.

That's the kind of lead we dream about, right?

Playing the Game Right

Now, don't get us wrong - Realtor.com leads aren't a guaranteed slam dunk.

Barry gives us the lowdown:

"Depending on the type of plan you have with Realtor.com, you might be the only agent that gets the lead or there might be more than one subscriber that gets the lead."

So how do we stand out?

Here's our playbook:

  • Be lightning-fast with responses

  • Show up and show that property ASAP

  • Bring your A-game to outshine the competition

"You just have to basically be really quick on the draw, call back quickly. You've got to be ready to show the home quickly. You've got to be able to compete when other agents come along because by the time the person becomes transaction ready, they're posting on social, hey, does anybody know an agent?"

Wrapping It Up

Realtor.com is dishing out some primo leads, folks.

Barry Jenkins nails it:

"There are a lot of people across the country that all they buy is Realtor.com leads and they do really well. And that's because the consumer is typically transaction ready."

We've got to stay sharp, use our tech smarts, and really zero in on what makes us special.

The real estate game is always changing, so we've got to keep our ears to the ground and adapt.

At the end of the day, it's all about being on your toes and putting the client first.

If we can do that with Realtor.com leads, we're setting ourselves up for some serious success.

"As long as you can navigate that well, you know, you're going to get a lot of ROI."

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