Top Tips On How To Be The Best Candidate When Applying For A Virtual Job [Part 1]

Show the company that you’re the ideal candidate for the job the moment you see and read that job posting. Here are some golden tips when applying for a virtual post, mostly from our Recruitment Specialist herself! 

Part 1: Submitting your online job application

Don’t make the common mistake of applying for a job online without fully reading the job advertisement and what it entails. Make sure you understand exactly what the company expects from applicants. Take the time to assess the type of person the company is looking for and what the job requires. For instance, if you are applying for a remote job, there are specific system requirements you need to have before you can proceed to the next step. In case you still need to make some adjustments especially if you are transitioning from an office job, it wouldn’t hurt to inform the recruiter and let them know you’re flexible. 

Meanwhile, some employers are asking job seekers to include a cover letter and their salary history in their application, aside from their online resume. By submitting your online job application correctly, you can increase your chances of landing an interview and prove to the recruiter that you are the best fit for the post.


Here’s another trick to help you stand out among applicants: conduct a bit of research on the company before you apply. Check the company’s website to help you see if the firm matches your values or if it’s a place where you would be happy working. Recruiters are also more likely to pursue a candidate who has a special interest in their company or industry. They’re more likely to hire you when they see that you understand how their business works, so don’t be shy to let them know how you can be an asset to their company.


This is a no-brainer, right? Before sending your application online, take the time to review your resume. Make sure to slightly customize your resume and/or cover letter to each specific job. Understand the keywords in the job description and tailor your resume to address those requirements. It’s also important to always prepare a copy of your resume so you can refer to it especially during interviews.


Fill out every field in the application. By providing as much information as you can, you’re proving that you are serious and enthusiastic for the job. Then, be sure you review all your information before submitting. Your attention to detail could help you stand out from the competition. Don’t miss out on any chances because many recruiters will just skip over candidates who don’t complete their applications. Besides, a good first impression will surely take you to the next level of the process. 


If the recruiter can’t contact you or you can’t respond to them promptly, obviously, it can decrease your chances of getting that dream job! Don’t let your application and your efforts go to waste! Guarantee that the phone number/s and email address you’ve provided are valid and that they can reach you whenever they need further details regarding your application.


Recruiters will know that you’re still interested in the job if you respond on time. Once you’ve submitted your application, check your email folders frequently so you won’t miss out on any appointments or deadlines set by the company.

A few days after you submitted your resume with a cover letter and still there’s no update, it might be helpful to follow up via email. Keep your follow-up simple and professional. You don’t want to make it look like you’re getting restless about the status of your application. Remember: just do those tips we’ve given you and you’re sure to hit your goal of getting into the next step: the interviews.