Mastering the Buyer Consultation: Your Guide to Real Estate Success


Real estate is tough, but mastering buyer consultations can skyrocket your success.

In our most recent Client Success Summit, real estate veteran Mike Novak goes into why ditching the outdated focus on listings is the way forward. 

Watch his full presentation below:


 Like Mike says, the real profit lies with buyers.

Today, we tackle some of his strategies, and how to excel with them and build a booming real estate career.

The Bottomline:

When preparing for a buyer consultation, focus on building rapport, guiding clients through the buying process, and showcasing your expertise. Use a comprehensive buyer's guide, pre-appointment videos, and a structured format. Practice thoroughly and be ready to address common objections.

Chapter 1: Setting Your Presentation Up for Success

1. The Importance of Buyers

Buyers are your golden ticket.

An expert agent said it best: "You can build an empire with buyers."

Today's buyers? Tomorrow's listings.

Nurture those relationships now, and you'll be flooded with opportunities later.

Doubt it? Some agents rake in $40 million annually just from buyers.

That's real money.

The secret? A rock-solid system and relentless dedication.

2. Setting Up the Consultation

Drawing potential clients into your office for a face-to-face meeting is essential.

When scheduling the appointment, prioritize three key elements:

  1. Motivation: Understand their reasons for moving.

  2. Personal Connection: Learn about significant life changes driving the move.

  3. Qualification: Assess if they can buy in your market.

Pre-approval isn't necessary yet, but gauge their seriousness.

3. Qualifying Like a Pro

Start by building rapport before tackling financial questions.

Once they're at ease, dig deeper:

  • For renters, ask about current payments to gauge affordability.

  • For homeowners, discuss selling their property to understand equity.

Prepare for tough talks on affordability.

If rent is much lower than a typical mortgage in your area, assess if they're truly ready for homeownership.

4. Closing the Deal on the Appointment

Once they're qualified, use direct language to seal the deal:

"Let's schedule a 30-minute meeting. I'll guide you through the buying process, update you on market conditions, and pinpoint your needs. Does 4:00 today or Saturday at 6:00 work for you?"

This A or B close doesn't ask if they want to meet—just when.

It's straightforward and effective.

5. Pre-Appointment Magic

Once you've booked the appointment, send two quick videos:

  1. A brief 2.5-minute clip outlining the four phases of buying a house.

  2. An engaging 8-10 minute video highlighting why you're the perfect agent for them.

These videos build trust and guarantee they show up for the meeting.

Chapter 2: The Main Event: Your Buyer Consultation

Here's how to impress them.

Rapport Building (5-10 minutes)

  • Get personal.

  • Remind them of your phone conversation.

  • Make them feel like old friends.

The Buyer's Guide (20 minutes)

Walk them through your guide, covering these key points:


1. The Four Phases of Buying a Home


  • Meet face-to-face

  • Walk through the buying process

  • Determine their must-haves

  • Sign the paperwork

  • Get pre-approved


  1. Conduct market analysis

  2. Consider how long the property has been for sale

  3. Submit and negotiate offers

  4. Reach mutual acceptance

Home Search

  1. Set up listing alerts

  2. Hunt for properties

  3. Show homes quickly when they're interested

  4. Find their dream home

Contract to Close

  • Collect earnest money

  • Get the home inspected

  • Handle the appraisal

  • Obtain final loan approval

  • Conduct the final walkthrough

  • Sign loan documents

  • Close and hand over the keys


2. Buyer Agent vs. Listing Agent

  1. Explain the difference.

  2. Emphasize that you're in their corner.

  3. If dual agency is allowed in your state, be transparent about your team's policy.


3. Closing Costs

  • Break down what buyers and sellers typically pay in your market.

  • It helps set expectations and illustrates why choosing the right home is crucial - selling too soon can be costly.


4. Offer Variables

  1. If your market is competitive, discuss strategies.

  2. Demonstrate your expertise in winning in a challenging market.

Closing the Deal (5-10 minutes)

Ask for their business:

"So, what do you think? Ready to work together to find your new home?"

Then be quiet.

Let the silence do the work.

Maintain eye contact.

Let them decide.

If they're in, great!

Get the paperwork signed - buyer agency agreement, professional services agreement, etc.

Chapter 3: More Tips to Perfect Your Presentation

Crafting Your Buyer's Guide

Surprisingly, 89% of buyer agents don't have a formal guide.

That's your opportunity to stand out.

Your guide should include:

  • The home buying process, step by step

  • How buyer agents differ from listing agents

  • A breakdown of closing costs

  • Tips for making strong offers

  • What sets your team apart

You can create your own, use a template, or use a quick-and-easy but heavily customized builder like Ylopo's Buyer Presentation Tool.

Ensure it fits your market and style.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your consultation 30 times before going live.

It might sound extreme, but the payoff is huge.


  1. Nail your key points

  2. Boost your confidence

  3. Sharpen your language

  4. Master objections

  5. Perfect your closing

Do this, and you'll be sealing deals effortlessly.

Tackling Common Hurdles

Even with thorough preparation, challenges will arise.

Here's how to tackle them:

  • Reluctance to sign exclusively? Highlight how your expertise safeguards their interests.

  • Unrealistic expectations? Use market insights to gently ground them.

  • Multiple decision-makers? Get everyone together now; avoid future headaches.

  • Money worries? Be ready with budget talks and a trusted lender on call.

  • FOMO about missing out? Show them you'll uncover hidden gems others overlook.

Leverage Technology

Forge stronger connections with technology:

  1. Make your guide captivating with digital tools.

  2. Track clients effortlessly using a top-notch CRM.

  3. Dazzle buyers with immersive virtual tours.

  4. Connect seamlessly via video calls for remote clients.

  5. Speed up paperwork through e-signatures.

Building Lasting Relationships

The sale is just the start.

Keep them engaged:

  • Share market updates they crave.

  • Offer annual home value assessments.

  • Host fun client events.

  • Recommend top-notch repair pros.

  • Celebrate key dates like their home-buying anniversary.

Do this, and they'll return—and bring friends along.

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About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth