
6 Ways To Stay Healthy While Working the Graveyard Shift

For many virtual assistants and remote workers, working the night shift is the only option since they have to cater to their foreign clients in different time zones. And one of the biggest challenges they have is getting enough sleep during the day—when it’s hot, it’s noisy, and everyone in the house is up and about. And if you get sleep-deprived for a long time, it can take a toll on your work performance and eventually, on your health.

Remember the old adage saying “Health is wealth”? It is and always will be! So don’t let your health be compromised and apply these simple tips to help you cope better.

1. Stick to a sleeping schedule.

While it’s not always possible for everyone to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day (especially for parents with little kids), give yourself enough time to fall asleep. Stick to a schedule so your body doesn’t have to adjust to new sleeping patterns every time. It might be helpful if you invest in some blackout curtains or shades, have a sleep mask ready, and avoid using gadgets before going to bed. Having an air conditioner installed in your room could also be a useful investment since you can be much more comfortable, especially during summer. If it helps, use a white noise app such as Headspace or drink a soothing tea before retiring to your cozy nook.

2. Moderate your caffeine intake.

Yes, for many of us, our first impulse to cure our sleepiness is gulping down mugs of coffee or bottles of energy drinks. But while caffeine increases alertness and boosts energy levels, too much caffeine may hurt you in the long run. Especially if you’re drinking beverages with lots of sugar, such as 3-in-1 coffee packs or sodas, you may experience some sugar rush that will just make sleeping much harder once your shift is done. If you must have caffeine, opt for green tea instead of coffee since it has less caffeine and is also loaded with good antioxidants.

3. Eat healthy food and stay hydrated.

Consuming healthy meals in the middle of the night is another challenge for any professional. Even if you’re working from home, you might be tempted to just grab any instant food you might have in the pantry or order some fast food just to conveniently have your midnight lunch. But for you to take care of your health, you would need to say no to unhealthy stuff most of the time. Prepare your meals in advance and stock up on healthy snacks like fruits and nuts so you can avoid eating junk food. Also, always drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and give you enough reason to stand up and take the occasional toilet breaks.

4. Take vitamins.

No matter your age, taking health supplements can be very beneficial. Especially if you’re working at night and you’re not getting enough sleep, taking supplements such as Vitamin C can improve your immune system to help you cope in the long run.  

5. Do some exercise. 

While it might be better to schedule the heavy workout on your days off, you can squeeze in some exercise by doing some brisk walking or calisthenics before your shift. This will prevent you from feeling drained or groggy and will instead make you feel energized and alert. You can also opt to use the stairs repeatedly or do some squats right at your desk. A few minutes of exercise is still better than just sitting for long hours, which can also be detrimental to your health.

6. Take power naps.

Sometimes, we just have to pause and listen to what our body really needs. If you weren’t able to get more than four or five hours of sleep during the day, you just have to give in and take some powerful naps within your shift. Of course, you have to do it during your break time, but getting some shuteye can be effective to help you energize. Just make sure to set up your alarm so you won’t oversleep—just enough to give your body and mind a few minutes of rest that they truly need.