Launching a Successful Real Estate Business From Scratch in a New Market


Starting fresh in real estate?

It's not always a walk in the park, even for seasoned pros.

But don't sweat it!

The right tools and mindset can set you up for success.

Take a page from Shana Gates and Dominic Labriola's book.

These two dynamos recently shared their journey from zero to hero in the Coachella Valley real estate scene.

In just 90-120 days, they were closing deals left and right!

Their story is chock-full of insights for real estate agents.

Whether you're green or a veteran looking to expand, there's something here for you. Watch it below.


They leveraged cutting-edge tech, followed up like champs, and treated clients like royalty.

The result?

They quickly made waves in a competitive market. And we’re going to explore the strategies they covered in better detail today.


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The Takeaway:

To launch a successful real estate business from scratch in a new market:

  1. Leverage cutting-edge technology and digital marketing tools (e.g., YLOPO, Google Local Service Ads)

  2. Develop a comprehensive game plan covering lead generation, follow-up, and client presentations

  3. Provide a premium client experience with thorough preparation and value-added materials

  4. Maintain consistent effort for at least 90-120 days before expecting significant results

  5. Track key metrics and adapt strategies based on performance data

  6. Embrace continuous learning and be willing to adapt to local market conditions

  7. Utilize AI and automation for efficient lead engagement and follow-up

  8. Focus on both digital presence and personal interactions to build credibility

  9. Look for opportunities to maximize value from each client relationship (e.g., buy and sell transactions)

  10. Collaborate effectively with team members and share best practices

Even experienced agents can quickly establish themselves in a new market and achieve rapid success with these strategies.

Chapter 1: Background and Initial Challenges

Meet Shana Gates, a real estate veteran with 19 years under her belt.

She's the brains behind her brokerage as Chief Strategy Officer.

Her partner in crime?

Dominic Labriola, who's been in the game since 2003, cutting his teeth in Arizona.

Together, they've run the gamut from solo operations to big-time brokerages.

But even with all that experience, the Coachella Valley was a whole new ballgame.

Dominic put it bluntly: "We really didn't know anybody when we got started. We just had the tools of Ylopo and I was terrified."

They kicked off their Coachella Valley adventure in February, with Dominic packing his bags and moving to the area.

Shana called it "a total restart."

They weren't just building a business; they were creating a blueprint for other agents in their brokerage.

As Dominic put it, they were "working and living in the lab."

Developing a Comprehensive Game Plan

Shana and Dominic knew they needed a rock-solid strategy to crack this new market.

Here's what they cooked up:

  • Set up shop: They snagged a WeWork space to get a local address. Crucial for certain marketing moves!

  • Digital marketing blitz: They went all in on Google Local Service Ads (LSA), Google My Business, and Ylopo leads. Gotta be seen to be heard!

  • Content is king: They pumped out blogs, SEO-friendly content, and YouTube videos. Showing off their local know-how was key.

  • "Digital door knocking": They used targeted ads and landing pages to reach potential clients in specific neighborhoods. Old school meets new school!

  • Business planning workshop: Dominic whipped up a workshop, drawing on lessons from various conferences and experiences. Talk about bringing your A-game!

Chapter 2: Key Tools and Strategies for Success

So, what were the secret weapons in Shana and Dominic's arsenal?

Let's break it down.

Google Local Service Ads (LSA)

They set up shop locally and teamed up with Ylopo to manage their LSAs.

The result? "Our phone started ringing off LSA instantly," Dominic grinned.

Just Sold DIVA Ads

These targeted ads showcased recent sales and directed potential sellers to custom landing pages.

Way more effective than old-school postcards with QR codes!

Seller Landing Pages

They created personalized pages for potential sellers, packed with goodies like:

  1. Digital flipbooks of their listing presentations

  2. Heat maps showing market activity

  3. Examples of past marketing materials

  4. Agent bios and testimonials

Buyer Landing Pages

Similar to the seller pages, these were goldmines of info for potential buyers:

  • Flipbooks of their buyer presentation materials

  • Step-by-step guides to the home buying process

  • Info on different types of real estate contracts

Ylopo Tools

They made the most of Ylopo's features:

  1. Branded Market Trends Reports

  2. Heat Maps

  3. Open House tools

Follow Up Boss CRM

This was their secret weapon for managing leads and staying on top of follow-ups.

They had strict rules:

  • All communication goes through Follow Up Boss

  • Daily review of smart lists and priority alerts

  • Complete all daily and overdue tasks

Providing a Premium Client Experience

Shana and Dominic knew that first impressions count.

They pulled out all the stops to wow clients from day one:

  1. Sent comprehensive digital presentations before initial meetings

  2. Provided branded notebooks and water bottles during appointments

  3. Used tools like market trend reports and heat maps to educate clients and build credibility

  4. Always came prepared with relevant data and marketing materials

As Shana put it, "If you're not over-prepared, you're under-prepared."

Preach, Shana!

Chapter 3: Rapid Results and Key Insights

Hold onto your hats, folks!

In just four months, Shana and Dominic were crushing it:

  • Closed multiple deals ranging from $400,000 to over $1 million

  • Built a solid pipeline of potential future business

  • Established a reputation in the local market despite being newcomers

But what were the real game-changers?

Here's what they learned:

  1. Tech is your friend: Many of their conversions came through tech-assisted means like AI engagement, live transfers from call centers, and sign calls from listings.

  2. Know your numbers: They stressed knowing your stats "down to the penny," including lead sources, conversion rates, and pipeline stages.

  3. Consistency is key: Shana hammered home the importance of "consistent behavior for 90 days," noting that closings typically start happening within 45-60 days of sustained effort.

  4. Double the fun: They discovered that many leads were interested in both buying and selling, doubling the value of each client relationship.

Lessons for Other Real Estate Professionals

Want to follow in Shana and Dominic's footsteps?

Here's what you need to know:

  • Embrace technology: Modern real estate platforms and tools can turbocharge your success, even in unfamiliar markets. Master these tools and make them part of your daily grind.

  • Develop a systematic approach: Create a structured game plan covering everything from lead generation to follow-up and client presentations.

  • Provide a premium experience: Go the extra mile in your client interactions. Use technology and data to show off your expertise and professionalism.

  • Be consistent and persistent: Success in a new market takes sustained effort. Commit to a solid 90 days of consistent activity before you start judging results.

  • Track your metrics: Keep detailed records of your lead sources, conversion rates, and pipeline. This helps you identify what's working and what needs tweaking.

  • Leverage AI and automation: Use AI-assisted tools for lead engagement and follow-up. It's like having a super-efficient assistant working 24/7!

  • Look for opportunities to add value: Always explore the potential for additional transactions or services with each client relationship.

  • Never stop learning: Stay on top of market trends, technology tools, and industry best practices.

  • Be ready to adapt: What works in one market might flop in another. Be flexible and adjust your strategies based on local conditions and client needs.

  • Invest in your business: Yes, technology platforms and marketing tools can be pricey. But when used effectively, they can pay off big time.

Overcoming Challenges and Mindset Shifts

Shana and Dominic's journey wasn't all smooth sailing.

Here's how they navigated the choppy waters:


Embracing new technology

At first, they were a bit freaked out by AI and advanced tech tools.

But they quickly realized these resources were game-changers.

As Dominic noted, "AI kind of freaked me out a little bit, but I see now if you work with it, it works."


Starting from scratch

Even with years of experience in other markets, they approached the new territory with a beginner's mindset.

They were ready to learn and adapt.


Trusting the process

They emphasized the importance of committing to a system and trusting that results will follow with consistent effort.


Overcoming self-doubt

Despite their extensive experience, launching in a new market brought up feelings of uncertainty.

By focusing on implementing their strategies consistently, they pushed through these doubts.


Balancing high-tech and high-touch approaches

While leveraging advanced technology, they also maintained a focus on personal interactions and providing a premium client experience.


Seller Experience 2.0

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Chapter 4: The Role of Continuous Learning and Improvement

A key factor in Shana and Dominic's success was their commitment to never stop learning.

They emphasized:

  1. Attending industry conferences and workshops to stay updated on best practices

  2. Regularly reviewing and refining their processes

  3. Sharing knowledge and experiences with their team and other agents

  4. Being willing to experiment with new tools and strategies

Expanding Your Real Estate Business

Thinking about expanding into new markets or growing your existing business?

Take a page from Shana and Dominic's playbook:

  • Start with a solid foundation of tools and systems

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages both digital and traditional methods

  • Focus on providing exceptional value and service to clients

  • Consistently implement your plan and track results

  • Be prepared to adapt and refine your approach based on local market conditions

The Importance of Team Collaboration

While Shana and Dominic's story focuses on their personal experiences, they also highlighted the importance of team collaboration in their success.

This includes:

  1. Leveraging the strengths of different team members

  2. Sharing knowledge and best practices across the organization

  3. Utilizing support staff and specialized roles (e.g., creative team for marketing materials)

  4. Maintaining open communication and regular strategy sessions

The experience of Shana Gates and Dominic Labriola in launching a successful real estate business in a new market shows that with the right tools, strategies, and mindset, rapid success is possible even in unfamiliar territory.

Their "0 to 60 in 120 days" approach offers a roadmap for both new and experienced agents looking to expand their operations or jumpstart their existing business.

Chapter 5: Fundamentals for Completely New Agents

If you're brand new to the real estate game, some of Dominic and Shana's strategies might seem a bit advanced.

Don't worry!

We've got you covered with some basic steps to get your business off the ground.

Developing a Comprehensive Business Plan

Once you've got a solid understanding of your market and competition, it's time to create your game plan.

A well-crafted business plan is like a roadmap for your real estate venture.

It keeps you focused, organized, and accountable as you navigate the ups and downs of starting and growing your business.


Defining Your Vision and Mission

At the heart of your business plan should be a clear statement of your vision and mission.

Your vision statement is like your North Star - it's the big picture of what you want to achieve.

Your mission statement, on the other hand, is more about the here and now - it defines your specific purpose and approach.

Ask yourself:

  • What impact do you want to make in your local community?

  • What sets your business apart from others in the industry?

  • How will you provide exceptional value to your clients?

  • What core values will guide your business decisions and interactions?

Clarifying your vision and mission helps you build a strong foundation for your real estate business.

It's what will resonate with your target audience and inspire your team to deliver outstanding results.


Setting Realistic Goals and Objectives

Along with your big-picture vision and mission, your business plan should include specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives.

These goals should align with what you've learned from your market research and play to your unique strengths and resources.

Some examples of SMART goals for a new real estate business might be:

  1. Close X number of transactions within the first year of operation

  2. Achieve an average commission rate of X% by the end of year two

  3. Build a team of X top-performing agents within three years

  4. Generate X% of leads through organic online channels by year four

Setting clear and attainable goals helps you track your progress, make data-driven decisions, and celebrate your successes along the way.

It's like having a series of milestones to keep you motivated and on track.


Outlining Your Marketing and Branding Strategies

A critical part of your business plan is your marketing and branding strategy.

In today's competitive real estate market, you need a strong online presence and effective marketing tactics to attract and retain clients.

Your marketing plan should include:

  • Developing a professional website that showcases your services and expertise

  • Creating engaging content, like blog posts, videos, and social media updates

  • Using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your online visibility

  • Leveraging social media platforms to connect with potential clients and build your brand

  • Using email marketing to nurture leads and stay top-of-mind with past clients

  • Participating in local events and networking opportunities to expand your reach

Don't forget about your brand identity!

This includes developing a logo, choosing a color scheme and font, and crafting a unique value proposition that sets you apart from the competition.

Investing in your marketing and branding strategies from the get-go builds a strong foundation for attracting and retaining clients as your real estate business grows.


Projecting Your Financials and Budgeting

No business plan is complete without a detailed financial projection and budget.

As you start your real estate business from scratch, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your expected income, expenses, and cash flow.

Your financial projection should include:

  • Estimated startup costs, like licensing fees, office space, and marketing expenses

  • Projected revenue based on your market research and goal-setting

  • Anticipated operating expenses, including salaries, utilities, and technology costs

  • A break-even analysis to determine when your business will become profitable

  • A contingency plan for unexpected expenses or market downturns

Creating a comprehensive financial plan helps you make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources, adjust your strategies as needed, and ensure the long-term viability of your real estate business.

Establishing Your Real Estate Brokerage

With your market research done and business plan in hand, it's time to take concrete steps to establish your real estate brokerage.

From getting the necessary licenses to building your team, this phase requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to laying a strong foundation for your business.


Obtaining Licenses and Certifications

One of the first and most critical steps in starting your real estate business is getting the required licenses and certifications.

Each state has its own set of requirements for real estate brokers, which typically include:

  • Completing a certain number of pre-licensing courses

  • Passing a licensing exam

  • Meeting minimum age and education requirements

To make sure you're fully compliant with your state's regulations, you need to:

  1. Research the specific licensing requirements for your state

  2. Enroll in a reputable pre-licensing course that covers essential topics like real estate principles, property ownership, and real estate law

  3. Prepare thoroughly for your licensing exam, using study materials and practice tests

  4. Submit your application, fees, and supporting documents to your state's real estate commission

  5. Complete any post-licensing requirements, such as continuing education courses

Getting the necessary licenses and certifications shows your commitment to professionalism and ethical business practices.

This builds trust with potential clients and industry partners.


Choosing a Business Structure and Registering Your Brokerage

Next up: choosing the right business structure and making your company official.

The most common business structures for real estate brokerages include:

  • Sole proprietorships

  • Partnerships

  • Limited liability companies (LLCs)

  • Corporations

When picking a business structure, think about:

  1. Personal liability protection

  2. Tax implications

  3. Ownership and management structure

  4. Flexibility for future growth

Once you've settled on a structure, you'll need to register your brokerage with your state's secretary of state office and get any necessary business licenses and permits.

This process might involve:

  • Picking a unique business name that follows your state's naming rules

  • Filing articles of incorporation or organization

  • Getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service

  • Registering for state and local taxes

  • Acquiring any industry-specific licenses or permits

Properly structuring and registering your real estate brokerage ensures you're operating legally and protects your personal assets from potential liabilities.


Building Your Team and Office Space

As your real estate business grows, you might need to bring in some help.

This could mean hiring administrative staff, bringing on additional agents, or partnering with industry experts like attorneys or home inspectors.

When building your team, look for people who share your vision, values, and work ethic.

Consider implementing a thorough hiring process that includes:

  1. Defining clear job descriptions and qualifications

  2. Conducting in-depth interviews and reference checks

  3. Providing comprehensive training and onboarding

  4. Setting performance expectations and incentive structures

  5. Creating a positive and collaborative work environment

You'll also need to set up an office space that fits your growing brokerage.

Whether you choose to work from home, rent a shared workspace, or lease a standalone commercial property, your office should be professional, functional, and reflect your brand identity.

When choosing an office space, consider:

  • Location and accessibility for clients and team members

  • Size and layout to accommodate your current and future needs

  • Amenities and technology infrastructure

  • Budget and lease terms

  • Compliance with local zoning and safety regulations

Building a strong team and selecting the right office space creates a solid foundation for your real estate brokerage that supports your long-term growth and success.



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Parting Thoughts

The real estate industry is always changing.

Those who adapt, learn, and try new strategies will come out on top.

Shana and Dominic's story shows what's possible when experienced pros combine their knowledge with cutting-edge tools and a commitment to excellence.

No matter where you are in your real estate career, this case study offers valuable insights and actionable strategies.

You can use these to build a thriving real estate business, whether you're starting fresh or expanding your territory.

Focus on consistent implementation, leverage technology, and always put the client experience first.

This approach will help you create sustainable success and stand out, even in the most competitive markets.


Bolster Your Real Estate Success with Ylopo

Feeling fired up by Shana Gates and Dominic Labriola's success story?

You can achieve amazing results in your real estate business too, with Ylopo's cutting-edge platform.

Ylopo offers a perfect mix of AI-driven lead generation, automated nurturing, and powerful tools to help you dominate any market.

From customizable websites to seamless CRM integrations, Ylopo provides everything you need to skyrocket your growth.

Don't sit on the sidelines – book your free demo today and discover how Ylopo can transform your business, just like it did for Shana and Dominic.

Take the first step towards your real estate success story now!

Remember, success in real estate isn't just about luck or being in the right place at the right time.

It's about having the right tools, strategies, and mindset.

With Ylopo, you're equipping yourself with a powerful arsenal to tackle any market challenge.

So, what are you waiting for?

Your real estate empire won't build itself!

Dive in, embrace the tech, and watch your business soar.

Who knows?

Maybe you'll be the next success story we're writing about!


About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth