
Real Estate Call Night Success Story

Successful call night!!! 126 calls in almost 2 hours and 26 APPOINTMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ylopo Realtor in Residence Livia Monteforte shares the results from their last call night.

In the episode:

01:12 – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
03:38 – Aliquam vehicula nisi a molestie
08:07 – Praesent tincidunt tincidunt exas
12:34 – Donec condimentum vitae erat eget finibus
19:07 – Aenean faucibus, nibh vitae convallis
29:40 – Praesent tellus magna, faucibus rhoncus
32:08 – Suspendisse euismod neque id neque
44:43 – Proin vitae elit eget nunc maximus placerat
55:33 – Morbi suscipit quam dictum quam