
Extending Listing Alert Sunset to 18 Months

Ylopo 2.0

New Dawn for Lead Engagement

Have you ever lamented all those promising leads that went ice cold after initial interest? 

Now you can! Ylopo is extending email nurturing timeframes for listing alerts 6x from just months to a full 18 months!

Here’s what you need to know:

Extended Email Listings Duration: We've evolved our email strategy, extending the period for sending listing alerts to 18 months. This change reflects our adaptation from outdated best practices and is based on thorough testing.

Continuous Engagement for Active Users: Users who regularly engage with our emails will continue to receive them without interruption, ensuring a steady flow of relevant information.

Nurturing Non-Engaged Leads: For leads that haven't engaged in a while, we continue to send emails for up to 18 months. This duration might increase in the future, but currently stands at 18 months.

Domain Reputation Protection: We are cautious about not over-sending emails to maintain a healthy domain reputation. This strategy helps avoid our emails being marked as spam, thus ensuring better open rates for engaged users.

Insight-Driven Batch Refreshes: By analyzing client data, we refresh listing alerts to re-engage about 8% of users who previously showed interest. This process is now automated for efficiency.

Sunrising Process: We've introduced a 'sunrising' method, automatically refreshing qualified users and extending their engagement period to 18 months. This eliminates the need for clients to manually update their databases.

Iterative and Careful Process: Starting soon, we will progressively 'unsunset' and 'sunrise' leads in waves, ensuring careful selection and authorization compliance.

Proactive Re-engagement Strategies: When leads re-engage with the website, we encourage proactive outreach. For example, following up with users who repeatedly view the same listing can lead to productive interactions and potential appointments.

No more losing leads forever after arbitrary cutoff dates. Our system automatically identifies the moment a lead returns or signals intests, connecting them to you with personalized outreach to facilitate a high-value appointment.

With lead sunrising powering an up to 300% increase in converted appointments, now is the perfect time to unlock your lost lead potential with Ylopo!

Don’t miss a single lead!

Book a demo with Ylopo today!