Does Generate Leads?


Does Generate Leads?


In A Nutshell: serves up high-quality, transaction-ready leads that, while pricier, offer real estate agents a golden opportunity to close deals faster—provided they're quick on the draw, ready to hustle, and prepared to outshine the competition in a high-stakes game. Your Gateway to Ready Buyers is in the business of connecting agents with folks who are serious about buying.

Barry Jenkins, the Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, breaks it down for us:

"Yes, does sell leads. Typically, it's a home buyer that has picked out a house and has said, I want to get more information about 123 Smith Street."

Why These Leads Are Gold

We all know leads can be hit or miss.

But They're serving up legit stuff.

Barry puts it this way:

"Instead of a 15 or a $20 lead from Google that doesn't know what they want yet, and having to navigate that with them, you could get a lead that's maybe $400 or $500 from and they've already picked out a house."

Sure, you're shelling out more per lead, but think about it - these folks are ready to roll.

They've done their homework and are itching to make a move.

That's the kind of lead we dream about, right?

Playing the Game Right

Now, don't get us wrong - leads aren't a guaranteed slam dunk.

Barry gives us the lowdown:

"Depending on the type of plan you have with, you might be the only agent that gets the lead or there might be more than one subscriber that gets the lead."

So how do we stand out?

Here's our playbook:

  • Be lightning-fast with responses

  • Show up and show that property ASAP

  • Bring your A-game to outshine the competition

"You just have to basically be really quick on the draw, call back quickly. You've got to be ready to show the home quickly. You've got to be able to compete when other agents come along because by the time the person becomes transaction ready, they're posting on social, hey, does anybody know an agent?"


Wrapping It Up is dishing out some primo leads, folks.

Barry Jenkins nails it:

"There are a lot of people across the country that all they buy is leads and they do really well. And that's because the consumer is typically transaction ready."

We've got to stay sharp, use our tech smarts, and really zero in on what makes us special.

The real estate game is always changing, so we've got to keep our ears to the ground and adapt.

At the end of the day, it's all about being on your toes and putting the client first.

If we can do that with leads, we're setting ourselves up for some serious success.

"As long as you can navigate that well, you know, you're going to get a lot of ROI."

  • As I mentioned earlier, the ability to attract and convert potential clients is crucial in the highly competitive world of real estate. has proven to be a valuable resource for realtors looking to boost their lead generation efforts, offering a wealth of insights and tools.

    In this section, we'll delve deeper into effective strategies for generating leads and provide practical tips to help real estate professionals succeed.

    Attracting the Right Clients

    Here's the thing: it's not just about getting a ton of leads.

    You want to connect with folks who actually need your services.

    Understanding how to attract the right clients is crucial for building a business that'll last.'s Lead Generation Strategies's got some pretty slick ways to help agents connect with potential clients:

    • SEO magic: They're all about ranking high for those real estate search terms. This brings in people who are actively looking for real estate services online.

    • Targeted ads: They use PPC advertising to reach specific audiences. This drives qualified traffic to listings and landing pages, giving agents leads that are more likely to convert.

    • Email campaigns that work: Regular emails with new listings, market insights, and real estate tips keep potential clients engaged and nurture those relationships.

    • Content that educates: They create articles, videos, and infographics that position them as a go-to resource in real estate.

    This attracts a diverse audience and builds trust.

    Generate Your Own Leads: Beyond offers valuable opportunities for high-quality lead generation, but expanding your strategies can significantly boost your potential client pool. Implementing your own lead generation techniques empowers you to drive business growth and reduce dependence on external platforms. Here are effective methods to generate leads independently of

    1. Creating a lead magnet to attract potential clients 

    Craft an enticing lead magnet, such as a free guide, e-book, or checklist, addressing common challenges or questions your target audience faces. Consider developing a guide like "Crucial Errors to Sidestep When Purchasing a Home" or "Comprehensive Checklist for Prepping Your Property for Sale." Offering valuable content in exchange for contact details allows you to draw in potential clients and expand your email list.

    2. Utilizing landing pages to capture contact information 

    Design specific landing pages on your website focused on collecting contact information from interested prospects. These pages should feature a clear value proposition, persuasive copy, and a compelling call-to-action (CTA) encouraging visitors to share their name, email address, and phone number. Optimize your landing pages for search engines to attract organic traffic and consider leveraging paid advertising to reach specific demographics and boost visibility.

    3. Developing a newsletter to nurture leads over time 

    After obtaining contact information from potential clients, it's crucial to cultivate those leads consistently. Create a newsletter providing valuable content, industry updates, and insights to maintain audience engagement and keep them informed. Employ email marketing software to automate your newsletter campaigns and segment your audience based on their interests and behaviors. Delivering relevant content regularly builds trust, showcases your expertise, and keeps your brand at the forefront when leads are prepared to make a move.

    4. Hosting webinars or virtual open houses to generate interest 

    In addition to's listings, consider organizing your own webinars or virtual open houses to spark interest and capture leads. These online events allow you to demonstrate your expertise, offer valuable information, and interact with potential clients in a more intimate setting. Promote your webinars through social media, email marketing, and your website, requiring attendees to register with their contact information to access the event. Follow up with participants after the webinar to nurture those relationships and guide them closer to a transaction.

    Implementing these lead generation strategies alongside your efforts allows you to diversify your lead sources, construct a strong pipeline of potential clients, and take charge of your business growth. Consistently track and analyze your results, refine your strategies based on data, and prioritize providing value to your audience. With a proactive and multifaceted approach to lead generation, you'll be well-positioned to thrive in the competitive real estate market.

    Breaking Down Lead Generation Methods

    Let's compare some popular lead generation techniques:


    • Pros: Cost-effective, builds credibility, long-term results

    • Cons: Takes time, needs ongoing effort

    • Best for: Established agents wanting to boost online presence


    • Pros: Quick results, targeted campaigns, measurable outcomes

    • Cons: Can be expensive, needs careful management

    • Best for: Agents needing fast lead generation and willing to invest

    Email marketing:

    • Pros: Direct communication, cost-effective, builds relationships

    • Cons: Can be seen as spam if done poorly, needs quality content

    • Best for: Agents with an existing client database

    Social media marketing:

    • Pros: Wide reach, builds brand awareness, targeted ads

    • Cons: Time-consuming, needs consistent content

    • Best for: Agents wanting to connect with younger audiences

    Networking events:

    • Pros: Personal connections, immediate feedback, local engagement

    • Cons: Time-intensive, results vary

    • Best for: New agents building local relationships

    Content Marketing: A Powerful Lead Generation Tool

    Content marketing has become a revolutionary approach for generating high-quality leads in the real estate industry.

    Real estate agents can attract, engage, and nurture leads throughout the buyer's journey when they create valuable, informative content that resonates with potential clients.

    Leveraging's Resources offers a treasure trove of resources to support your content marketing efforts.

    Their blog features expert insights, industry trends, and helpful guides on various real estate topics.

    You can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy professional when you leverage these resources and share them with your audience.

    Plus, provides exclusive access to market data, which you can use to create compelling infographics, videos, and other visual content.

    This data-driven approach helps you stand out from competitors and provides valuable insights to potential clients.

    Nurturing Leads with Targeted Content

    Once you've attracted potential clients to your website, it's crucial to nurture those leads with targeted content.

    You can deliver personalized content that addresses their specific needs and concerns through audience segmentation based on interests, preferences, and stage in the buyer's journey.

    Consider creating a series of automated email campaigns that provide valuable information, such as neighborhood guides, home buying tips, and market updates.

    Consistently delivering relevant content helps build trust, establish your expertise, and guide potential clients towards a successful transaction.

    Wrapping It Up

    Effective lead generation is crucial in this competitive real estate market.

    Use the strategies and tools from platforms like, and implement proven techniques to attract and convert potential clients.

    Whether you focus on SEO, PPC, email marketing, community engagement, or a mix, stay flexible and responsive to changes in the industry.

    Stay informed, track your results, and prioritize building relationships to create a steady stream of leads that'll keep your business growing for years.

    Remember, getting the right clients is just the start.

    It's the relationships you build and the exceptional service you provide that'll set you apart in this dynamic industry.

  • BARRY:

    "Yes, does sell leads.

    Typically, it's a home buyer that has picked out a house and has said, I want to get more information about 123 Smith Street.

    And depending on the type of plan you have with, you might be the only agent that gets the lead or there might be more than one subscriber that gets the lead.

    And so you got to talk to about how that works.

    The cost per lead is going to be more.

    So I don't have the exact figure, but instead of a 15 or a $20 lead from Google that doesn't know what they want yet, and having to navigate that with them, you could get a lead that's maybe $400 or $500 from and they've already picked out a house.

    Now you might have some competition with another agent because they might send that lead to more than one person.

    But there are a lot of people across the country that all they buy is leads and they do really well.

    And that's because the consumer is typically transaction ready.

    You just have to basically be really quick on the draw, call back quickly.

    You've got to be ready to show the home quickly.

    You've got to be able to compete when other agents come along because by the time the person becomes transaction ready, they're posting on social, hey, does anybody know an agent?

    Like, so it's just a lot more pressure.

    But as long as you can navigate that well, you know, you're going to get a lot of ROI." 


Barry Jenkins

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Head Realtor in Residence at Ylopo