How Do You Find Leads Fast In Real Estate?


How Do You Find Leads Fast In Real Estate?

In A Nutshell:

To find real estate leads quickly, focus on engaging potential homebuyers who are actively searching for new properties.


Fast-Tracking Your Real Estate Success

The quickest way to snag real estate leads is to get yourself in front of folks who are actively house hunting.

Barry Jenkins, our Head Realtor in Residence here at Ylopo nails it when he says,

"Getting in front of home buyers that are shopping for a home is the fastest way to get transactions."

It's all about catching those motivated buyers and building a pipeline that'll keep your phone ringing off the hook.


Getting Inside the Buyer's Head

To really crush it with lead gen, you gotta understand what makes buyers tick.

“As a culture, we all are we like to shop. It's called retail therapy. We enjoy the process of buying something new that interests us. And it's no different with real estate."

Think about it - people love the thrill of the hunt, especially when it comes to finding their dream home.

If you can tap into that excitement, you'll be golden.


Riding the Online Wave

These days, everyone's glued to their screens, and house hunting is no exception.

Barry hits the nail on the head:

"People searching online for a home is a fantastic way to find buyer leads because they're interested. They're raising their hand asking for tours."

So, how do you make the most of this digital goldmine? Here's what you need to focus on:

  • SEO: Make sure your website is showing up when people search for homes in your area.

  • PPC Ads: Get your name out there on Google and Facebook with some killer ads.

  • Retargeting: Follow up with folks who've checked out your site. 

  • Chatbots: Set up some AI helpers to engage with visitors 24/7. 

If you're not all over these online channels, you're leaving money on the table.

Open Houses: Still Got It

Now, don't think for a second that traditional methods are dead. Open houses are still a powerhouse for lead gen.

“It's all about getting in front of people that are wanting to buy a home."

But here's where you can really level up: use tech to supercharge your open houses.

Barry's team has got it figured out:

"We've digitized that process through the while open house tool to where people are registering at the open house. They're signing in. They're getting added to our database. And then we're sending them more relevant listings as a result of them registering."

This approach lets you:

  1. Grab lead info on the spot

  2. Automatically add leads to your CRM

  3. Personalize your follow-ups

  4. Track how well each open house performs

It's all about working smarter, not harder.

Diving into Niche Markets

Now, depending on your specialty, you might need to tweak your approach.

  • Luxury real estate? Think high-end brand partnerships and VR property tours.

  • Commercial real estate? Network at industry events and show off your expertise with case studies.

The point is, know your niche inside and out, and tailor your lead gen strategy accordingly.

Facebook Advertising and Engagement

Facebook's advanced targeting options allow agents to reach potential clients based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Creating engaging ad content and targeting the right audience can generate a steady flow of leads at a relatively low cost per lead.

Beyond paid advertising, maintaining an active presence on Facebook through a business page and community engagement can help agents build trust and credibility.

Sharing valuable content, answering questions, and participating in relevant discussions can position agents as trusted experts in their local market.

Crunching the Numbers

You can't improve what you don't measure, right? So keep a close eye on your KPIs:

  1. Lead volume

  2. Conversion rates

  3. Cost per lead

  4. Customer lifetime value

Use analytics tools, run A/B tests, and always be optimizing. It's the only way to stay ahead of the game.


Wrapping It Up

Finding leads fast in real estate is all about being where the buyers are, using smart tech, and never forgetting the human touch.

As Barry Jenkins says, you gotta "get in front of people that are wanting to buy a home" - and do it in a way that speaks to them.

Keep learning, keep adapting, and keep pushing the envelope. That's how you'll stay on top in this crazy business we call real estate.
  • Remember when I talked about digital marketing earlier? Well, there's so much more to it.

    Maximizing Your Digital Presence

    Social Media Ads: Sure, organic engagement is great, but throwing some money into targeted ads can seriously boost your reach. You'll get more eyeballs on your listings and more clicks to your website.

    Content Marketing: This is huge, folks. Start pumping out blog posts, videos, infographics - anything that shows off your real estate smarts. It's like leaving breadcrumbs all over the internet that lead right back to you.

    Mobile-Friendly Everything: Listen, if your website isn't loading lightning-fast on mobile, you're losing leads. Period. People are searching on their phones all the time, so make sure your site looks good and works well on small screens.

    Carving Out Your Niche

    I mentioned specializing earlier, right? Well, here are a few more niches to consider:

    Vacation rentals or second homes Senior living communities Green or eco-friendly properties

    Pick one of these, and you'll stand out like a shiny new penny in a jar of old coins.

    Nurturing Your Existing Network

    Your database is gold, remember? Here's how to really make it shine:

    Throw client appreciation events. Show 'em some love! Send personal birthday wishes or holiday greetings. It's the little things that keep you top of mind. Share success stories from past clients. Nothing sells like social proof, baby.

    Elevating Your Open House Strategy

    Want to take your open houses to the next level? Try these:

    Create virtual tours or 3D walkthroughs. Perfect for those out-of-town buyers. Team up with local businesses for refreshments or giveaways. Make it an event! Follow up fast with attendees. Provide extra info based on what they liked about the property.

    Crafting Irresistible Resources

    People love free stuff that helps them out. Try these:

    Make educational videos walking folks through the buying or selling process. Whip up a downloadable checklist or timeline for clients to stay organized. Offer a free home valuation tool. Sellers eat that stuff up!

    Thinking Outside the Box

    Getting creative can really set you apart. Here are some ideas:

    Host a webinar or online seminar. Show off that real estate knowledge! Team up with local influencers or bloggers. Tap into their audience. Start a referral program. Reward past clients for sending new business your way.

    Expanding Your Network

    Networking is king in this business. Here's how to level up:

    Join online forums or social media groups in your niche or local market. Partner with complementary businesses like home stagers or mortgage brokers. Get involved in community events or sponsor local sports teams. Be visible!

    Leveraging Data for Smarter Marketing

    Data is your secret weapon. Use it like this:

    Analyze your website traffic and user behavior. Find out what's working and what's not. Do some A/B testing with your ads and landing pages. See what really clicks with people. Keep an eye on those social media metrics. Figure out what content gets people excited.

    Leveraging Technology for Faster Lead Generation

    Alright, let's talk about cranking up your lead generation game with some cool tech.

    You know, I've seen a lot of agents spinning their wheels, trying to do everything manually.

    But here's the deal - if you're not using the right tools, you're leaving money on the table.

    CRM Platforms: First things first, you gotta get yourself a solid CRM.

    I'm talking about something that's built for real estate, not some generic system.

    Look for one that can automate your follow-ups, keep tabs on all your interactions, and let you slice and dice your database for targeted marketing.

    Trust me, it's a game-changer.

    Lead Generation Software: Next up, you want some dedicated lead gen software.

    This stuff is like having a 24/7 sales team.

    You can whip up landing pages that convert like crazy, set up email drip campaigns that keep your leads warm, and spread your message across all your social channels.

    Plus, you get all these fancy dashboards to see what's working and what's not.

    Virtual Assistant Tech: Now, here's where it gets really cool.

    AI-powered virtual assistants are like having a clone of yourself.

    They can chat with leads any time of day, answer those same old questions about properties, book appointments, and even figure out which leads are hot and which ones need more nurturing.

    Video Marketing Tools: Video is huge right now.

    You want software that lets you easily edit videos, create virtual tours, and go live for open houses or Q&A sessions.

    And make sure it plays nice with your social media and website.

    Predictive Analytics: This is some next-level stuff.

    It's like having a crystal ball that tells you who's likely to sell before they even know it themselves.

    You can analyze market trends, spot potential sellers, and figure out the best time to reach out to them.

    The trick is to pick tools that fit your style and your target market. Get this tech stack working for you, and you'll be generating leads in your sleep. It frees you up to do what you do best - closing deals and growing your business.

    Mastering the Art of Seller Lead Generation

    Now, let's switch gears and talk about seller leads. This is where the real money is, folks.

    Identifying Motivated Sellers: You want to look for folks who've been in their homes for 5-7 years, properties in hot areas, and people going through big life changes. These are your prime targets.

    Public Records: Don't sleep on county records. You can find out about recent inheritances, pre-foreclosures, and expired listings. It's like a treasure map for seller leads.

    Content Strategy: Create stuff that sellers actually want to read. Blog posts about why now's a great time to sell, videos on how to boost your home's value before listing, that kind of thing.

    Multichannel Approach: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Mix it up with direct mail, social media ads, and email marketing to your database.

    Seller Events: Host some workshops or seminars. "Home Selling 101" or "Maximize Your Home's Value" - stuff like that. It positions you as the go-to expert in your area.

    Free CMA Offers: Set up a landing page where homeowners can get a free Comparative Market Analysis. It's a great way to get their contact info and start a conversation.

    "Coming Soon" Strategy: This is a killer tactic. Work with sellers to create buzz before the listing goes live. Use "Coming Soon" signs, tease it on social media, and collect info from potential buyers.

    Referral Network: Build relationships with estate attorneys, financial advisors, divorce lawyers. These folks can send you solid seller leads.

    Predictive Analytics: Use tools that help you spot likely sellers before they even think about listing. Look for online behavior that suggests they're thinking about selling.

    Door-Knocking: Yeah, I know, cold-calling is pretty much dead. But strategic door-knocking can still work wonders, especially in high-turnover neighborhoods.

    Past Clients: Don't forget about the people you've already worked with. Set up annual check-ins, send market updates, and ask for those all-important reviews and testimonials.

    Unique Selling Proposition: Stand out from the crowd. Maybe you offer a killer marketing package, or a guaranteed sale program, or top-notch staging services.

    Keep in mind that it's all about providing value, building relationships, and showing people why you're the best choice for selling their home. Keep at it, and you'll see your listing inventory grow like crazy.

    Mastering the Art of Closing: From Lead to Sale

    Okay, now let's talk about closing. Because let's face it, leads don't mean squat if you can't close the deal.

    Follow-Up System: You gotta have a rock-solid follow-up system. I'm talking about a mix of phone calls, emails, and texts at 2 days, 1 week, 1 month after initial contact. And make it personal - none of that generic stuff.

    Closing Script: Craft a script that tackles common objections head-on. Practice it until it rolls off your tongue naturally. But here's the key - tailor it to different personality types. Not everyone responds to the same approach.

    Create Urgency: You want your leads to feel like they need to act NOW. Talk about time-sensitive offers, market conditions that won't last. Use phrases like "Only 3 homes left in this development!" It gets people moving.

    Social Proof: People trust what other people say. Share success stories, showcase your track record. Hit 'em with stats like "90% of my listings sell within 30 days". It builds confidence in your abilities.

    Unique Value Props: Offer something your competitors don't. Maybe it's exclusive access to off-market properties, or a guaranteed sale program for listings. Give them a reason to choose you over the other guy.

    Multi-Touch Closing: Don't just rely on one method. Mix it up with in-person meetings, phone calls, and digital communication. Make the closing process an experience, not just a transaction.

    Tech in Closing: Use e-signature solutions, virtual tours, 3D walkthroughs. Make it easy for people to say yes, even if they're not physically there.

    Emotional Intelligence: This is huge. Learn to read people's emotions, practice active listening. Use empathy to build trust and overcome objections. People buy on emotion and justify with logic.

    Partnership Mindset: Position yourself as a trusted advisor, not just some salesperson. Educate your clients throughout the process. Be upfront about challenges and how you'll tackle them.

    Negotiation Skills: Study negotiation techniques, practice them regularly. Stay cool under pressure. Know when to push and when to walk away.

    Referral Engine: Ask for referrals after every successful close. Set up a referral rewards program. Partner with other pros like mortgage brokers and attorneys for mutual referrals.

    Continuous Improvement: Never stop learning. Attend sales workshops, read books on closing techniques and psychology. Analyze your wins and losses to spot patterns.

    Closing is both an art and a science. It takes practice, but if you keep at it, you'll become the agent who can close deals others can't. That's how you set yourself apart in this business.

    Diversifying Your Lead Sources: A Holistic Approach to Real Estate Marketing

    Now, let's talk about diversifying your lead sources. You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, right?

    Alternative Lead Sources: Look beyond the usual suspects like Zillow and There are niche platforms out there for specific types of properties or investors. I once partnered with a local coffee shop to create a community resource page - brought in a ton of leads.

    Website Optimization: Your website should be a lead-capturing machine. Make it easy to navigate, slap a lead capture form on every page, and offer valuable content in exchange for contact info.

    Strategic Paid Advertising: Don't just throw money at ads. Experiment with different platforms, create targeted campaigns for different buyer/seller types. And use retargeting - it's like following up with window shoppers.

    Content Marketing: Start a blog, create videos about the local market, send out a killer newsletter. Give people a reason to keep coming back to you for info.

    Offline Lead Gen: Don't forget about good old-fashioned networking. Attend local events, give talks at community centers. I once did a "First-Time Homebuyer's Workshop" at the library - packed house!

    Referral Program: Incentivize past clients to send their friends and family your way. Create a structured program with clear benefits. And follow up regularly - out of sight, out of mind.

    Voice Search Optimization: This is the future, folks. Focus on long-tail keywords that sound like how people actually talk. Create FAQ pages that directly answer common voice search questions.

    Social Proof: Testimonials, case studies, reviews - plaster 'em everywhere. People trust what other people say about you more than what you say about yourself.

    Chatbots: Use AI-powered chatbots to engage website visitors 24/7. They can qualify leads and schedule appointments while you sleep.

    Professional Partnerships: Team up with mortgage brokers, home inspectors, interior designers. Create a referral network that benefits everyone involved.

    The key is to keep testing and refining your approach. Pay attention to what works best in your market and for your niche. 

    Staying Ahead of the Curve

    As we roll through 2024 and beyond, you gotta stay on your toes.

    New social media platforms, AI tools, innovative marketing techniques - they're popping up all the time.

    Keep your eyes peeled and be ready to jump on new opportunities.

    Weighing the Pros and Cons

    Remember that table I mentioned earlier about the advantages and drawbacks of different strategies? Keep that in mind.

    Some methods might take more time or money upfront, but they can pay off big time in the long run with a steady stream of quality leads.

    The Bottom Line

    At the end of the day, generating real estate leads quickly and effectively is all about mixing tried-and-true techniques with a willingness to roll with the punches.

    Diversify your approach, stay connected with your network, and always be tweaking your strategies based on what the data tells you.

    Do that, and you'll be set up for long-term success in this crazy, exciting world of real estate.

  • BARRY:

    "I think if you want to find real estate leads fast, you need to get in front of people that are shopping for a new home.

    As agents, we all want more sellers.

    We love listings and growing in the business, you know, you say you list to last, right?

    And I would tell you that getting in front of home buyers that are shopping for a home is the fastest way to get transactions.

    And that's because if you think about it as a culture, we all are we like to shop.

    It's called retail therapy.

    We enjoy the process of buying something new that interests us.

    And it's no different with real estate.

    People are excited about a change in where they live for a number of different reasons.

    And the cool thing is with those buyers, you know, a significant percentage in many cases, almost half also have a home to sell.

    So you end up getting what you want it all along, which was more sellers.

    But by getting those buyer leads, you're able to actually find people that are excited to transact, which is how you make money getting buyer leads.

    In my opinion, the best couple of ways to do it.

    One, you know, people searching online for a home is a fantastic way to find buyer leads because they're interested.

    They're raising their hand asking for tours.

    So getting in front of them through Google ads, Facebook ads is always a fantastic way.

    Also having a really dialed in process for open houses.

    Because again, it's all about getting in front of people that are wanting to buy a home.

    And so for us, we've digitized that process through the while open house tool to where people are registering at the open house.

    They're signing in.

    They're getting added to our database.

    And then we're sending them more relevant listings as a result of them registering.

    So yeah, definitely the buyer lead."


Barry Jenkins

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Head Realtor in Residence at Ylopo