What are Some Examples of Lead Nurturing?


What are Some Examples of Lead Nurturing?

In A Nutshell:

Lead nurturing is crucial for building and maintaining relationships with potential clients. Most online leads only convert into deals around 5% of the time in the first year so you must have a system and process to nurture the other 95%.


Key Elements of Effective Real Estate Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is very important for turning potential customers into loyal clients in competitive real estate markets.

It's about nurturing relationships and providing value throughout the buyer's journey.

Barry Jenkins, our Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, identifies four essential elements for successful lead nurturing today:

  1. Compelling email content

  2. Dynamic remarketing

  3. AI-powered text messaging

  4. AI-assisted phone outreach

The Power of Valuable Email Content

Barry stresses, "Email content is extremely valuable. It's very punchy, written really short and just value based."

With so much information out there, making attention-grabbing, valuable emails is key.

Effective lead nurturing emails should be short, engaging, and relevant to what recipients are interested in and need.

To increase the impact of your email nurturing campaigns, think about using these strategies:

  • Segment your email list based on lead actions, preferences, and buyer journey stage. This allows you to send highly targeted content that resonates.

  • Use personalized fields to customize email subject lines and content with recipient names, locations, or other relevant details. Personalized emails increase open rates by 26% and click-through rates by 14% compared to generic ones.

  • Add interactive things like polls, surveys, or quizzes to engage leads and learn more about what they need. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content.

Make sure emails look good on mobile, as 66% of email opens happen on smartphones or tablets. 

Use responsive templates, keep subject lines short, and put important information and buttons at the top.

The Rise of Dynamic Remarketing

Dynamic remarketing is a powerful lead nurturing technique that involves showing targeted ads to leads who've engaged with your website or content.

Barry notes, "Having dynamic remarketing, keeping your database and your leads on your website, searching for homes because your marketing platform is running ads, them very effective, very, very helpful."

Here are best practices for using dynamic remarketing in your lead nurturing strategy:

  1. Add a tracking pixel to your website to collect data on lead actions and interests. Use this to make targeted remarketing campaigns.

  2. Use a marketing platform that works with your CRM to automatically sync lead data and trigger remarketing ads based on specific actions or criteria.

  3. Design dynamic ad templates that automatically include relevant listings, images, and calls-to-action based on each lead's search actions and preferences.

  4. Set frequency caps to prevent ad fatigue. Aim for 3-5 impressions per lead per week.

AI-Powered Text Messaging: The Future of Lead Engagement

Barry highlights, "Having AI sending text messages when they engage your website is also valuable."

AI-powered text messaging platforms can automate personalized, timely outreach to leads based on their actions and stage in the buying process.

Think about these tips for using AI-powered text messaging in your lead nurturing efforts:

  • Use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze lead responses and provide relevant replies in real-time. Advanced AI platforms can understand complex questions, have human-like conversations, and detect emotions.

  • Connect your AI messaging platform with your CRM to track lead interactions, preferences, and sales funnel stage. Use this data to start targeted nurturing campaigns across multiple channels.

  • Mix AI-powered messaging with human interaction for high-value leads or complex situations. Set up alerts for leads reaching certain engagement levels or requesting specific actions, like scheduling viewings or receiving market analyses.

  • Make sure you follow SMS regulations like the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) by getting clear written permission before sending text messages. Include clear opt-out instructions in every message.

AI-Assisted Phone Outreach: Enhancing the Human Touch

While AI can automate many parts of lead nurturing, human interaction is still crucial for building trust and closing deals.

Barry explains, "Having AI call your database and just checking in similar to how your assistant would do it. So in the same way, your assistant would call your past clients and say, Hey, just letting you know, we're thinking about you. Barry asked me to give you a call. You can have AI do those things."

Here's how to effectively combine AI-assisted phone outreach with human interaction:

  • Use AI for initial lead contact, gathering information about needs and preferences, and figuring out how ready they are to engage. AI can handle routine tasks like scheduling appointments, freeing up your team to focus on high-value interactions.

  • Apply AI-powered call analytics to transcribe and analyze phone conversations in real-time. This helps identify key topics, emotions, and objections, and provides personalized coaching to your agents.

  • Use insights from AI to personalize follow-up conversations and tailor your pitch to each lead's unique situation.

Barry advises, "You call them and say, I was thinking about you. How you bet. And then you, you discuss their real estate needs. You ask them open ended questions."

  • Create a lead scoring system that prioritizes leads based on engagement level, readiness to buy, and fit with your target market. Focus human outreach on high-value leads while nurturing others through automated campaigns.

Measuring and Optimizing Lead Nurturing Performance

To continuously improve lead nurturing results, track key metrics and optimize strategies using data-driven insights.

Barry emphasizes, "If you have all of that working, all of those things and your CRM is a dashboard of showing you activity when anything happens, anybody engages any of that activity, that's when you pick up the phone."

Consider tracking these metrics to see how well your lead nurturing is working:

  • Email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates

  • Remarketing ad impressions, clicks, and conversions

  • AI-powered text messaging response rates and engagement levels

  • Phone outreach connect rates, conversation length, and conversion rates

  • Overall lead-to-client conversion rate and customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Use these metrics to identify areas for improvement and test new strategies through A/B and multivariate testing.

Continuously refine your lead nurturing approach based on data-driven insights to maximize return on investment (ROI) and drive long-term growth.

Putting It All Together

Successful lead nurturing needs a multi-faceted approach combining valuable content, dynamic remarketing, AI-powered messaging, and human outreach.

Using the strategies and best practices outlined by our industry expert Barry Jenkins allows real estate professionals to effectively build relationships, establish trust, and convert more leads into loyal customers.

As real estate continues to change, staying ahead with new lead nurturing techniques is essential for long-term success.

Using AI and automation while preserving human interaction allows realtors to deliver seamless, personalized experiences that set them apart in a competitive market.

A data-driven, customer-focused approach to lead nurturing helps real estate professionals find new opportunities, drive sustainable growth, and succeed in the digital age.

  • We've covered the basics of lead nurturing and its impact on turning potential customers into loyal clients.

    Now, let's explore advanced strategies that can supercharge your lead nurturing efforts.

    Effective Approaches to Nurturing Leads

    While personalized content and multi-channel outreach are key, think about these additional tactics:

    Interactive Engagement

    Go beyond static content with interactive elements in your campaigns.

    Quizzes, surveys, and games grab attention and increase participation, creating stronger connections with your brand.

    Predictive Analytics

    Anticipate lead needs and preferences using predictive analytics.

    Analyzing past data and behavior patterns helps you deliver relevant content and offers, increasing the chances of conversion.

    Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

    B2B companies can level up with ABM.

    Treat each target account as its own market, making personalized campaigns that address specific challenges and goals of decision-makers within those accounts.

    Best Practices for Effective Lead Nurturing

    Optimize your lead nurturing with these tips:

    • Regularly track and analyze campaign performance to find areas for improvement.

    • Work closely with sales teams for smooth lead handoff and follow-up.

    • Use customer testimonials and case studies to build trust and credibility.

    • Personalize the content, timing, and frequency of your communications.

    Advanced Techniques for Lead Nurturing

    Beyond behavioral tracking, A/B testing, and lead scoring, try these advanced strategies:

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

    AI-powered tools can analyze huge amounts of data, predict lead behavior, and deliver targeted content.

    They can optimize email subject lines, find the best send times, and personalize messaging at scale.

    Multi-Touch Attribution

    Using multi-touch attribution helps understand how different touchpoints influence lead conversion.

    This insight helps you use resources effectively and fine-tune nurturing campaigns across channels.


    Create micro-segments based on specific data points like pain points, sub-industries, or job roles, going beyond broad segmentation.

    This granular approach lets you deliver hyper-relevant content that really resonates with each lead.

    Leveraging Social Media for Lead Nurturing

    Social media has become essential for real estate businesses aiming to nurture leads and forge strong connections with potential clients.

    Real estate agents can expand their reach, interact with prospects, and guide them through the buying process by strategically using social media platforms.

    Providing Value through Educational Content

    Sharing valuable, educational content is a highly effective way to nurture leads on social media.

    This includes blog posts, infographics, videos, and guides addressing common buyer questions and concerns.

    A real estate agent could create a series of short videos for their Facebook page, covering topics like "Top 10 Things to Look for When Buying a Home" or "The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale."

    Consistently offering helpful information positions you as a trusted resource and encourages leads to engage more deeply with your brand.

    Engaging with Leads through Social Media Interactions

    Social media platforms offer excellent opportunities for direct interaction with leads and relationship-building.

    Encourage followers to ask questions, share experiences, and provide feedback on your posts.

    Respond quickly to comments and messages, offering personalized advice and assistance.

    Use features like polls and live Q&A sessions to build community and gather insights into your leads' needs and preferences.

    Leveraging Targeted Advertising for Lead Generation

    Social media advertising allows precise audience targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

    Facebook and Instagram provide extensive targeting options to display your ads to users most likely interested in your services.

    You can target people who have recently searched for homes in your area, engaged with real estate content, or match your ideal client profile.

    Create compelling ad content and landing pages showcasing your unique value proposition to generate high-quality leads and guide them into your nurturing funnel.

    Nurturing Leads with Social Media Retargeting

    Retargeting is an effective technique involving targeted ads shown to users who have previously interacted with your website or social media profiles.

    Install tracking pixels on your website to create custom audiences on social media platforms and serve them relevant ads based on their actions and interests.

    For example, if a lead visits a specific property listing on your website, retarget them with ads featuring similar properties or offering a free home valuation.

    This personalized approach keeps your brand visible and encourages leads to progress in their buying journey.

    Developing a comprehensive strategy aligned with your overall marketing goals is crucial to maximize your social media lead nurturing efforts.

    Define your target audience, set clear objectives, and create a content calendar ensuring consistent, high-quality posting.

    Regularly monitor and analyze your social media metrics to identify effective tactics, areas for improvement, and where to focus your resources for optimal results.

    Combining social media lead nurturing with other strategies outlined in this article, such as email marketing, dynamic remarketing, and AI-assisted outreach, creates a powerful, multi-channel approach.

    This effectively guides leads through the sales funnel and builds lasting, profitable relationships for real estate professionals.

    Developing a TRUE Communication Strategy for Better Lead Nurturing Results

    Effective communication is essential for successful lead nurturing.

    Developing a TRUE (Timely, Relevant, Unique, and Engaging) communication strategy is crucial for achieving better results.

    Focusing on these four elements helps marketers create a lead nurturing approach that resonates with their target audience and drives conversions.

    Timeliness is vital in lead nurturing, ensuring you reach out to leads at the right moment in their buyer's journey.

    Using tools like marketing automation and behavioral tracking, you can trigger communications based on specific actions or milestones, such as visiting a particular webpage or downloading a resource.

    This allows you to capitalize on their interest at the perfect moment.

    Relevance is another critical component of a TRUE communication strategy.

    Your lead nurturing messages should address each lead's specific needs, challenges, and goals.

    Segmenting your audience based on factors like job title, industry, or behavior allows you to deliver content that directly speaks to their situation.

    This level of personalization makes your communications more valuable and increases engagement likelihood.

    Uniqueness distinguishes your lead nurturing from competitors.

    To stand out in a crowded inbox, your communications must offer something fresh and distinctive.

    This could be an innovative perspective on a common challenge, an exclusive resource or tool, or a compelling story that captures attention.

    Providing unique content establishes your brand as a thought leader and gives leads a reason to keep engaging with you.

    Engagement is the ultimate goal of any lead nurturing strategy, turning prospects into customers.

    To foster engagement, make your communications interactive and encourage two-way dialogue.

    This could include asking for feedback, inviting leads to join a community or group, or offering a free trial or demo.

    Giving leads opportunities to actively participate in the nurturing process deepens the relationship and makes them feel more invested in your brand.

    To implement a TRUE communication strategy, start by mapping out your lead nurturing journey and identifying crucial touchpoints for delivering timely, relevant, unique, and engaging content.

    Use multiple channels, such as email, social media, and retargeting ads, to ensure your message reaches leads wherever they are.

    Next, develop a content library aligned with each buyer's journey stage, addressing your target audience's specific needs and interests.

    This might include blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, case studies, and more.

    Having a diverse range of content allows you to create highly targeted and engaging lead nurturing campaigns.

    Finally, measure and optimize your TRUE communication strategy over time.

    Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to identify what works and what doesn't.

    Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, content formats, and calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience.

    Continually refining your approach based on data-driven insights helps create a lead nurturing strategy that educates and informs your leads while inspiring action.

    With a TRUE communication strategy at the center of your lead nurturing efforts, you'll build lasting relationships and drive better business results.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Lead Nurturing Strategies

    While lead nurturing offers clear benefits, consider potential drawbacks:


    • Enables targeted upselling and cross-selling.

    • Streamlines the sales process.

    • Provides valuable insights into lead behavior and preferences.


    • Requires a lot of data management and analysis capabilities.

    • May feel intrusive if not done thoughtfully.

    • Requires ongoing content creation and optimization efforts.

    Key Metrics to Measure Success

    To fully assess your lead nurturing performance, track these metrics:

    • Conversion Funnel Analysis: Look at conversion rates at each stage of the funnel to spot bottlenecks and improvement opportunities.

    • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Measure the long-term value generated by nurtured leads who become customers.

    • Engagement Score: Create a scoring system to measure lead engagement across multiple touchpoints and channels.

    • Cost per Qualified Lead: Figure out how cost-effective your lead nurturing is at generating high-quality leads.

    Making Informed Decisions

    Lead nurturing isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

    It requires constant experimentation, analysis, and refinement to find strategies that resonate with your specific audience.

    Stay tuned to your leads' changing needs and preferences to adapt your approach and deliver an outstanding nurturing experience.

    Remember, conversion isn't the end goal.

    Lead nurturing sets the stage for long-lasting customer relationships built on trust, value, and mutual growth.

    Investing in comprehensive lead nurturing strategies drives short-term conversions and lays the foundation for lasting success in a competitive market.

  • BARRY:

    “What I would say with lead in our chair, there's really four main things.

    There's, you know, first of all, email, I would say, make sure email content is very valuable.

    It's very punchy, written really short and just value based where you don't need them to relate to each other.

    Having dynamic remarketing, keeping your database and your leads on your website, searching for homes because your marketing platform is running ads, them very effective, very, very helpful.

    Having AI sending text messages when they engage your website is also valuable.

    Having AI call your database and just checking in similar to how your assistant would do it.

    So in the same way, your assistant would call your past clients and say, Hey, just letting you know, we're thinking about you.

    Barry asked me to give you a call.

    You can have AI do those things.

    And so if you have all of that working, all of those things and your CRM is a dashboard of showing you activity when anything happens, anybody engages any of that activity, that's when you pick up the phone.

    That's when you call them and you don't call them and say, I saw you clicked on my website.

    You call them and say, I was thinking about you.

    How you bet.

    And then you, you discuss their real estate needs.

    You ask them open ended questions.

    You see how their kids are doing.

    And what you'll find is lead nurture will take on a whole new mechanism because before all of this technology we nurture really depended on you.

    Did you remember to call them?

    Because if you didn't, you were not going to get them as a client.

    But now you have all this stuff reminding them of who you are.

    And when they engage it, they're raising their hand and that's your turn to talk.”


Barry Jenkins

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Head Realtor in Residence at Ylopo