What Features Should Real Estate Agents Look for When Choosing a CRM System?


What Features Should Real Estate Agents Look for When Choosing a CRM System?


In A Nutshell:

The essential elements when selecting a CRM for real estate should be smooth robust 3rd party integrations, user-friendly interfaces, and effective communication tools. Follow Up Boss emerges as an industry leader, thanks to its flexibility and advanced API capabilities.


Key Considerations for Modern Real Estate CRMs

Real estate agents should prioritize seamless integration, ease of use, clear lead visibility, powerful communication tools, and a strong API for software customization when choosing a CRM system.

Barry Jenkins, our Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, points out that all-in-one platforms are no longer the top choice.

Since 2016, technology has progressed rapidly, setting a new standard for real estate CRMs: systems that integrate well with other tools and platforms.

From All-in-One to Integrated Systems

Early 2010s saw real estate agents favoring all-in-one platforms combining website, CRM, and marketing capabilities.

These systems offered convenience, but Barry observes,

"Around 2016, 2017, technology started to move at a pace where the all in one just could not keep up."

Quick advancements in marketing, website innovations, and artificial intelligence (AI) have rendered these all-in-one solutions obsolete.

Follow Up Boss Takes the Lead

Among real estate-specific CRMs available now, Follow Up Boss has emerged as the clear frontrunner.

Barry asserts that "there's not even a close second to [this] real estate specific CRM."

This dominance stems from several crucial factors:


Follow Up Boss offers an intuitive interface that allows agents to use the system effortlessly.

Barry notes that the platform provides "clear views of the leads," simplifying prospect tracking and management for agents.

Efficient Communication

The inbox feature in Follow Up Boss enables agents to communicate with leads effectively.

Barry highlights this as one of the platform's strengths, emphasizing the importance of seamless communication in nurturing client relationships.

Powerful Integrations

Follow Up Boss's biggest advantage is its open API and comprehensive API documentation.

This allows developers to create powerful software that integrates smoothly with the platform.

Barry explains that "people don't have to have substantive conversations with the Follow Up Boss team to develop amazing software that latches on to the platform."

This flexibility and ease of integration set Follow Up Boss apart from its competitors.

The Future of Real Estate CRMs

As the real estate industry evolves, CRMs must adapt to keep pace with emerging trends and technologies.

Some important areas to watch include:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning will transform how real estate agents interact with their CRMs.

Predictive analytics, automated lead scoring, and personalized marketing campaigns show how these technologies can improve CRM functionality.

Mobile Optimization

With more agents working remotely, mobile optimization will become increasingly important for CRMs.

Platforms offering seamless mobile experiences, allowing agents to access and update lead information from smartphones or tablets, will have a significant advantage.

Data Security and Privacy

As data privacy regulations tighten, CRMs must prioritize security measures to protect sensitive client information.

Agents should look for platforms that offer strong data encryption, secure backup systems, and strict access controls.

Strategies for Choosing a CRM

When evaluating CRM options, experienced real estate agents should consider the following strategies:

Assess Integration Capabilities

Ensure the CRM integrates smoothly with your existing tools and platforms, such as your website, marketing software, and lead generation systems.

Look for a CRM with a well-documented API that allows for custom integrations.

Prioritize User Experience

Choose a CRM with an intuitive interface and clear lead visibility.

The system should make it easy to track and manage leads, with minimal learning curve for your team.

Evaluate Communication Tools

Look for a CRM with powerful communication features, such as an integrated inbox, automated drip campaigns, and customizable email templates.

These tools should allow you to nurture leads effectively and maintain consistent touch points throughout the client journey.

Consider Scalability

As your business grows, your CRM should be able to grow with you.

Look for a platform that can handle an increasing number of leads and users without compromising performance or functionality.

Seek Out Industry-Specific Features

Real estate CRMs should offer features tailored to the unique needs of the industry, such as property matching, listing management, and transaction tracking.

These specialized capabilities can streamline your workflow and provide a competitive edge.


The dynamic real estate market requires a powerful and integrated CRM for success.

As Barry Jenkins emphasizes, Follow Up Boss has emerged as the clear leader among real estate-specific CRMs, thanks to its user-friendliness, effective communication tools, and powerful integration capabilities.

By prioritizing these features and following best practices for selection, experienced real estate agents can maximize their CRM's potential and drive long-term business growth.

  • Selecting the optimal Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform can significantly impact real estate businesses.

    A carefully chosen CRM optimizes business processes, elevates client interactions, and boosts sales performance.

    Let's explore essential features and best practices for choosing a CRM that aligns perfectly with your unique business requirements.

    Unified Client Database

    A top-performing CRM should provide a unified database for managing client and prospect data.

    This feature empowers real estate experts to easily access and modify contact information, preferences, and interaction history.

    Having a comprehensive view of client interactions helps agents tailor their approach, fostering meaningful and lasting relationships.

    Advanced Lead Management

    Effective lead management is crucial for converting prospects into loyal clients.

    Look for a system that offers extensive lead tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor potential clients from initial contact through closing.

    Features like automated follow-ups and reminders can significantly enhance your nurturing efforts, ensuring no lead is overlooked.

    Powerful Marketing Automation Tools

    To effectively engage with clients, your CRM should incorporate strong marketing automation tools.

    These may include email campaigns, social media integration, and targeted marketing initiatives.

    Automated email sequences can keep your audience informed about new listings or market trends, promoting continuous engagement and fostering strong relationships.

    Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

    Data-driven decision-making is vital for growth in the real estate industry.

    A high-quality CRM should deliver comprehensive reporting features that allow you to analyze sales performance, track lead sources, and assess the impact of your marketing strategies.

    These insights can help you refine your approach and make informed decisions that drive measurable results.

    Flexibility and Customization

    As your business evolves, your CRM should have the flexibility to adapt and grow with you.

    Look for systems that offer scalability and customization options, enabling you to tailor the platform to your specific requirements.

    This adaptability ensures that the CRM remains relevant as your operations expand, accommodating new features and integrations as needed.

    Seamless Integration with Other Tools

    Consider how well the CRM integrates with other software you rely on, such as email platforms, accounting tools, and listing services.

    Seamless integration can significantly boost productivity by minimizing manual data entry and ensuring that all your tools work together efficiently.

    For instance, integrating your CRM with your email marketing platform can streamline communication efforts and save valuable time.

    Intuitive User Interface

    An intuitive user interface is crucial for ensuring that you and your team can navigate the CRM easily.

    Seek out systems that offer user-friendly designs and straightforward access to features, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing productivity.

    A well-designed dashboard can provide quick access to important metrics and tasks, enhancing daily operations and keeping your team on track.

    Dependable Customer Support

    When implementing a new CRM, having access to reliable customer support is essential.

    Ensure that the provider offers comprehensive training resources and responsive assistance to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

    A strong support system can make a significant difference in your overall experience with the CRM and help you get the most out of your investment.

    Best Practices for CRM Selection

    To make the most informed choice, consider the following best practices:

    Define Your Objectives

    Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve with the CRM, whether it's improving lead conversion, enhancing client communication, or streamlining administrative tasks.

    Assess Your Budget

    Determine your budget for a CRM solution.

    While some systems may have lower upfront costs, they might lack essential features that could save you money in the long run.

    Request Demonstrations

    Take advantage of free trials or demos to experience the CRM's functionality and user experience directly.

    This hands-on approach can help you make a more informed decision.

    Gather Feedback

    Consult with fellow real estate professionals to gain valuable insights into their experiences with various CRM systems.

    Peer recommendations can provide valuable information and help you avoid potential pitfalls.

    Key Considerations for Implementation

    Once you have selected a CRM, the implementation process is crucial for maximizing its benefits.

    Here are some additional key considerations:

    Integration with Existing Systems

    Ensure that the CRM integrates well with your existing tools and platforms, such as your website, marketing software, and lead generation systems.

    This will help avoid data silos and improve overall efficiency.

    Establish Clear Processes

    Define clear processes for how your team will use the CRM, including lead assignment, follow-up protocols, and data entry standards.

    Consistency is key for maximizing the benefits of your CRM.

    Monitor and Optimize

    Regularly monitor your CRM usage and performance metrics.

    Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed to optimize your workflows and achieve better results.

    Future Trends in Real Estate CRM

    The landscape of CRM technology is continually evolving.

    Here are a few more trends to keep an eye on in the coming years:

    Voice-Activated Features

    With the growing popularity of virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, CRMs may integrate voice-activated features for hands-free data entry and retrieval.

    Blockchain Integration

    As blockchain technology gains traction in real estate, CRMs may incorporate blockchain-based features for secure data storage and transparent transaction management.

    Predictive Analytics

    Advanced predictive analytics capabilities will help agents identify high-value leads and tailor their marketing efforts for maximum impact.


    Choosing the right CRM for your real estate business is a critical decision that can significantly impact your efficiency and client relationships.

    By carefully considering the essential features, evaluating the pros and cons of different systems, and staying informed about industry trends, you can make a choice that aligns with your business goals and sets you up for long-term success.

    Remember, the ideal CRM is one that not only meets your current needs but also has the flexibility to adapt to your future growth and evolving business requirements.

  • BARRY:

    "About a decade ago, all in one platform was like the bee's knees.

    So you could get your website and your CRM and your marketing in one place.

    Convenient, it was simple, and it was that way for probably five, six years.

    And then around 2016, 2017, technology started to move at a pace where the all in one just could not keep up.

    Marketing was so quick, website innovations, AI, and the new all in one is now a system that integrates well.

    To my knowledge, there is not a real estate specific CRM that integrates with everyone really well that matches Follow Up Boss.

    Follow Up Boss is the clear winner, and there's not even a close second to the real estate specific CRM.

    It's a combination of ease of use, clear views of the leads, effective communication with the inbox, and integrations.

    They have an open API with incredible API docs, so people don't have to have substantive conversations with the Follow Up Boss team to develop amazing software that latches on to the platform.

    And so for those reasons and others I haven't shared, there really isn't a close second when it comes to real estate CRMs.

    Follow Up Boss is the clear winner."


Barry Jenkins

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Head Realtor in Residence at Ylopo