
What’s New at Ylopo In 2022 - New Product Releases & Updates

We've made some BIG enhancements in the lead generation game and have been working closely with Facebook and Google to roll out new products that you'll be able to get before anyone else! Being first to market with these tools will give you a significant advantage in lead quality and cost.

We're excited to share these updates with you on this webinar hosted by Howard & Ge. PLUS Senior Realtors In Residence, Barry and Gabe will be there to demonstrate how they’re already using these powerful tools at a high level; allowing you to see in real-time how leveraging Ylopo's innovative tech could win you an edge over your competition.


5:00 - Google LSA

8:33 - Inbound Call Leads & Call Center (LSA Live)

32:12 - Canadian updates - Facebook retargeting

32:46 - Google Image ads

35:27 - Home Search 2.0

36:06 - Dynamic Registration

50:10 - Heat Map

56:45 - Open House Tool