High-Quality Seller Leads Delivered Straight to Your CRM
Best seller lead generation & nurture platform for real estate agents & teams.
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Best seller lead generation & nurture platform for real estate agents & teams.
Go Beyond Home Valuation Ads. Ylopo Uses Powerful MLS Data & Custom Seller Reports + Cash Offers to Generate High-Engagement Leads. Get a consistent flow of high quality seller leads you can start talking to right now.
These Ads perform on average over 50% better than home valuation Ads!
Now with our built in Zoodealio integration you can legitimately cash in on these Ads and have Ylopo generate a steady stream of sellers directly into your CRM.
Example Ad:
Between Google & Facebook we’re able to target 90% of sellers and show them ads that they actually want to engage with that result in real home owners with real addresses.
Exclusive seller leads direct to you roughly run from the $30-$50 range depending on the area.
During the demo process more specific pricing can be discussed based on your market.
Get a full product demo, ask all your questions and get pricing based on your exact needs.
Educated Sellers, Engaged Leads: Ylopo's NEW Seller Report Help Sellers Understand Their Options While Triggering Hot Leads for You.
When homeowners engage with the report tags are triggered which then sets off automations for you.
The result is tons of fresh new seller opportunities in your database that are now screaming out for a phone call.
✅ Built In Heat Map to show seller all your buyers looking for a home like their’s.
✅ 11 separate calls to action in each report.
✅ A new seller landing page (search.yourdomain.com/seller).
✅ Stars update to view the estimated value and send a link to the report.
✅ New, more frequent, Raiya behavioral texts.
✅ New seller-focused Priority Alerts.
✅ New CRM notes and tags.
Thursday's 8am - Understanding the seller report
Office Hours- Daily @ 9am PST
Active leads sent to your inbox from re-marketing
Testimonial Block
In your listing presentations you’ll be able to show sellers real data that separates you from the competition. You can show buyers already in your database that are looking for a home just like their, making the selling experience significantly more efficient along with beautiful real-time marketing reports that include Listing Rocket video ads.
Show sellers exactly how many buyers you have in your database that are looking to buy a house just like their’s! There is nothing more powerful than this, where others have to start marketing after they sign a contract you can say you’ve already been marketing for years and have buyers already that you can reach out to, this gives you a HUGE advantage in winning listing appointments.
Custom video ads for all your listings with 3 simple clicks + realtime reporting to share with the sellers. We make this super easy for you to get massive online visibility for all your listings.
Thursday's 8am - Understanding the seller report
Office Hours- Daily @ 9am PST