The Top 5 Lead Gen Systems Realtors Can't Ignore in 2024


The difference between thriving and barely surviving often comes down to one crucial factor: the quality and quantity of your leads.

But with a dizzying array of lead generation companies vying for your attention (and your budget), how do you separate the game-changers from the money-wasters?

Buckle up, ambitious agent.

We're about to embark on a deep dive into the world of real estate lead generation.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll:

  • Unveil the top 5 lead generation powerhouses reshaping the industry

  • Compare their features, costs, and performance head-to-head

  • Reveal insider strategies to nurture leads into loyal clients

  • Equip you with actionable tips to choose the perfect lead gen partner for your unique business

Whether you're a seasoned pro looking to scale or a newcomer ready to make your mark, this guide is your roadmap to real estate domination.

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Chapter 1: Top Real Estate Lead Generation Companies

First, let's spotlight some industry stars:

Cutting-edge AI tech and dynamic ads make Ylopo a powerhouse. Our innovative approach to lead generation sets them apart in a crowded field.

Leveraging artificial intelligence, Ylopo creates highly targeted campaigns that resonate with potential clients.

A household name offering a robust platform for client connections.

Zillow's massive user base gives agents unprecedented access to motivated buyers and sellers.

Their Premier Agent program puts you front and center when leads are searching for properties in your area.

Focuses on exclusive leads and comprehensive marketing support.

BoldLeads takes a unique approach by providing agents with leads that aren't shared with other professionals.

This exclusivity can be a game-changer for agents looking to stand out in competitive markets.

Leverages its trusted brand and vast database for high-quality leads.

As one of the most recognizable names in real estate, attracts millions of potential buyers and sellers.

Their lead generation services tap into this massive pool of prospects.

Combines quality leads with powerful marketing tools.

Market Leader's comprehensive approach doesn't just stop at providing leads.

They offer a suite of tools designed to help agents nurture those leads into clients and grow their business over time.

Each of these companies brings something unique to the table.

  • Ylopo's AI-driven approach appeals to tech-savvy agents looking for cutting-edge solutions.

  • Zillow Premier Agent leverages the power of the Zillow brand to connect agents with active home seekers.

  • BoldLeads offers exclusivity that can be particularly valuable in competitive markets.

  •'s trusted reputation attracts serious buyers and sellers.

  • Market Leader provides a well-rounded toolkit for agents at various stages of their careers.

But how do they stack up? Let's compare their key features and performance.

Chapter 2: Comparative Analysis: Putting the Top Companies Head-to-Head

Company Lead Quality Cost Features Customer Support
Ylopo High $600-$1,200/month + setup fee AI marketing, dynamic ads, lead nurturing Excellent
Zillow Premier Agent High $300-$1,000+/month (varies) High visibility, exclusive leads, CRM integration Good
BoldLeads Medium $399+/month + ad budget & onboarding Exclusive leads, comprehensive marketing Excellent High $200-$1,000+/month (ZIP code dependent) Trusted brand, lead insights, mobile app Good
Market Leader Medium $139+/month + lead & team costs High-quality leads, powerful marketing tools Good

Each company shines in its own way. For example: 

  • Ylopo and excel in lead quality, consistently delivering prospects that are more likely to convert. Their higher price points reflect this premium service.

  • BoldLeads and Market Leader offer affordable options with solid features, making them attractive to agents just starting out or those in less competitive markets.

  • Zillow Premier Agent maximizes online presence, leveraging the power of the Zillow brand to put agents in front of motivated buyers and sellers.

Cost is also an important factor to consider, but it shouldn't be the only one.

The value you get from each platform can vary greatly depending on your market, experience level, and specific needs.

A newer agent in a highly competitive urban market might find the higher cost of Ylopo or Zillow Premier Agent worth it for the quality of leads and advanced features.

On the other hand, an experienced agent in a smaller market might get excellent results from a more affordable option like Market Leader.

It's also worth noting that customer support can make a big difference in your experience with any lead generation platform.

Ylopo and BoldLeads stand out in this area, offering excellent support that can help you make the most of their tools and features.

While the other companies still provide good support, you might find yourself needing to be more self-reliant when using their platforms.

But numbers don't tell the whole story.

Next, let's dig deeper into what makes each company special.

1. Ylopo: AI-Powered Lead Generation Magic

Have you ever wished for a tireless marketing assistant who works 24/7 to bring you the best leads?

That's essentially what Ylopo offers with its cutting-edge AI approach to lead generation.

Here's what makes Ylopo stand out:

  1. Dynamic Ad Creation: Ylopo's AI analyzes user behavior to craft personalized ads that truly resonate with potential leads. Imagine an ad that adjusts its messaging based on whether a user is browsing during work hours or in the evening. That's the level of personalization Ylopo provides.

  2. Automated Follow-Up: Ylopo doesn't just generate leads – it helps you nurture them throughout the sales process. The system can send personalized emails, text messages, and even voicemails based on a lead's behavior and preferences.

  3. Continuous Learning: The AI doesn't rest on its laurels. It's constantly learning and adapting to improve your results over time.


One happy Ylopo user shared their experience:

"As a Ylopo client for close to 8 months now I have been incredibly impressed with them so far. When you hear about online lead generation companies you often get overpromised and under-delivered. I've found that the company has been consistent in creating a sustainable (and growing) business!

From online lead gen (& the most advanced AI follow up in the industry), a passionate and helpful FB community, their unique remarketing and continued advancement Ylopo does it all at an incredibly high level.

I look forward to being a Ylopo client for many years to come!"


Another agent raved about the platform's adaptive capabilities:

"I used to train agents in 2016 how to run successful FB ads, when no one was doing it. I know lots of tech and platforms tell agents they generate “cheap” or “consistent” leads. BUT, with my knowledge of what they’re doing and what you CAN do in terms of lead marketing, I can say 100% that Ylopo is the best place to build a robust lead system.

Retargeting and the systems they’ve built with AI texting would require someone to get a damn college degree in programming and then have years of experience developing retargeting systems. If most platforms operate at a 4th grade level (“more leads, more business”), then Ylopo has a dang Doctorate (“generate, retarget, engage with automations”).

It’s a no brainer, BUY their sh** before you get eaten up by Zillow."


While Ylopo's advanced features do come with a higher price tag, many users find the investment pays off in terms of time saved and deals closed.

If you're in a competitive market or looking to scale your business quickly, Ylopo's ability to generate and nurture high-quality leads could be a game-changer for you.

2. Zillow Premier Agent: Harnessing a Trusted Brand

Zillow is a popular starting point for many home seekers in their online real estate searches. Zillow Premier Agent offers real estate professionals the opportunity to potentially increase their visibility on this platform.

Key features of Zillow Premier Agent include:

  • Lead Distribution: When users inquire about properties on Zillow, those inquiries may be directed to Premier Agents.

  • CRM Integration: The platform integrates with various customer relationship management systems.

  • Performance Reporting: Agents can access data on their Zillow-related activities.


One Premier Agent shared the best part of the service in their opinion:

"What I find the most helpful, or my favorite feature is the dashboard. In the dashboard I am able to see all my past sales, reviews, current leads in my pipeline as well as past messages with clients."


But they had a couple of things to say about pricing:

"What I dislike the most about Zillow Premier Agent is the pricing and availability of new leads. Multiple times I have wanted to branch out in to a new zipcode/area, however due to the pricing I have been hesitant and eventually decided against it. Most times I am unable and also unwilling to pay the specified price in order to get leads in a zipcode, only to be at the bottom of the list of suggested agents when viewing a property. Consumers are rarely going to scroll all the way down to one of the bottom agents shown and reach out/choose them. I also had ongoing issues with leads being interested in renting a property instead of outright buying, and I/my office does not deal with rentals/leases, thus wasting my money on a lead that could not be converted into a client/deal."

But while Zillow Premier Agent can be more expensive than some other options, many agents find the cost justified by the quality and quantity of leads they receive.

In actuality however, the effectiveness of Zillow Premier Agent may vary depending on factors such as location and individual agent approach. Prompt follow-up and relationship nurturing could potentially influence outcomes.

3. BoldLeads: Exclusive Leads and Marketing Muscle

BoldLeads markets itself as a provider of exclusive leads and marketing tools for real estate professionals.

Features of BoldLeads include:

  • Marketing Tools: The platform offers resources such as landing pages and automated emails.

  • Training Resources: BoldLeads provides educational materials and support options.

  • Flexible Pricing: The service uses a monthly fee plus ad budget model.


Gloria A F., a BoldLeads fan, shared her experience:

"I have been extremely satisfied with the amount of leads I have received. Some leads are for a quick closing and others are for the future. I have had many transactions through this program. One lead I received translated into five closed transactions."


However, Jessica C., another agent, had the completely opposite experience:

"I have been with bold leads since March, with the exchange I'm paying approx $1000.00 CAD a month. I have had zero return. I was told I would receive around 25 leads a month. I get an average of 5 a month and they are dead end leads, most seem fake or very far out of my area.

I have asked for help and to be released from my contract many times and the customer service is rude, they make up ridiculous reasons of why it's my fault I don't get leads and the reasons completely contradict things they had told me in the past. After contacting them for months about not getting any leads they sold the exact same contract to someone else at my office. We are from a small town and I was already barely getting any leads and they are now getting 2k a month between myself and the other agent and we are both getting very few useless leads. This company is a terrible terrible scam, I have a young family and I am just throwing away $1000 a month. This company should be investigated and shut down as they are robbing people of their money."

It's clear that the exclusivity of BoldLeads can be a double-edged sword.

While you're not competing with other agents for the same leads, the lead pool might be smaller than with some other services.

It's advisable for agents to carefully consider their specific needs and circumstances before committing to the service.

4. Trust and Insights Drive Results offers lead generation services to real estate professionals, leveraging its established presence in the online real estate market.

Key features of's services include:

  • Lead Insights: The platform provides detailed information about prospects' search activities.

  • Mobile Application: Agents can manage leads via a smartphone app.

  • Market Data Access: The service offers access to various real estate market statistics.


Natalie A., a successful agent shared their experience:

"I prefer their lead system where you can set it up so that you automatically send a text and email response to your new lead, and you don't have to answer a phone call to be connected live to the lead (like how Zillow works). I'm so often busy and can't answer a phone call, so I would often miss out on my Zillow leads. I've had much better success with leads overall. One of my favorite features is that you can still purchase non-shared leads that only go to you, so you're not competing with another agent.

Their system for following up with and managing your contacts is also superior to Zillow IMO. At no additional cost you can send them market reports and new listing alerts directly through, which is great for any agents starting out that don't have a dedicated CRM yet."


However, she highlighted some problems with the service's UX:

"In the last year I've experienced SO MANY issues with their app on my Google Pixel 7 & 8 Pro along with their " for Professionals" website. For context, I'm a fairly tech-savvy person with IT support as well. The texting interface in the app is extremely glitchy and freezes up all the time. I also haven't been able to delete contacts from within the app for a very long time. I sent a complaint and they basically just said they're aware of the issue and are working on it (but it's been months now and it's still not working correctly). I even deleted the app and re-installed it, but nothing improved.

My contacts also don't sync correctly on the website, and for a while the website simply wouldn't load on Chrome despite me doing everything they suggested to make it work. This makes it far more difficult to manage my leads and business overall."

The cost of's services may be higher in competitive markets.

The platform's effectiveness could potentially depend on factors such as an agent's response time and follow-up strategies.

5. Market Leader: Powerful Tools for High-Quality Leads

Market Leader positions itself as a provider of targeted leads and marketing resources for real estate professionals.

Key offerings from Market Leader include:

  • Lead Generation: The service aims to provide quality leads.

  • Website Creation: Custom IDX websites are part of the offering.

  • Customer Relationship Management: The platform includes a CRM system.


Phil S., satisfied Market Leader user noted:

"I love the fact that you can generate leads in any city or zip code so long as their is availability. If you want to generate leads in a city that has higher priced real estate, you can with market leader without you being charged excessive fees like they do on other lead generation platforms. Market leader is more democratic and charges the same fee regardless of location. This unto self is the most aspirational, goal oriented and leveling of the play field aspect about Market Leader that I absolutely love. Plus you can change targeted cities at any time without incurring any additional fees. This is absolutely fantastic. I also love the insights into the leads behavior, what emails they click on, when they are on your website, what homes they are looking at, automatic nurturing of leads and what activites I should do to connect with a lead."


But he also had this to say:

"The biggest challenge is I wish Market Leader could verify the phone number before they send the lead. Also wish they could enable a lead to view multiple homes/clicks and then capture their information after 5 to 10 clicks."

As with any lead generation service, the effectiveness of Market Leader may vary based on individual circumstances and how agents utilize the provided tools.

It's advisable for real estate professionals to carefully evaluate their specific needs and market conditions when considering this or any lead generation service.

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The pioneering 24/7 AI real estate assistant that actively converts leads 365 days a year.

Chapter 3: From Lead to Client: Winning Strategies for Nurturing Prospects

Generating leads is just the start. To truly succeed, you need to master lead nurturing.

Here are some proven tactics to turn leads into loyal clients:

1. Respond Lightning Fast (and Keep It Up)

Speed is king.

When a new lead pops up, aim to make contact within five minutes.

This shows you're attentive and ready to help.

Think about it – when a lead reaches out, they're in a mindset to talk real estate.

If you catch them in that moment, you're much more likely to engage them in a productive conversation.

Even if you can't give them your full attention right away, a quick text or email saying you'll follow up shortly can make a big difference.

But don't stop there! Consistency is key to building trust.

Set up a regular follow-up schedule - daily, weekly, or monthly - and stick to it like glue.

Even if a lead isn't ready to buy or sell right away, staying in touch keeps you top-of-mind.

Consider creating a "touch point" calendar.

Maybe you send a market update email on the first Monday of each month, give them a call to check in every six weeks, and send a handwritten note around the holidays.

This consistent, multi-channel approach helps build a relationship over time.

2. Add Value at Every Turn

Every interaction is a chance to showcase your expertise.

Instead of just checking in or pushing for a sale, share helpful resources, insider tips, and local market insights.

Create a library of educational content - blog posts, videos, e-books - to address common questions.

For example, you might create a series of short videos explaining different mortgage options, or write a blog post about the hidden costs of homeownership.

This type of content positions you as a trusted advisor, not just someone trying to make a sale.

You can also share local insights that go beyond real estate.

Maybe you create a monthly newsletter highlighting upcoming community events, new restaurant openings, or changes to local schools.

This shows you're not just knowledgeable about housing – you're an expert on the entire community.

3. Get Personal in Your Follow-Up

Nobody wants to feel like just another name on a list.

Personalize your follow-up based on each lead's unique needs and behavior.

Take note of the properties they've viewed, questions asked, and concerns expressed.

Use this info to tailor your messages and provide targeted recommendations.

For example, if a lead loves a certain neighborhood, send them recent sales data and your expert take on local trends.

You might say something like:

"Hey Sarah, I noticed you've been looking at homes in Willow Creek. Did you know that area has seen a 5% increase in property values over the last year? I've got some insights on why that's happening if you're interested."

If they're hunting for a specific feature like a big backyard, curate a list of properties that fit the bill.

You could reach out with a message like:

"Hi Tom, I remember you mentioned wanting a home with a spacious yard. I've just listed a property that I think you'll love – it's got a quarter-acre lot with mature trees. Want to take a look?"

Showing you're listening and truly care about their needs forges a stronger connection than generic follow-up ever could.

4. Mix Up Your Communication Channels

Email is great, but it shouldn't be your only tool.

Different leads prefer different ways to communicate, so diversify your approach.

Try reaching out via phone, text, social media, or even good old-fashioned snail mail.

A handwritten note or small, thoughtful gift can go a long way in showing you value their business.

For instance, you might send a text with a quick market update, follow up with an email containing more detailed information, and then mail a handwritten thank-you note after a showing.

This multi-channel approach helps ensure your message gets through, regardless of the lead's preferred communication method.

Just be sure to respect preferences and not overwhelm leads.

Pay attention to how they respond to different channels and adjust accordingly.

If a lead always responds quickly to texts but rarely opens emails, focus your efforts on text communication.

5. Leverage Your CRM Like a Pro

Your CRM is your secret weapon for lead nurturing.

Use it to track activity and engagement, gaining valuable insights to tailor your follow-up.

Set up automated email drip campaigns to keep leads engaged without manual effort.

For example, you might create a series of emails for first-time homebuyers, covering topics like improving credit scores, saving for a down payment, and understanding the buying process.

These can go out automatically at set intervals after a lead enters your system.

Use CRM reminders for follow-up tasks like phone calls or personalized messages.

You might set a reminder to call a lead two weeks after they attend one of your open houses, or to send a personalized market update 30 days after their initial inquiry.

Remember, your CRM is only as powerful as the data you feed it.

Consistently log interactions, track website and social media activity, and update lead profiles.

Note down personal details they share, like if they're planning to start a family soon or if they're looking to downsize for retirement.

These insights can help you provide more relevant, personalized communication.

The more comprehensive your CRM data, the more effective your nurturing efforts will be.

It's like having a personal assistant who remembers every detail about every lead, allowing you to provide a truly personalized experience at scale.

Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Partner for Your Real Estate Success

Investing in top-tier lead generation can skyrocket your real estate business.

These services deliver a constant flow of premium leads and tools to build strong relationships, accelerating your growth beyond expectations.

Choose wisely by considering:

  • Lead quality and exclusivity: Are the leads highly qualified and exclusive?

  • Cost vs. ROI: What’s the total cost, including setup fees? How does it compare to potential returns? 

  • Marketing features: Does the platform offer robust tools for nurturing and converting leads? 

  • Integration capabilities: Will it seamlessly sync with your current CRM or other systems? 

  • Training support: How comprehensive is the onboarding assistance? Make an informed choice to fuel unprecedented success.

Before deciding, dive into research, ask questions, and request demos.

Connect with fellow agents to hear their platform experiences.

Take advantage of free trials or money-back guarantees to test services without full commitment.

Assess your strengths: if you're tech-savvy, opt for platforms with advanced analytics; if you prefer simplicity, choose those offering done-for-you marketing campaigns.

Align your choice with long-term goals—whether aiming for rapid growth or steady high-quality leads.

The right lead generation partner can transform your business but remember it's just one part of the equation.

Success also hinges on timely follow-ups, effective relationship nurturing, and stellar client service.


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About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth