How Real Estate Agents Can Get Great Leads


Without leads, you're just another agent with fancy attire and a gleaming vehicle.

Don't worry!

I've got some killer tactics that'll have potential clients clamoring for your attention in no time.


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Chapter 1: Top Performers in Real Estate Lead Generation

Let's talk about the major players in the lead generation arena.

These companies excel at helping agents acquire more clients:

Company Offerings Target Audience
Ylopo Comprehensive digital marketing, AI-powered lead generation, advanced property marketing, IDX websites, intelligent retargeting Agents and teams aiming to excel online and maximize conversions
Zillow Premier Agent Listings, advertisements, CRM integration, performance monitoring, premium ad placements, client feedback Agents seeking to enhance visibility and capture high-intent leads in specific regions Buyer and seller leads, market data, CRM integration, targeted advertising options Agents looking to connect with serious buyers and sellers through a reputable platform
BoldLeads Exclusive leads, automated online marketing, CRM, SMS messaging, lead pre-qualification Agents pursuing exclusive leads in specific zip codes, automation enthusiasts
Market Leader Comprehensive marketing suite, exclusive leads, customizable websites, CRM, automated tools Agents and small teams requiring an all-inclusive solution with guaranteed exclusive leads

Why These Companies Excel

Each of these industry leaders has developed unique strategies to help agents tackle the challenging task of lead generation.

Let's break it down:

  • Ylopo functions as the ultimate digital marketing toolkit for real estate. Our AI-powered lead generation is incredibly intuitive, almost predicting your clients' thoughts. Our dynamic property marketing makes your listings stand out brilliantly. And our retargeting campaigns will have potential clients constantly reminded of your presence (in a positive way, of course).

  • Zillow Premier Agent and are the popular platforms in the real estate industry. Millions of home seekers visit these sites monthly, increasing visibility for your listings. Zillow offers advanced tools to boost your prominence, while provides valuable market insights to help you close deals.

  • For those who prefer exclusivity, BoldLeads and Market Leader can be invaluable resources. They deliver leads efficiently, with automated campaigns to maintain prospect interest.

Ultimately, these companies are your strategic assets in the quest for real estate success.

The Bottom Line:

These companies are your secret weapons in the battle for real estate dominance. Whether you want wide reach, cutting-edge tech, or laser-focused lead gen, they've got you covered.


Ylopo AI Text:

The pioneering 24/7 AI real estate assistant that actively converts leads 365 days a year.


Chapter 2: Proven Strategies for Attracting Clients

Now that we've covered the industry leaders, let's discuss tactics you can implement immediately to start accumulating those leads.

1. Optimize Your Online Presence

Listen carefully: if you're not online, you might as well be invisible.

Zillow and are traditionally where the action happens, so ensure your listings are exceptional.

Don't just upload some photos and consider it done.

Get inventive!

  1. Craft property descriptions that make people want to move in immediately.

  2. Use high-quality images that make even modest homes look impressive.

  3. Embrace video tours and virtual open houses.

  4. Give potential buyers a glimpse of life in that dream home.

Remember, your online presence is like fishing in a well-stocked pond.

The more lines you cast (and the better your bait), the more bites you'll receive.

2. Become a Local Authority

The internet is great, but nothing replaces good old-fashioned face-to-face interaction.

Get out there and socialize!

Attend community events, join local business groups, sponsor the little league team.

Your next big client could be anywhere.

Don't forget industry events.

Real estate expos and conferences are networking goldmines.

Connect with influencers, learn the latest strategies, and potentially secure a few leads.

3. Transform Satisfied Clients into Your Personal Advocates

Here's a tip: satisfied clients are your most effective marketing tool.

They're living, breathing advertisements for your excellence.

So how do you keep them singing your praises?

Stay connected!

Send holiday greetings, share home maintenance advice, maybe organize a client appreciation event.

Make them feel valued, and they'll likely refer friends and family your way.

Pro tip: Consider establishing a referral program.

A small incentive can turn past clients into lead-generating powerhouses.

4. Leverage Social Media's Potential

Social media isn't just for cat videos and debates.

It's a goldmine for real estate leads if you use it effectively.

Share market updates, home buying tips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your day.

But here's the crucial part: don't just post and disappear.

Engage with your followers!

Answer questions, host live Q&As, include some polls to encourage participation.

The more you interact, the more you'll be perceived as a go-to resource.

5. Cultivate Leads with Targeted Email Campaigns

Email marketing isn't new, but it remains a powerhouse for lead nurturing.

The key is segmenting your list and delivering content that addresses each group's needs.

Have buyers interested in a specific neighborhood?

Send them new listing alerts for that area.

Sellers preparing to list?

Share staging and pricing advice.

Don't forget past clients – a well-timed email could prompt a referral.

Remember, provide value in every email.

Be helpful and informative, and watch those leads warm up quickly.

6. Enhance Your Listings with Professional Staging

First impressions are crucial in real estate.

Professional staging is invaluable.

It's like giving your listings a Hollywood transformation – suddenly, that ordinary three-bedroom becomes an irresistible dream home.

Encourage sellers to declutter and depersonalize.

Introduce stylish furniture that highlights each room's best features.

Don't neglect curb appeal!

A well-maintained lawn and fresh paint work wonders.

Before-and-after photos are your best weapon.

Share them online to showcase your staging expertise and attract more potential buyers.

7. Establish Yourself as the Market Expert

Want to stand out?

Position yourself as the local real estate authority.

Create content that educates and informs your audience.

Write blog posts addressing common buying or selling questions.

Produce video tutorials guiding viewers through the process step-by-step.

The more knowledge you share, the more people will view you as a trusted advisor.

When they're ready to move, guess who they'll contact first?

8. Organize Exceptional Open Houses

Open houses are your opportunity to shine, so make them count!

Don't just prop open the door and hope for the best.

Transform it into an event people won't want to miss.

Offer refreshments, host themed open houses (Taco Tuesday, anyone?), or collaborate with local businesses for giveaways.

The more memorable you make it, the more likely you are to generate leads and build relationships.

Don't forget to follow up with attendees afterward.

A quick thank-you note or call could initiate a fruitful (and profitable) relationship.

9. Target Your Advertising Precisely

Unfocused advertising is a thing of the past.

With Google Ads and Facebook Ads, you can deliver your message to the right people at the right time.

Use demographic targeting to reach specific buyers and sellers.

Create ads that directly address their needs and interests.

Don't hesitate to get creative – humor or emotion can make your ads memorable.

Pro tip: Use retargeting to show ads to people who've already engaged with your content.

It's a subtle reminder that you're still available, ready to assist when needed.

10. Let Experts Handle the Complex Tasks

Sometimes, it's worth bringing in the specialists.

Dedicated services like BoldLeads and Ylopo handle the intricate tasks, delivering prospects tailored to your market and requirements.

We use sophisticated algorithms to identify promising leads and present them efficiently.

Many come with CRM tools and marketing automation to help nurture leads into satisfied clients.

They might be costly, but consider it an investment.

The time and energy saved can be worthwhile, especially when you're focused on serving existing clients.

Quick Tips for Effective Client Engagement

  • Be consistent with your marketing efforts. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a solid brand reputation.

  • Follow up with leads promptly. Strike while the iron's hot!

  • Use analytics to track what's working and what's not. Double down on winners and ditch the duds.

  • Be yourself! Authenticity is key in building genuine relationships with clients.


Automated Outreach:

Ylopo AI Voice tirelessly calls and nurtures your leads to drive qualified appointments right into your calendar.

Chapter 3: Accessing Free and Low-Cost Lead Sources

Who says you need a substantial budget to generate leads?

Here are some cost-effective ways to keep your pipeline full.

Expired Listings

Expired listings are hidden opportunities in real estate.

These homeowners are eager to sell but need the right agent—you!

Regularly check your MLS for expired listings in target areas.

Frustrated and ready for change, they're perfect for your expertise.

Many brokerages include this information in their CRM software, providing you with a lead-generation goldmine at your fingertips!

Landing Pages

Creating targeted landing pages on your website is like casting multiple lines in a fish-filled pond.

Each page should focus on a specific neighborhood, property type, or buyer/seller concern.

Optimize these pages with popular keywords related to your market.

Add a compelling call-to-action – perhaps a free home valuation or neighborhood guide – to capture crucial contact details.

Drive traffic through social media, email marketing, and strategic ads if budget allows.

It's an affordable way to generate leads continuously!

Video Content

Don't let video production intimidate you.

You don't need a Hollywood budget to create engaging content that attracts leads.

Your smartphone and some creativity are sufficient.

Try these video ideas:

  • Quick property tours

  • Market update snippets

  • "Ask Me Anything" sessions on buying or selling

  • Behind-the-scenes looks at your day as a realtor

Share these videos on your website, social media, and YouTube.

Consistency is key – post regularly to build a following of potential clients who'll think of you first when ready to move.

The key ingredient?

Consistency and persistence.

Set aside time weekly for expired listings, landing page improvements, and new video content.

It's like planting seeds – nurture them regularly, and you'll soon have a garden full of leads!

Chapter 4: Essential Lead Generation Methods for Every Budget

Let's be honest – not everyone has unlimited resources.

But that doesn't mean you can't excel at lead generation like a professional.

Here's how to maximize your budget, whether it's large, small, or in between.

Email Marketing

Don't underestimate email marketing.

It's your direct connection to prospects' minds (in a completely non-intrusive way).

Plus, it's incredibly cost-effective.

Here's how you can master it:

  1. Build a targeted list—prioritize quality over quantity. Segment by interests, locations, and price ranges.

  2. Craft valuable content tailored to each segment. Use attention-grabbing subject lines for higher open rates. Include clear calls-to-action in every email.

Many platforms offer affordable plans or even free options for small lists, making it an unbeatable deal!

Website Optimization

Think of your website as your digital storefront—it should impress and deliver.

A sleek, well-designed site can generate leads around the clock.

Essential elements for a lead-generating website:

  • Mobile-responsive design (everyone's glued to their phones)

  • User-friendly property search

  • Clear calls-to-action on every page

  • Strategically placed lead capture forms

  • Content that establishes you as the local real estate expert

Custom designs can be costly, but affordable templates offer great alternatives.

With some adjustments, they'll feel tailor-made just for you.

Social Media Strategies

Social media is the bustling center of today's digital landscape, and you need to be at its core.

The best part?

Starting is free, and even paid options are budget-friendly.

Tips for social media success:

  1. Choose platforms where your audience is active (Facebook and Instagram are great for real estate).

  2. Post regularly – aim for 3-5 times a week.

  3. Diversify content: market updates, new listings, client success stories, local highlights.

  4. Engage actively – respond to comments and messages quickly.

  5. Use hashtags strategically to boost reach. Boost top posts to expand your audience.

Remember, social media is a marathon.

Building a following takes time but generates invaluable leads.

Direct Mail and Cold Calling

Don't dismiss traditional methods just yet.

A physical mail piece or personal call can make you unforgettable.

Direct Mail Ideas:

  • Neighborhood market updates

  • Just listed/just sold postcards

  • Seasonal home maintenance tips

  • Local event calendars

Cold Calling Tips:

  1. Research prospects before calling

  2. Use a script but maintain a natural tone

  3. Offer value, not just sales pitches

  4. Follow up with an email or text

Though pricier and time-consuming than digital options, use these tactics strategically in targeted neighborhoods or demographics for maximum impact.

The secret to successful lead generation?

Mix and match based on your budget, audience, and strengths.

Experiment, track results—what works for one might not work for another.

Whether you're working with limited funds or ready to invest significantly, there's a perfect strategy out there waiting for you.

Get started and start reeling in those leads!



The data-driven real estate platform that skyrockets your business through predictability, efficiency and control.

Chapter 5: Measuring Your Lead Generation Success

Alright, let's get down to business.

You've implemented these sophisticated lead generation strategies, but how do you know if they're effective?

Time to put on your data analyst hat and start measuring your success.

Don't worry, it's not as tedious as it sounds!

Establish Clear Goals (And Actually Adhere to Them)

Know your objective.

Do you want more leads, a higher conversion rate, or a revenue milestone?

Write it down and make it SMART:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Time-bound

For instance: "Increase monthly lead generation by 25% in the next quarter."

Track These Critical Metrics (Or Risk Operating Blindly)

  1. Lead-to-Sale Conversion Rate: This is your primary indicator. It shows the percentage of leads turning into clients. Divide closed sales by total leads over a set period.

  2. Cost Per Lead: What's each lead costing you? Divide total lead generation expenses by the number of leads. Identify which sources deliver the best value.

  3. Lead Quality Score: Not all leads are equal. Score them based on budget, timeline, and buying potential to prioritize follow-ups effectively.

  4. Time to Conversion: How quickly do leads become clients? Track this to identify any sales process delays.

  5. Source Attribution: Where do your leads originate? Focus more on what works and eliminate what's ineffective.

  6. Engagement Metrics: For online efforts, monitor email open rates, click-throughs, and social media interactions to understand what content resonates with your audience.

Tools of the Trade: Your Lead Generation Arsenal

You don't need advanced data science skills to track these metrics.

Let these tools do the heavy lifting:

  • CRM Software: Your command center for tracking leads and managing follow-ups, with built-in reporting features. Top picks include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive.

  • Google Analytics: A free powerhouse for monitoring website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates.

  • Social Media Analytics: Use built-in tools on platforms to discover your best-performing content and peak audience activity times.

  • Email Marketing Platforms: Services like Mailchimp or Constant Contact offer detailed insights into open rates and click-throughs.

  • Call Tracking Software: For phone-based lead generation, CallRail tracks which campaigns drive calls effectively.

Make Data-Driven Decisions (Not Intuition-Driven Guesses)

Now that you're tracking all this data, what's next?

Follow these steps:

  1. Review Regularly: Dedicate time weekly or monthly to analyze your numbers.

  2. Identify Patterns: Determine which content types generate the most leads and which sources are top performers.

  3. Test and Optimize: Make small adjustments based on findings—try new email subject lines or tweak ad targeting.

  4. Rinse and Repeat: Continuously test, measure, and refine.

Lead generation is an ongoing process.

Use data wisely to make informed decisions about where to invest your efforts.

Chapter 6: Creative Lead Generation Ideas to Differentiate Your Business

Ready to shine and outperform the competition?

These innovative lead generation tactics will have clients flocking to you, eager for your expertise.

Collaborate for Mutual Benefit

Join forces with local businesses to enhance your services.

Think of it as having a business ally.

Start with these ideas:

  • Host a "Home Buyer's Brunch" at a trendy café—beverages on them, real estate insights from you.

  • Partner with a home décor store for exclusive client discounts—they gain shoppers, you earn satisfied clients eager to decorate.

  • Collaborate with a moving company for complimentary or discounted moves when clients buy or sell through you.

Everyone benefits!

Organize Events That People Genuinely Want to Attend

Forget dull seminars.

Create events so engaging, attendees forget they're learning about real estate.

Try these:

  1. Lead a neighborhood walking tour.

  2. Showcase local gems, share historical tidbits, and subtly mention homes on the market.

  3. Host a "Flip This House" workshop with local contractors and designers for renovation tips—ideal for buyers and sellers alike.

  4. Throw a "New to the Neighborhood" party.

Meet new residents and establish yourself as the go-to expert.

Create Content That's Genuinely Useful (and Maybe Even Entertaining)

Skip the generic "5 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers" blog post.

Craft content that truly captivates.

Content ideas that stand out:

  • Launch a "Real Estate Mythbusters" video series to debunk home buying and selling misconceptions with flair.

  • Host a podcast featuring interviews with local business owners, school principals, and community leaders to highlight your local expertise.

  • Create an interactive "Choose Your Own Adventure" quiz guiding potential buyers to their ideal neighborhood based on lifestyle choices.

Engage your audience in unprecedented ways!

Get Innovative with Your Marketing Materials

Forget the generic branded pens and calendars.

Instead, craft marketing materials that people will cherish and use.

How about these ideas:

  1. Design a custom neighborhood guide featuring your favorite local spots—restaurants, shops, attractions.

  2. Assemble a "New Homeowner Survival Kit" filled with essential tools, cleaning supplies, and takeout menus.

  3. Create beautiful frameable prints of local landmarks or neighborhoods.

Make every piece memorable!

Implement Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

To stand out in real estate, think beyond traditional methods.

Guerrilla marketing tactics:

  • Distribute custom doorhangers in recently sold neighborhoods: "Another happy homeowner thanks to [Your Name]!"

  • Post eye-catching "Lost Dog" style flyers advertising a "missing dream home," with your contact info for those eager to help.

  • Sponsor a local Little League team with creative names like "The Closers" or "Home Run Heroes."

Success lies in being authentic, providing value, and having fun.

Let your personality shine and take calculated risks.

The more unique you are, the more leads you'll attract!

Chapter 7: Harnessing Industry Connections and Expert Insights for Quality Leads

Real estate agents often hear about the power of industry associations and insider knowledge for lead generation.

These resources can give you an edge over competitors, providing a steady stream of qualified prospects to boost your business.

A clever strategy combines association memberships with custom lead generation systems.

Leveraging NAR Resources

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) offers RPR (Realtors Property Resource), a valuable platform granting access to extensive property data, including financial details and investor insights.

Integrating RPR with your lead generation model helps you identify and target potential buyers and sellers whose criteria match your listings.

Boosting Credibility Through Affiliations

Showcasing your industry affiliations and certifications on your online profile can boost your credibility and attract leads.

Clients often prefer agents who are knowledgeable and well-connected in their markets.

Highlighting your memberships in local groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce or Downtown Business Association, demonstrates your expertise and community involvement.

The Power of Referrals

An insider tactic involves leveraging your network for referrals.

This network includes past clients, friends, family, and professional contacts.

Consistently nurturing these relationships and providing exceptional service can result in a steady flow of referrals.

Consider sending personalized updates, organizing client appreciation events, or simply checking in.

These thoughtful gestures can lead to valuable opportunities down the line.

Farming: A Targeted Approach

Farming is a powerful lead generation strategy that many overlook.

This technique involves focusing your efforts on a specific geographic area or demographic, such as a particular neighborhood or group of investors.

Becoming the go-to expert for that "farm" can generate a reliable stream of leads.

Participate in community events, sponsor local sports teams, or host informational seminars for your farm's interests.

When executed well, farming can significantly boost your lead generation efforts.

The Value of Personal Connections

Don't underestimate the importance of personal connections in lead generation.

With the prevalence of digital strategies, it's easy to forget the value of face-to-face interactions.

Attend industry conferences, join local networking groups, and engage in community events.

Building genuine relationships with other professionals can result in valuable partnerships and referral opportunities.

Industry associations, expert insights, and strategic networking can elevate your lead generation efforts.

These tactics, combined with a strong online presence and targeted marketing campaigns, can help you attract a consistent stream of qualified leads and ultimately close more deals.

Your Roadmap to Lead Generation Success

Lead generation in the fast-paced world of real estate doesn't have to feel like a grind.

With smart strategies and a bit of creativity, you can turn it into a streamlined process that attracts potential clients effortlessly.

Success here hinges on relationships.

Build genuine connections with your clients and community.

Be the agent people want to grab coffee with, not just another business card collector.

When you offer real value and earn trust, you'll create loyal advocates who'll rave about you.

Dominate Your Market with Ylopo's Solutions

Feeling overwhelmed by lead generation?

Don't sweat it.

Ylopo, the digital marketing powerhouse, has you covered.

Ylopo isn't just another tool—it's like having a team of tech-savvy marketers boosting your online presence 24/7.

With AI-driven lead nurturing that anticipates needs and dynamic property marketing that makes listings shine, Ylopo elevates your real estate game.

Curious about the hype?

Take Ylopo for a spin.

Book a demo today to see how their cutting-edge platform can streamline leads, increase closings, and help you dominate the competitive real estate market.

Remember Wayne Gretzky's wisdom: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

So book that demo now and get ready to score big!

About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth