
How Remote Work Champions Diversity And Equality

Telecommuting isn’t just a millennial trend — it has already become a way of life for many employees who wanted to break away from the traditional workplace. And with the worsening city traffic and rising costs of transportation, there’s no doubt about it becoming the future of work. 

Here are three ways remote work promotes diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workforce.

In a traditional workspace, adding locations to a business or an organization means serious capital. But with remote work, businesses are able to extend both nationally and internationally. It encourages new markets and a wider pool of talents, which drive transformation and innovation in the workplace. Professionals from all backgrounds, ethnicity, culture, and sexuality are able to work together as a team and help grow the business. 

Our Ylopo PH team boasts a pool of creative contractors not only from Metro Manila but also from other cities and provinces. We have great talents from as far as Benguet, Cebu, Iloilo, Davao del Sur, and Negros Oriental! Location is never a barrier for us to expand our team’s efficacy.


Remote work helps to level the playing field for all workers to have the opportunity to showcase their skills, regardless of age and ability. There are many older workers who are near retirement age but still want to contribute to their field and continue learning. Some choose to delay retirement because they have inadequate savings or they still want to contribute to their families, especially for their grandchildren. However, things such as the hectic daily commute and regular health check-ups make it more challenging for them to commit to an office job. Telecommuting can give them flexibility while still making ends meet.

Meanwhile, professionals with disabilities can showcase their talents and skills without fear of ridicule and discrimination about their capabilities. Companies usually care more about their employee’s outputs, so anyone, regardless of their age or ability levels, can excel and contribute to their organization’s success.


The ability to prepare your family’s meals even on workdays, to personally pick up your kids from school and not have to ask others, and the potential to have more savings, are just some of the advantages for many parents who choose to remote work. Mothers aren’t being limited to being housewives and caregivers, and they don’t have to reduce their work hours or leave their jobs just so they can take care of their kids or even aging relatives. Their flexible work allows them to pursue and excel in their respective careers without sacrificing precious times with their families. #