
FOLLOW UP BOSS & YLOPO - How they work together to generate, nurture and organize all your relationships.

Resident Realtor Barry Jenkins and Ylopo Client Success Lani Wilson give a complete overview of the Ylopo & Follow Up Boss integration, providing agents and teams a complete digital marketing platform without having all your eggs in one basket! 

[01:50] SECTION 1: Theory of “Why” of your CRM

  • To organize your database

    • If you log into your CRM and you feel overwhelmed, that means you’re not using the platform the way that you should.

    • We all like to blame the CRM, when really, what we need to do is learn how to use it the way it was designed.

  • To help you communicate quickly

    • Some of you are just going from contact to contact and you’re memorizing all of the details about the lead before you make that call, and that’s just because you’re nervous. You need to stop it. You just need to communicate quickly and breathe through each person.

  • To be aware of important activity in your database

    • Your CRM should highlight important things. With Ylopo, it should be very clear to you who’s active, who’s behaving like an interested buyer, and who isn’t.

Why Ylopo Decided to Integrate vs Create A CRM

  • With the “All in ones”, we all talk about how it will be so much easier. And while that’s not necessarily true, Ylopo decided that instead of dividing our resources—to where 50 percent of our engineering resources were devoted to supporting a CRM, and then the other half is devoted to technology, marketing, innovation, and things like that—we decided we will devote the majority of our resources to innovation. 

  • We’re doing things that no one’s ever done, staying ahead of what the consumer believes is possible, and staying ahead of the competition. And then, the small percentage of engineering resources are being devoted to integrating with the CRM of your choice.

  • The decision was transformative because we are outpacing everybody.

  • If you ever feel annoyed going between your CRM and Stars, remind yourself that there’s a purpose behind it. That is to enable you to stay ahead of the consumer.

  • There are incredible things we’re doing in Mission Control as we’re redesigning it to help you and your CRM talk more efficiently.

[06:20] SECTION 2: Daily Process and the Use of Follow Up Boss

  • Optimizing your CRM for new and unconverted opportunities

  • Optimizing your CRM for old and unconverted opportunities that are active

  • Optimizing your CRM for converted and active leads

  • The Follow Up Boss’ support backend suggests that the most successful agents walk a few minutes of the day to work through their leads in their hotlist. And they block time each month to work on their nurtured leads and on their sphere of influence. 

  • It is important to consistently get in contact with your leads and not really reducing yourself in falling into that habit of just associating people with bad leads. These are humans who have buyer stories. You do yourself the best justice by following up with them, finding out what their buyer story is, before you just reduce them being a bad lead. Consistency is key.

  • Find a method that works for you. There is no sure-shot method. It comes up to adopting methods, taking a look, trying to figure out what works best for you, and then sticking with that method. Not switching it up every day.

  • Once you find a method that works well for you, if you are in a team, make sure that your whole team implements the behavior as well. 

Working Through Your Daily Tasks:

  • A lot of clients use their daily hot sheet, which has a list of leads that you might want to be focusing on. When you’re thinking about organizing your day before you hop on calls, you might want to take a look at your daily hot sheet.

  • Take a look at clearing your inbox. There may be a number of tasks that you want to perform. You can also filter by activity. So if you want to look at certain tasks, you can always go ahead and filter that way. 

  • If you’re a larger team, it is recommended to learn how the team inbox works. The team inbox can basically catch all the unique calls that might come in.

  • Look at the tasks to see if there are some “Overdue Tasks”, just work on them thoroughly. 

  • Some tasks that might appear on your FUB is responding to Ylopo High Priority. This is information you want to know and capitalize on by engaging with your leads, seeing where they are in their timeline, and qualifying them.

  • If you’ve got a hundred or thousand overdue tasks, there are additional workflows that you can use outside of tasking. But working after the tasks is a great way to make sure that nobody is being missed. But there are also other ways to get the job done.

  • Take a look at the Dashboard, which shows the most recent activities of your leads.

  • Make time to call your leads every other day, but it’s up to you how frequently based on what’s best for you. Call your leads in all stages. You can use your “Last Activity” filter to take a look at your leads and really see where they are in the buying and selling process. 

  • Make sure to follow up on your active clients weekly. Active clients are on a different process than someone who might be a “hot lead” or someone who’s on your sphere of influence. Just make a judgment call on when to follow up with them. It’s really important to engage all your leads and bring that proposition value every time you make a call with them.

  • For your past clients, it is recommended to get in touch with them quarterly. To filter, go to All Leads, then you can filter them by “Stage” and “Calls Made”. This way, you’re leveraging the spreadsheet design of FUB. There’s a lot of different analytics that you are able to filter based on what you would like to search for or organize. 

  • It’s important to learn how to use the Filter section because that’s where you can target what you want to target. Then you can save it with the “Save List” button.

  • There are so many tools available to FUB clients in terms of filtering.

  • If you want to manage your Smart List and Tasks or toggle where they appear, just go to the Manage List (upper right side).

  • If your team doesn’t necessarily focus on tasks, it’s fine.

  • It’s great to have “Tasks” alongside “Smart List” because Tasks can be very cluttered and it might feel hard to tackle them. Smart List takes a lot of that clutter out of the situation by having a very clear excel-like way for you to manage your leads. 

  • As an administrator, you can always share these lists with your team to make the day more manageable. 

  • If one thing works for you and you feel comfortable with what you’re doing because you’ve tried it and it’s working through, share it with your team. Once you have everyone on board on the same accord, it’ll be a lot easier to figure out problem areas or identify what’s not working. When you have 10 people in your team, employing 10 different methods, it’s gonna be really hard to talk about accountability and reporting. It’ll be a lot easier for success.

FUB Calendar:

  • Integrated with Google

  • The calendar is really great for you to see what tasks and employments you have on your day, and what’s on your week or month ahead of you. Once you’ve set up a task for someone, it will appear on your Calendar. If there were appointments, they will appear on the Appointments tab. 

Reporting Tools:

  • Important for administrators

  • It’s where you can see how your team is managing leads.

  • Tools include the Total Lead Count, Properties which have the most views or most popular.

  • You have a lot of tools to make sure that your team is working well, make sure you have a smooth and effective day. It’s important to make use of those and just focus and find them.

[20:00] Barry’s Team’s Tips and Strategies in using FUB:

  • Remember who you need to focus on.

  • They tried to triage their new leads.

  • It’s not necessary how leads had been categorized, as long as they’re labeled and put somewhere. 

  • You should be using your CRM and your Smart List to organize new opportunities, older opportunities that are unconverted but are active, and people that you’ve spoken to but they’re behaving like something is changing and they’re interested. All of these can easily be done with FUB integration.

  • They dialed in their stages—Hot, Warm, Cold, and Closed. This is how the team triaged their workflow.

  • If it’s a Hot lead, they’ll turn Ylopo AI (formerly rAIya) off. 

[25:39] SECTION 3: Ylopo Details in FUB

  • Ylopo Tags vs FUB Tags

  • Finding your Stars link on FUB

  • Figuring out when you should spend more time on some lead profile and their Stars link

  • Important Stars features - have a good knowledge of what Stars can do for you and what tools are available.

  • Ylopo Alerts and Tasks that are associated with leads on FUB

Ylopo Tags vs FUB Tags

  • Ylopo Tags have a lot of meaning to them.

  • “YPriority” - someone has performed an activity which really shows that they have a high intention to transact and move forward in the buying and selling process.

  • RETURNED - indicates that someone went back to your website after leaving it, showing a strong behavior that we’re looking for.

  • HANDRAISER - for people who are looking for showings and you might want to keep an eye on them.

  • WITHIN_90_DAYS - those who are looking to buy within 90 days.

  • NOTEXT - this tag is used to essentially stop all AI communication and is not recommended. Be very careful when using this tag. We want Ylopo AI to start engaging with our lead before we have the chance to see that the lead has engaged. It is recommended to go ahead on their Stars profile and opt them out of the conversation. 

  • Zip code tags can also be taken into account when seeing why Tags are important for you. 

  • Tags are designed to help you search for big ideas—that’s how FUB designed them.

  • A Zendesk article is available where Ylopo defined all the Tags because there are some tags that you can add for the lead that you’re gonna have Ylopo do stuff. Tags are also a great way to communicate and send info back and forth between Ylopo and FUB, which is a killer integration.

  • A great tip from a client: If you have a listing and you want to take a look and figure out who’s ready to buy, filter by price and filter by zip code.

  • You’re not expected to memorize all of those tags. At the end of the Zendesk Ylopo Tags article, there are tags that you can add leads to Ylopo, e.g. Y_IMPORT, Y_IMPORT_RETARGETING, Y_IMPORT_SELLER.

  • Be careful with the Y_IMPORT_SELLER tag because if you tagged them with it and we don’t have any info in the property field of FUB, such as their address or zip code, it won’t work.

  • If you tag them with NOTEXT, they’ll never receive a text so be careful.

  • The Tags Based on Automated ISA are ways of AI communicating with you, such as AI_NEEDS_FOLLOW_UP. These are leads that have converted the opportunity.

  • AI_START is a way to manually kick off Ylopo AI. But if you don’t have compliance or if they have not opted in to receive a text message from a marketing standpoint, the text is not gonna go out.

  • For example, a Zillow lead from 12 years ago is already outside the timeframe that Zillow allows you to auto-check a lead. Ylopo is going to read the creation date and say you can’t text them. We are analyzing this info and it’s Ylopo’s way of protecting you from getting sued.

  • AI_NEEDS_FOLLOW_UP is definitely a tag you want to follow up very closely and it is even recommended you make a smart list for it. This is because once AI_NEEDS_FOLLOW_UP tag was added to a profile’s account, that means that Ylopo AI has gone to a point where she has qualified really well, she might be sending some listings over, she’s done her job and now she wants you to do yours. We know that the person was engaging really well with the conversation, so they’re likely to be open to you.

  • When you’re thinking about your daily tasks in the morning, take a look at your Hot sheet, take a look at your Tasks, Calendar, and then also take some time to take a look at your AI_NEEDS_FOLLOW_UP because, in a lot of instances, that’s where the money is.

Important Stars Features:

  • Ylopo PRIORITY LEAD ALERT - tells us what property a lead has looked at, how many times, which could already tell us how interested he might be in buying.

  • The Average Price and Listings Viewed listed on a lead’s Stars match up with what is indicated on FUB.

  • Your Ylopo AI conversations occur in Stars. If you do want to jump in and actually engage as your “assistant,” which is recommended instead of engaging as yourself. It is because it’s a little clunky when you have your agent engaging with a lead for a number of weeks or days, and then on the same chat, you now introduce yourself as a separate person. Some clients say they still could pretend to be on that persona of the assistant, and then say something along the lines of, “Hey, Steve! That sounds great. What I’m gonna do is get you in touch with Barry now.” Even though you are Barry the whole time. And then Barry actually introduced himself to the conversation. 

  • The Tags on Stars also match those in FUB.

  • For Listing Alerts, you can always set one up for a lead. In the Listing Alerts Settings, people oftentimes can conflate the option to “Send alerts for: ☐New and Updated Listings” with what a Push Listing is. If you want to push or send something instantly to someone because you spoke with the lead, and you know exactly what he’s looking for in a home, what you can do is program it and send a Push Listing instead.

  • If you’re setting someone up on your a seach for Listing Alerts (e.g. weekly), once we have properties that match what you’ve set for your searches, then it will send to them. Remember that it’s very different from a Push Listing.

  • Take a look at Stars because it has a lot more information than you might see at first look. You’ll get a really good idea of the lead’s patterns, their activity, and how engaged they are.

  • Stars can also be called the “deep-dive”. When you’re in FUB, you should be living inside FUB. You should be calling and texting; everything you need to know to breathe through your database in FUB. But when it’s time to deep-dive, the consumer is important to you. Regardless of whether it’s good or bad importance, if a person is important to you, that’s when you really go into Stars and you either take over the AI conversation. You send a Push Listing. It’s a great way to text a lead a couple of properties that you found. You want to see how they’re engaging you. So if you’re texting them listings, you’ll see that they’re clicking the link through their log-in history. Stars is where you’re gonna get that extra granular data.

Bad Number Function

  • If you discovered that there is an invalid number for one of your leads, what you want to do in FUB is add a tag such as a BAD_PHONE or BAD_NUMBER. This is so the next time that person accesses the site, they’ll be prompted to give a new phone number. Once the lead submitted a phone number, they’ll get Priority Alerts as well. Before they submit their new phone number, go ahead in Stars and click the ☐Bad Phone Number option. This is so Ylopo won’t be texting the lead anymore and then we’ll be sending a bad number prompt to them if you have that tag added.

  • This is to make sure you have the most recent contact information for them.

  • You can also check the Bad Number option on FUB, which is a great visual way of seeing when a number is bad. 

  • It shouldn’t seem like such a roadblock when you do find out that someone has a bad number. If the leads are checking their emails and they’re engaging in clicking on to links, you can assume that that’s their email address. What you might want to do is send them an email and follow up with them about what’s the better way to reach them. It’s a great way to make use of the information you have available in trying to get that phone number so you can get on the phone.

Other Tips for Stars:

  • Seller Alerts is like a killer marketing update, and you want to set that up to make sure that your homeowners and your database are getting market updates and seller ads, and the HomeBot will automatically apply to those as well. So just make sure you are using those marketing updates because it has the information you can’t get anywhere else.

  • Your Opt-Out options - it’s what you should probably be relying on instead of using that “No Text” tag because it’s a little risky.

Other Tips for FUB:

  • When you’re looking at the Lead view, the “Activity” on the mid-right section includes incredible data, which you need to know if you’re nervous about following up with your leads. 

  • It’s a great place to start a conversation.

  • Barry got a series of texting templates that FUB can add to your account, that he’s matched with the Smart List he’s done. All of these can be applied to your account to save you time. 

  • Learn how to use the dialer. It’s gonna speed up your call process and give you additional analytics.

  • The CRM should be saving time off of your day-to-day.