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What are Some Examples of Lead Nurturing?

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Key Elements of Effective Real Estate Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is very important for turning potential customers into loyal clients in competitive real estate markets.

It's about nurturing relationships and providing value throughout the buyer's journey.

Barry Jenkins, our Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, identifies four essential elements for successful lead nurturing today:

  1. Compelling email content

  2. Dynamic remarketing

  3. AI-powered text messaging

  4. AI-assisted phone outreach

The Power of Valuable Email Content

Barry stresses, "Email content is extremely valuable. It's very punchy, written really short and just value based."

With so much information out there, making attention-grabbing, valuable emails is key.

Effective lead nurturing emails should be short, engaging, and relevant to what recipients are interested in and need.

To increase the impact of your email nurturing campaigns, think about using these strategies:

  • Segment your email list based on lead actions, preferences, and buyer journey stage. This allows you to send highly targeted content that resonates.

  • Use personalized fields to customize email subject lines and content with recipient names, locations, or other relevant details. Personalized emails increase open rates by 26% and click-through rates by 14% compared to generic ones.

  • Add interactive things like polls, surveys, or quizzes to engage leads and learn more about what they need. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content.

Make sure emails look good on mobile, as 66% of email opens happen on smartphones or tablets. 

Use responsive templates, keep subject lines short, and put important information and buttons at the top.

The Rise of Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic remarketing is a powerful lead nurturing technique that involves showing targeted ads to leads who've engaged with your website or content.

Barry notes, "Having dynamic remarketing, keeping your database and your leads on your website, searching for homes because your marketing platform is running ads, them very effective, very, very helpful."

Here are best practices for using dynamic remarketing in your lead nurturing strategy:

  1. Add a tracking pixel to your website to collect data on lead actions and interests. Use this to make targeted remarketing campaigns.

  2. Use a marketing platform that works with your CRM to automatically sync lead data and trigger remarketing ads based on specific actions or criteria.

  3. Design dynamic ad templates that automatically include relevant listings, images, and calls-to-action based on each lead's search actions and preferences.

  4. Set frequency caps to prevent ad fatigue. Aim for 3-5 impressions per lead per week.

AI-Powered Text Messaging: The Future of Lead Engagement

Barry highlights, "Having AI sending text messages when they engage your website is also valuable."

AI-powered text messaging platforms can automate personalized, timely outreach to leads based on their actions and stage in the buying process.

Think about these tips for using AI-powered text messaging in your lead nurturing efforts:

  • Use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze lead responses and provide relevant replies in real-time. Advanced AI platforms can understand complex questions, have human-like conversations, and detect emotions.

  • Connect your AI messaging platform with your CRM to track lead interactions, preferences, and sales funnel stage. Use this data to start targeted nurturing campaigns across multiple channels.

  • Mix AI-powered messaging with human interaction for high-value leads or complex situations. Set up alerts for leads reaching certain engagement levels or requesting specific actions, like scheduling viewings or receiving market analyses.

  • Make sure you follow SMS regulations like the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) by getting clear written permission before sending text messages. Include clear opt-out instructions in every message.

AI-Assisted Phone Outreach: Enhancing the Human Touch

While AI can automate many parts of lead nurturing, human interaction is still crucial for building trust and closing deals.

Barry explains, "Having AI call your database and just checking in similar to how your assistant would do it. So in the same way, your assistant would call your past clients and say, Hey, just letting you know, we're thinking about you. Barry asked me to give you a call. You can have AI do those things."

Here's how to effectively combine AI-assisted phone outreach with human interaction:

  • Use AI for initial lead contact, gathering information about needs and preferences, and figuring out how ready they are to engage. AI can handle routine tasks like scheduling appointments, freeing up your team to focus on high-value interactions.

  • Apply AI-powered call analytics to transcribe and analyze phone conversations in real-time. This helps identify key topics, emotions, and objections, and provides personalized coaching to your agents.

  • Use insights from AI to personalize follow-up conversations and tailor your pitch to each lead's unique situation.

Barry advises, "You call them and say, I was thinking about you. How you bet. And then you, you discuss their real estate needs. You ask them open ended questions."

  • Create a lead scoring system that prioritizes leads based on engagement level, readiness to buy, and fit with your target market. Focus human outreach on high-value leads while nurturing others through automated campaigns.

Measuring and Optimizing Lead Nurturing Performance

To continuously improve lead nurturing results, track key metrics and optimize strategies using data-driven insights.

Barry emphasizes, "If you have all of that working, all of those things and your CRM is a dashboard of showing you activity when anything happens, anybody engages any of that activity, that's when you pick up the phone."

Consider tracking these metrics to see how well your lead nurturing is working:

  • Email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates

  • Remarketing ad impressions, clicks, and conversions

  • AI-powered text messaging response rates and engagement levels

  • Phone outreach connect rates, conversation length, and conversion rates

  • Overall lead-to-client conversion rate and customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Use these metrics to identify areas for improvement and test new strategies through A/B and multivariate testing.

Continuously refine your lead nurturing approach based on data-driven insights to maximize return on investment (ROI) and drive long-term growth.

Putting It All Together

Successful lead nurturing needs a multi-faceted approach combining valuable content, dynamic remarketing, AI-powered messaging, and human outreach.

Using the strategies and best practices outlined by our industry expert Barry Jenkins allows real estate professionals to effectively build relationships, establish trust, and convert more leads into loyal customers.

As real estate continues to change, staying ahead with new lead nurturing techniques is essential for long-term success.

Using AI and automation while preserving human interaction allows realtors to deliver seamless, personalized experiences that set them apart in a competitive market.

A data-driven, customer-focused approach to lead nurturing helps real estate professionals find new opportunities, drive sustainable growth, and succeed in the digital age.

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