What is a CRM?


What is a CRM?

In A Nutshell:

A CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Operating without a CRM software is like running your business on a hamster wheel—you’re constantly starting over instead of building on existing relationships.


Understanding CRM Systems in Real Estate

A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management system, is a powerful software tool for real estate professionals.

It collects, organizes, and analyzes data and information about your leads and clients.

This includes people who register on your website or come from other lead sources.

As Barry Jenkins, our Realtor in Residence at Ylopo, puts it:

"The idea is it collects all the humans that have either registered on your website or they've been leads that you've generated and it organizes them."

Why CRMs Matter in Modern Real Estate

Real estate moves quickly these days, and data is king.

CRM technology helps businesses understand their market and customers better.

Working without a CRM is like "running their business like they're on a hamster wheel," Barry says.

A Cautionary Tale

Barry recalls interviewing a highly respected and successful agent with 15-16 years of experience.

This agent, once a top performer, was now seeking a position on Barry's team.

Curious about this career shift, Barry inquired about the circumstances.

The agent's response was eye-opening:

"I never kept anybody's information. I just answered my phone for new listings and buyers. Then I got sick for a couple of months and faced some personal challenges.

Six months went by, and I had very little activity. Because I didn't keep any contact information, I basically had to start over."

CRMs and Your Database

Barry's story vividly illustrates why maintaining a database with a CRM is critical these days.

As he rightly points out:

  • The average person knows 2-3 people who are moving each year.

  • Staying in touch with past clients using CRM can lead to new business opportunities.

  • For online lead generation, consistent outreach through CRM automation is essential to remain memorable.

A robust CRM helps agents:

  1. Organize new business data

  2. Maintain customer relationships with past clients

  3. Set up reminders and tasks to keep in contact

  4. Create email drip campaigns for lead nurturing

  5. Provide better client service and support

How CRMs Help Established Agents and Teams

If you're an established agent or part of a team, a CRM can also help you:

  • Keep Client Data Safe: Store and organize client info in the cloud so you don't lose valuable contacts.

  • Manage Leads Better: Track leads, set reminders, and use automated emails to stay in touch at the right time.

  • Get More Referrals: Staying connected with your network helps you tap into referrals.

Work Better as a Team: Share client data, assign tasks, and track progress together on one platform.

Using CRMs for Smart Marketing

CRMs help you create targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to your clients' needs.

You can use the data to segment contacts based on criteria like:

  1. Where they want to live

  2. Their budget range

  3. The type of property they're interested in

This segmentation lets you craft personalized messages that really resonate.

Some CRMs now even use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze client behavior and preferences.

This helps you provide leads and clients with exactly what they need, right when they need it.

As AI technology improves, CRMs will become even more valuable tools for smart real estate marketing.

They'll help increase lead conversions, client satisfaction, and overall revenue.

Tailored CRMs for Specialized Real Estate Sectors

The real estate industry is as diverse as the properties it represents.

While many CRMs offer a one-size-fits-all approach, savvy professionals know that specialization is key to staying ahead in this competitive market.

Let's dive into some niche CRM solutions that cater to specific real estate segments.

1. Luxury Real Estate

When dealing with high-net-worth clients and multi-million dollar properties, you need a CRM that speaks their language.

Luxury real estate CRMs are designed to:

  • Showcase opulent properties with stunning visuals

  • Facilitate connections with exclusive brands and services

  • Offer discreet communication channels for privacy-conscious clients

These specialized systems understand that in luxury real estate, crafting exceptional experiences is just as important as closing deals.

2. Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate has its own unique challenges.

CRMs in this space are built to handle the complexities of property portfolio management, lease tracking, and investment analysis.

With these industry-specific tools, commercial real estate pros can juggle multiple properties, tenants, and investors with ease.

3. Short-term Rentals

The rise of platforms like Airbnb has created a whole new category of real estate management.

Short-term rental CRMs help property managers:

  1. Streamline booking processes

  2. Implement dynamic pricing strategies

  3. Enhance guest communication and satisfaction

These systems are the secret weapon for turning your vacation rental side-hustle into a thriving business.

They provide the tools needed to work smarter, not harder.

How to Choose the Right CRM

Picking a CRM can feel like a daunting task, even for seasoned real estate professionals.

It's not just about features – it's about finding a tool that feels like it was made just for you and your business.

Here are some crucial factors to consider when selecting your ideal CRM partner.

Room to Grow

When evaluating CRM options, it's crucial to think beyond your current needs.

Your business is dynamic, and your CRM should be able to keep pace with your growth.

Look for a system that can handle an increasing number of clients and team members as your company expands.

Some CRMs offer tiered plans that allow you to scale up as needed, while others provide unlimited user licenses from the start.

Consider your long-term goals and choose a CRM solution that can support your ambitions without requiring a complete overhaul down the line.

You don't want technology holding you back.

Integration Capabilities

In today's interconnected digital landscape, your CRM shouldn't exist in isolation.

It needs to play well with other tools in your tech stack.

A CRM that integrates seamlessly with your marketing software, property management systems, and accounting tools can save you countless hours of manual data entry.

It also reduces the risk of errors.

Some CRMs offer native integrations with popular real estate platforms, while others provide APIs for custom integrations.

Take stock of your current tools and future needs, then prioritize CRMs that can create a cohesive ecosystem for your business.

Customization Options

Every real estate professional has their own unique way of working, and your CRM should adapt to your style, not the other way around.

Look for a system that offers flexible customization options.

This might include the ability to create custom data fields, design your own workflows, or tailor the dashboard to display the metrics that matter most to you.

Some CRMs even allow you to build custom apps or modules within the platform, giving you the power to create a truly bespoke solution.

The goal is to mold the CRM to fit your processes like a glove.

Customization helps make the system work for you.

Mobile Functionality

Real estate is an inherently mobile profession.

You're constantly on the move, showing properties, meeting clients, and closing deals.

Your CRM needs to keep up with this dynamic lifestyle.

Look for a system with robust mobile apps that offer full functionality, not just a watered-down version of the desktop experience.

You should be able to update client information, access property details, and manage your pipeline from your smartphone or tablet, whether you're in the office or on the go.

This mobile access is critical to providing responsive service.

It helps you work efficiently no matter where you are.

Support and Training Resources

Even the most intuitive CRM will have a learning curve, and there will inevitably be times when you need assistance.

That's why it's crucial to choose a CRM with comprehensive support and training resources.

Look for providers that offer multiple channels of support, such as phone, email, and live chat.

Some CRMs go the extra mile with video tutorials, webinars, and even personalized onboarding sessions.

Consider the level of support you and your team will need, both during the initial setup and ongoing use.

Factor this into your decision-making process.

You want a CRM partner that will be there when you need them.

Data Security and Compliance

In an era of increasing data privacy concerns and regulations, the security of your CRM should be a top priority.

Look for systems that offer robust encryption, regular backups, and compliance with relevant data protection laws.

Some CRMs also provide features like two-factor authentication and IP restrictions for added security.

Don't shy away from asking potential providers about their security measures and data handling practices.

Protecting your clients' sensitive information is not only a legal obligation, but also a matter of trust.

Choose a CRM that takes data security as seriously as you do.

Getting the Most Out of Your CRM

Implementing a CRM is just the first step.

To really make your CRM work for you and extract maximum value, try these tips:

  1. Be Consistent: Set clear rules for how everyone should enter and manage client information. Consistency is key.

  2. Keep It Clean: Regularly update your database to remove duplicates and outdated info. Clean data means better insights.

  3. Track What Matters: Figure out which metrics and KPIs are most important to your business and use your CRM to monitor them closely.

  4. Test and Improve: Try different email subject lines, content, and cadences to see what resonates best with your audience. Use CRM data to continuously optimize.

Automate Smartly: Keep refining your automated tasks and email flows to make them more effective. But don't sacrifice the human touch.

What's Next for CRMs in Real Estate

Looking ahead, we expect to see CRMs continue to evolve with cutting-edge technology:

  1. More AI: CRMs will leverage artificial intelligence to automate repetitive tasks and provide even smarter insights and recommendations.

  2. Virtual and Augmented Reality: CRMs might soon offer immersive virtual property tours and interactive neighborhood guides.

  3. Stronger Security: As data privacy becomes increasingly important, CRMs will double down on security features and compliance.

  4. Blockchain Integration: CRMs may start using blockchain technology for ultra-secure data storage and smoother transaction processing.

Focus on Client Experience: Future CRMs will likely expand to manage the entire client journey, from first contact to long after the sale.

Wrapping It Up

As Barry Jenkins says, "a CRM is now a vital part of a team or an agent's business."

As the real estate industry continues to evolve, CRMs will only become more important for success.

They are essential tools for staying organized, providing great service, and growing your business.

By staying up-to-date with new trends and always looking for ways to improve, you can use these powerful tools to build a thriving, future-proof business.

A good CRM will help take you to the next level.

  • CRM is a big deal for any customer-centric business, not just real estate.

    At its core, CRM is about leveraging technology and data to better understand and serve customers throughout their entire journey with your company.

    CRM does even more than what we've discussed for real estate.

    It also:

    1. Helps You Connect Better: By providing a 360-degree view of how customers interact with you across all touchpoints, CRM allows you to tailor your approach to each individual's preferences.

    2. Makes Sales Smoother: Just like it helps real estate agents manage leads, CRM helps sales teams in all industries focus on building relationships and closing deals.

    3. Gets Everyone on the Same Page: CRM facilitates cross-functional collaboration, ensuring all departments are working together to deliver a seamless customer experience.

    Different Types of CRMs

    We talked about real estate-specific CRMs earlier, but there are various types designed for different business needs:

    Operational CRM

    What it does: Automates and streamlines customer-facing processes across marketing, sales, and service

    How it helps: Improves efficiency and provides a better customer experience by ensuring all interactions are smooth and personalized

    Analytical CRM

    What it does: Analyzes customer data to understand behavior patterns, preferences, and trends

    How it helps: Provides actionable insights to inform strategic decisions like product development, marketing campaigns, and resource allocation

    Collaborative CRM

    What it does: Enables seamless sharing of customer information across different departments and even external partners

    How it helps: Ensures all stakeholders have a unified view of the customer and can work together to meet their needs

    How CRM Benefits Businesses

    Beyond the advantages for real estate professionals, CRM delivers significant benefits for businesses across the board:

    1. Builds Stronger Customer Relationships: By maintaining detailed records of every interaction, CRM empowers you to provide highly personalized service that forges deep connections.

    2. Boosts Sales Performance: CRM tools help identify high-quality leads, optimize the sales pipeline, and ultimately close more deals faster.

    3. Increases Customer Retention: When you proactively engage customers and demonstrate that you understand their needs, they're more likely to stick with you for the long haul.

    4. Enables Data-Driven Decision Making: CRM's powerful analytics and reporting features provide deep insights into customer behavior and market trends, allowing you to make smarter strategic moves.

    Harnessing CRM to Drive Revenue and Loyalty

    Personalization is the name of the game in modern business, and CRM is the key to unlocking it at scale.

    Here's how businesses are using CRM to boost their bottom line and cultivate loyal customers:

    The Power of Segmentation

    One of the biggest advantages of today's cloud-based CRM solutions is their ability to segment customers based on various criteria like demographics, purchase history, or engagement level.

    This allows you to craft highly targeted marketing messages that resonate with each group.

    When communications feel personal and relevant, people are more likely to take action and develop a positive association with your brand.

    Over time, this translates into increased sales and customer lifetime value.

    Rewards and Recognition for High-Value Clients

    Let's say you run a boutique hotel.

    Your CRM can help you identify guests who frequently book stays or spend big on amenities.

    You can then use this information to:

    1. Send them exclusive offers and discounts

    2. Invite them to special events

    3. Offer personalized service touches during their stay

    This VIP treatment not only deepens their loyalty, but also encourages them to spread the word about your business.

    Seamless Omnichannel Experiences

    Modern CRMs enable you to manage customer interactions across multiple channels – email, live chat, social media, phone, and more – in one centralized hub.

    All the data flows into individual customer profiles, giving your team a comprehensive view of each person's journey with your brand.

    With this single source of truth, you can deliver consistent, contextual experiences at every touchpoint.

    No more asking customers to repeat information they've already provided.

    No more disjointed messaging from different departments.

    Just seamless service that leaves a lasting impression.

    Cloud-Powered Agility and Scalability

    Industry giants like Salesforce have revolutionized CRM by moving it to the cloud.

    This means the software is accessible from anywhere and can grow right alongside your business.

    Cloud-based CRMs boast extensive features and integrations, making them well-suited for companies of all sizes.

    Even small businesses with limited IT resources can get up and running quickly, without major upfront investments.

    As your needs evolve, you can easily add more users or upgrade to a higher tier.

    The CX Imperative

    In the very near future, a quarter of all organizations in the country will integrate marketing, sales, and customer experience into a single function.

    This underscores the growing recognition that delivering exceptional customer experiences (CX) is critical for business success.

    CRM is the foundational technology that makes this alignment possible.

    When you invest in a robust CRM and commit to using it effectively, you can:

    1. Streamline internal processes

    2. Build deeper customer relationships

    3. Drive sustained growth and profitability

    In short, happy customers are the key to a thriving business – and CRM is the tool that helps you create more of them.

    Key Features of CRMs

    We mentioned some CRM features for real estate, but here are more that you'll find in many CRMs

    1. Contact Management

    What it does: Stores all customer information and interaction history in one place

    How it helps: Makes it easy for everyone to access and organize customer data

    2. Sales Automation

    What it does: Automates repetitive sales tasks and tracks progress

    How it helps: Makes your sales team more productive and helps predict future sales

    3. Reporting and Analytics

    What it does: Generates insights on sales performance, customer behavior, and marketing effectiveness

    How it helps: Guides your decisions and shows where you can improve

    4. Integration Capabilities

    What it does: Allows CRM to work with other business tools and platforms

    How it helps: Makes your workflow smoother and keeps data consistent across all your tools

    Pros and Cons of Modern CRMs

    Like any technology, CRM has its upsides and downsides:


    1. Better customer relationships through personalized communication

    2. More efficient and productive sales processes

    3. Enhanced data analysis for smarter decision-making

    4. Streamlined processes and improved team collaboration


    1. Initial setup and training can take time and money

    2. Relying too much on technology might reduce personal interactions

    3. Data privacy concerns and compliance issues may come up

    4. Some team members might resist using new systems

    Choosing the Right CRM Solution

    When picking a CRM for any industry, consider these factors:

    1. Can it grow with you? Choose a solution that can handle your business as it expands.

    2. Is it easy to use? Make sure the interface is simple for your team to navigate.

    3. Can you make it your own? Look for a CRM you can customize to fit how you work.

    4. What kind of support do they offer? Check the level of customer support and training resources available.

    By thinking about these factors, you can pick a CRM that fits your unique needs and helps your business grow.

    Getting Started with CRM - From Concept to Implementation

    Implementing a CRM system might seem challenging at first, but it doesn't have to be. Let's break it down into simple steps and focus on the main advantages. This approach will help you smoothly integrate CRM into your business operations.

    CRM's primary purpose? Centralizing customer data for better organization and relationship management. Start by pinpointing where CRM can add the most value to your business. Struggling with sales pipeline visibility? Lacking insights into customer behavior? Prioritize CRM features that tackle these specific issues.

    Now, let's talk money and resources. While some CRMs can be pricey, plenty of budget-friendly options exist for businesses of all sizes. Find a solution with the features you need without emptying your wallet. Remember, a well-implemented CRM often pays for itself in the long run.

    After selecting your CRM, focus on weaving it into your existing workflows. This might involve training your team and setting up best practices for data management. Boost adoption by showcasing the CRM's benefits: increased productivity, better teamwork, and improved customer insights.

    As you start using your CRM, keep a close eye on its performance. Regularly ask your team for feedback and analyze important metrics to spot areas for improvement. Over time, you'll refine your CRM strategy and squeeze even more value from the system.


    As you can see, Customer Relationship Management goes way beyond just real estate.

    By understanding the different types of CRMs their features, and their pros and cons, businesses in all industries can make smart choices to improve customer satisfaction and grow.

    Investing in the right CRM can transform how you connect with customers and drive long-term success in any customer-focused business.

    Remember, at Ylopo, we're always here to help you navigate the world of CRM and find the best solutions for your real estate business.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance on implementing CRM in your work.

  • BARRY:

    “CRM stands for customer relationship management software.

    And the idea is it collects all the humans that have either registered on your website or they've been leads that you've generated and it organizes them.

    I think that an agent that doesn't have a CRM is running their business like they're on a hamster wheel.

    And every year you start over.

    I remember interviewing an agent that I respected when I first got in the game.

    I mean, the guy was a he was a beast.

    He did really really well.

    And he by that time he had been in the business.

    I think 15 16 years and he's interviewing for a spot on my team.

    And I was like man remember when we did this deal together.

    I represent the buyer your listing.

    He's like, oh, yeah, I remember that one.

    That is something to ask you.

    Like why do you why do you want to be on a team?

    You like you've ran a very successful business for years.

    You know what happened?

    He said well, I never kept anybody's information and I just kind of you know, every listing I would get a new buyer and I just kind of like answered my phone and he said I got sick for a couple months.

    I kind of fell off a little bit and had some personal challenges for another few months of six months went by and I really didn't have a lot going on and activity begets activity and because I didn't keep anybody's contact information.

    I kind of had to start over and I can't think of a more vivid reason to keep a database than that.

    The average person knows two to three people a year that are moving and not all of them are buying but they're moving and to be able to be a part of every one of those conversations by just simply staying in touch with those people.

    It's incredible not to mention the fact that if you're generating leads online most leads they need that consistent outreach and if you don't have reminders set up and tasks created email drips and things like that.

    They're not going to remember you.

    So there's both for new business organizing new business coming in and also maintaining old clients and old business a CRM is now a vital part of a team or an agent's business.”


Barry Jenkins

Realtor, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Author, and Head Realtor in Residence at Ylopo