Effective Real Estate Facebook Ads: Examples, Tips, and Strategies


What if I told you that the key to your next million-dollar listing is hiding in plain sight, nestled between cat videos and vacation photos?

Welcome to the brave new world of real estate marketing, where Facebook ads reign supreme and the line between scrolling and selling is razor-thin.

Buckle up, because we're about to turn your newsfeed into a lead-generating machine.


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Chapter 1: Real Estate Facebook Ad Examples

1. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple properties or different features of a single property in a single ad. This format is highly engaging and provides a dynamic way to present your listings.

Take a look at the following carousel ad (taken from one of Ylopo's DyVA listing rockets),

Example: A carousel ad featuring different rooms of a luxury home, each with a high-resolution image and a brief description.

Each slide should include a concise, compelling description that highlights unique selling points.

This approach creates a visually striking ad that captures attention and encourages viewers to learn more about the property.


Tips for Creating Effective Carousel Ads

  • Select high-quality, professionally shot images that showcase the property's best features

  • Keep descriptions brief but impactful, focusing on unique selling points

  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts viewers to take the next step, such as "Schedule a Viewing" or "Learn More"

  • Experiment with different ad copy and images to determine what resonates best with your target audience

  • Ensure a logical flow between slides to tell a cohesive story about the property

  • Use the carousel format to highlight different properties in the same neighborhood or price range

2. Video Ads

Video ads are a powerful tool for capturing attention and providing a more immersive experience. Use video ads to offer virtual tours of properties, highlight neighborhood features, or share client testimonials.

Example: A video ad showcasing a virtual tour of a new listing, complete with background music and a call-to-action to schedule a viewing.

The video could start with a drone shot of the property's exterior and surrounding area, then transition inside to showcase each room. 

Focus on standout features like high-end finishes, spacious layouts, or unique architectural elements. Conclude with a panoramic view of the neighborhood and a clear call-to-action.


Ideas for Effective Video Ads

  • Create engaging virtual tours that give viewers a realistic sense of the property's layout and flow

  • Include client testimonials to build trust and credibility with potential buyers

  • Highlight neighborhood amenities and local attractions to give viewers a sense of the lifestyle they can expect

  • Use professional-quality background music and editing techniques to create a polished, high-quality video

  • Keep videos concise (30-60 seconds) to maintain viewer interest

  • Add captions or text overlays to convey key information, as many users watch videos without sound

  • Showcase before-and-after renovations to demonstrate value-add opportunities

  • Create neighborhood guide videos to position yourself as a local expert

3. Lead Generation Ads

Lead generation ads are designed to capture contact information directly within the Facebook platform. 

These ads typically include a form that users can fill out without leaving Facebook, making it easy to collect leads.

Example: A lead generation ad offering a free home valuation in exchange for contact information.

The ad could feature an eye-catching image of a local neighborhood with text overlay promoting the free home valuation.

When users click the ad, they're presented with a short form asking for essential information like name, email, and phone number.


Tips for Creating Effective Lead Generation Ads

  • Offer something of value to the potential buyer, such as a free home valuation, buyer's guide, or neighborhood report

  • Keep the lead form short and simple to increase completion rates - ask only for essential information

  • Use compelling ad copy that clearly communicates the value of submitting the form

  • Follow up with leads promptly to keep them engaged and interested in your services

  • Test different offers to see which generates the most high-quality leads

  • Use custom questions to pre-qualify leads and gather relevant information

  • Implement a nurturing strategy for leads who aren't ready to buy or sell immediately


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Chapter 2: Tips and Strategies for Effective Real Estate Facebook Ads

1. Advanced Targeting Options

One of Facebook's greatest strengths is its ability to target specific groups of users based on a wide range of criteria.

Leveraging these advanced targeting options ensures your ads are seen by the people most likely to be interested in your services.


Location Targeting

Facebook's location targeting allows you to focus your ads on particular neighborhoods, cities, or zip codes.

This precision enables you to tailor your messaging to the unique needs and interests of each community.

For example, you might create separate ad sets for different neighborhoods within a city, each highlighting the specific amenities and characteristics that make that area desirable.


Demographic Targeting

Use demographic filters like age, income, and homeownership status to narrow down your audience.

Targeting users who fit the profile of your ideal client lets you increase the chances of your ads resonating with the right people.

For instance, you might target first-time homebuyers aged 25-35 with a certain income range for starter homes, while using different criteria for luxury property listings.


Interest-Based Targeting

Facebook allows you to target users based on their interests, which can be a powerful way to reach people who are already predisposed to be interested in what you have to offer.

Consider targeting interests related to home improvement, interior design, or specific architectural styles that align with your listings.


Behavior-Based Targeting

Reach users based on their online behaviors, such as recent home searches or shopping habits. By targeting people who are actively engaged in the home buying process, you can increase the likelihood of generating leads and conversions.

This might include targeting users who have recently visited real estate websites or engaged with mortgage calculator tools.

Targeting Option Example Benefit
Location Targeting Focus on a specific zip code Reaches potential buyers in your service area
Demographic Targeting Target high-income users aged 30-50 Focuses on likely homebuyers
Interest Targeting Reach users interested in home improvement Connects with people likely to be in the market for a home
Behavioral Targeting Target users who recently searched for homes Gets your ads in front of active buyers

2. Ad Design Best Practices

Of course, even the most carefully targeted ad won't be effective if it doesn't capture attention and compel users to take action. That's why ad design is so crucial. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

When it comes to real estate, visuals are everything. Make sure to use high-resolution images that showcase your properties in the best possible light.

Avoid generic stock photos in favor of authentic, eye-catching images that give users a true sense of what you have to offer.


Compelling Copy is Key

Your ad copy should be engaging, informative, and focused on the unique selling points of your listings.

Highlight standout features, use vivid language to paint a picture, and always include a clear call-to-action that tells users what to do next.


Consistency Counts

Your ads should be an extension of your brand, so make sure they align with your visual identity and overall messaging.

Consistency helps build trust and recognition, making users more likely to engage with your content.

3. Budget and Bidding Strategies

Facebook ads can be a highly cost-effective way to reach your target audience, but only if you manage your budget wisely. Here are some tips for getting the most bang for your buck:


Set Realistic Expectations

Before launching a campaign, determine how much you're comfortable spending and allocate your budget accordingly.

Keep in mind that ad costs can vary widely depending on your targeting, competition, and other factors.


Choose the Right Bidding Strategy

Facebook offers several different bidding options, each designed to align with specific campaign goals.

Whether you're looking to drive website traffic, increase brand awareness, or generate leads, there's a strategy that can help you achieve your objectives.

Bidding Strategy When to Use Benefit
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) When your goal is to drive traffic to your website You only pay when users actually click on your ad
Cost-Per-Impression (CPM) When you want to increase brand awareness and reach You pay for every 1,000 impressions, regardless of clicks
Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) When your primary objective is to generate leads You only pay when a user submits a lead form

Timing is Everything

The time of day and day of the week can have a big impact on ad performance. Experiment with different scheduling options to see when your ads get the best results.

You may find that weekends are prime time for reaching potential buyers, or that evenings are best for connecting with busy professionals.

4. Performance Tracking and Optimization

Launching your ad campaign is just the beginning. To truly maximize your results, you need to continuously track performance, test different approaches, and make data-driven optimizations.

Here are a few strategies to keep in mind.


Keep an Eye on the Numbers

Monitor key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on ad spend to gauge the success of your campaigns.

Regularly review this data to quickly identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts.


Test, Test, Test

A/B testing is a powerful way to optimize your ads over time. Try out different ad creatives, copy variations, and targeting options to see what resonates best with your audience.

Even small tweaks can sometimes lead to big improvements in performance.


Adjust on the Fly

Don't be afraid to make changes to your campaigns based on what the data is telling you. If a particular ad or targeting strategy isn't delivering the results you want, try something new.

The most successful advertisers are the ones who are constantly adapting and evolving their approach.


Chapter 3: DyVA: Simplifying Video Ad Production for Facebook and Instagram

Don't have the time, energy, or the patience to create captivating video ads?

Who does? That's why Ylopo’s DyVA (Dynamic Video Ads) is still going strong as one of Ylopo's most popular products. And remember those enticing video listing ads above? 

All of that was done automatically and instantly. That’s why DyVA is and continues to be a game-changer in real estate marketing.

It automates the creation of captivating video ads tailored for platforms like Facebook and Instagram, allowing real estate agents to focus more on their core activities while still maintaining a robust online presence.

What is DyVA?

DyVA by Ylopo is a sophisticated yet user-friendly tool designed to generate dynamic video ads from MLS data.

This feature integrates seamlessly with Ylopo's suite, enabling agents to produce high-quality, engaging video content effortlessly.

Key Benefits of DyVA


Automation and Ease of Use

DyVA automatically transforms your listing data and photos into dynamic video ads. Simply select a template, set your budget, and let DyVA handle the rest.

This process can take mere seconds and requires minimal input from the user​.


Variety of Ad Types

DyVA supports various ad types, including Active Listings, Just Sold, Price Reduced, and Open House. Each type comes with customizable templates to suit different marketing needs and objectives​.


Multi-platform Distribution

The created video ads are automatically syndicated across platforms where your target audience spends most of their time, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

This includes Facebook and Instagram, where dynamic ads can significantly boost your reach and impact.


Enhanced Lead Generation

By integrating with Facebook Lead Ads, DyVA captures leads directly within the Facebook platform.

This seamless process increases the likelihood of obtaining accurate contact information and reduces the friction commonly associated with external landing pages​.


Detailed Reporting

DyVA provides comprehensive reports showcasing ad performance, email engagements, and lead interactions.

These reports are invaluable during listing appointments, helping agents demonstrate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies to potential clients​.

How to Use DyVA Effectively

  • Leverage Custom Templates: Utilize the various templates available to match the unique characteristics of each listing. Customize fields like price reductions or open house dates to keep the ads relevant and timely.

  • Focus on High-Quality Visuals: Ensure your listing photos are high-resolution and visually appealing. DyVA allows you to select and order photos to best represent the property, enhancing the overall impact of the video ad.

  • Monitor and Adjust Campaigns: Regularly review the performance reports provided by DyVA. Use this data to adjust your ad settings and budget allocation to optimize results over time​.



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Chapter 4: Case Study: Successful Real Estate Facebook Ad Campaign

To illustrate the effectiveness of Ylopo's DyVA in real estate marketing, let's examine a successful campaign led by Tristan Ahumada, co-founder of Lab Coat Agents.



Tristan Ahumada sought to re-engage a large database of old leads and boost engagement and conversions for his real estate business.

He aimed to leverage dynamic video ads to rejuvenate interest among these leads and generate new business opportunities.



  • Database Re-engagement. Uploaded 29,000 old leads into the CRM and Ylopo Stars.

  • Dynamic Video Ads. Used DyVA to create dynamic video ads targeting these leads on Facebook.

  • Budget Allocation. Allocated a budget of $1,500 for the Facebook ad campaign.

  • Performance Monitoring. Monitored ad performance and optimized based on engagement metrics.



Metric Before Campaign After Campaign
Leads Uploaded 0 29,000
Facebook Spend $0 $1,132
Cost Per Click (CPC) $2.50 $0.15
Website Traffic Increase Baseline 409%
Unique Ad Clicks 50 1,097
Properties Viewed per Lead 1 6.8
Face-to-Face Showings 2 14
Offers Written 0 2 (4 in progress)
Average Sale Price $500,000 $680,000
Estimated Commissions $0 $68,000
ROI - 3,428%

The campaign resulted in significant engagement and conversions, demonstrating the power of DyVA in re-engaging old leads and driving new business.

Tristan's use of dynamic video ads led to a substantial increase in website traffic, face-to-face showings, and offers written, achieving an impressive return on investment.

Achieve Marketing Greatness with DyVA

Ylopo's DyVA is the secret weapon you've been waiting for. With its powerful automation, stunning templates, and seamless integration, creating captivating video ads has never been easier. Don't settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary.

Take the first step towards marketing greatness and book your DyVA demo today. Click the button below to unlock the full potential of dynamic video ads and dominate your market like never before!

About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth