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Skyrocketing Real Estate Success with Data-Driven Insights

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Having the right tools and systems is non-negotiable.

You need to:

  1. Track performance

  2. Optimize lead management

  3. Drive accountability

Otherwise? Your team will get left in the dust, fast.

Top real estate pros and coaches Mike Schumm, Daniel Keeton, and Danny Rinaldi recently dished on this very topic at our most recent Ylopo Success Summit in Austin.

They explained how tech platforms like Maverick are the secret weapon to dominate.

 Today, we're going deep on the golden nuggets they dropped during the Summit!

The Bottomline:

Effective real estate lead management now relies on AI-powered tools and data-driven strategies. Top teams use platforms like MaverickRE to optimize lead distribution, automate accountability, and provide targeted coaching. This approach increases conversions and production while potentially reducing team size.
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Before we dive in, some quick context on CRMs and lead management.

In the dog-eat-dog world of real estate, agents who crush lead management have a major leg up.

They know every lead is a golden opportunity - a chance to connect, serve clients, and bank some serious commission.

Staying on top of their leads, these agents boosted their odds of turning potential buyers and sellers into happy customers.

But wrangling leads is no cakewalk.

Agents are constantly juggling leads from their website or online ads in different stages of the sales funnel.

From capturing lead contact info to scheduling follow-ups and tracking progress, it's a major time suck.

That's where classic real estate CRM systems have been the go-to solution for ages.

CRM software was a total game-changer for lead management back in the day.
  • It gave agents one central spot to store, organize and access valuable lead data.

  • Agents could track conversations, set reminders, and automate some of the grunt work.

But as technology keeps evolving and home buyers get pickier, the limits of old school CRMs are becoming clear.

Enter AI-powered lead management platforms.

The relatively low cost and doubled efficiency that artificial intelligence brings has allowed agents to take their lead game to a whole new level.

Today, AI systems go way beyond just storing and organizing data.

They provide predictive insights, personalized engagement, and automated workflows that streamline the entire process.

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To really grasp how AI is shaking things up, we gotta break down the key pieces and strategies of lead management.

Let's get into the weeds of the process and see how AI is upping the ante at each step.

Snagging and Generating Leads

The first crucial step in effective lead management for real estate agents is to ensure a steady flow of leads into your CRM system.

Whether these leads are coming from your website, social media platforms, or referrals, having a seamless and efficient system in place to capture their information is essential.

Utilizing AI-powered lead capture forms can streamline this process by automatically populating fields with relevant public data, simplifying the entry of potential clients into your pipeline.

However, the power of AI doesn't end there.

It goes beyond just capturing leads; it can also help identify high-quality prospects by analyzing vast amounts of data to pinpoint individuals who are most likely interested in your services.

Analyzing online behavior, social media interactions, and demographic information, AI algorithms highlight individuals who align with your target market.

This targeted approach not only saves you time and energy but also allows you to focus on nurturing the most promising leads for conversion.

In essence, leveraging AI technology in lead management strategies can significantly enhance an agent's ability to generate valuable leads efficiently within the competitive real estate industry.

Nurturing Leads and Keeping them Engaged

Nurturing leads is the secret sauce of lead management.

It's all about building relationships, bringing the value, and guiding prospects through their real estate ride.

AI kicks this into high gear by personalizing outreach and serving up targeted content based on each lead's tastes and behaviors.

Take Ylopo's AI Voice for example.

  1. It scans a lead's browsing history to suss out if they're into luxury cribs.

  2. Then bam! It triggers custom emails packed with relevant listings, market detailss, and neighborhood guides to match their vibe.

This personal touch makes leads feel seen and shows you're hustling to meet their unique needs.

AI-driven chatbots are also clutch for keeping leads engaged.

These virtual sidekicks handle basic questions, answer FAQs, and book appointments, giving instant help and freeing up agents for the heavy hitting convos.

Tapping into natural language processing and machine learning, chatbots converse like a real human, creating a seamless experience for potential clients.

Turning Leads into Clients and Closed Deals

At the end of the day, lead management is all about converting leads into clients and raking in those commissions.

AI is a total powerhouse here, predicting how likely leads are to convert and arming agents with data-driven intel to optimize their sales hustle.

AI algorithms dig into past data and spot patterns and links that show when a lead's primed to buy or sell.

This crystal ball action lets agents laser focus on the leads most likely to pan out.

Like if an AI catches that leads who hit up virtual tours or ask for a comparative market analysis are more likely to pull the trigger.

Agents can use this insider info to prioritize follow-ups and customize their approach.

AI can also be a handy assistant in the sales process by whipping up custom property recs based on a lead's wish list, budget, and lifestyle.

Essentially, the AI systems can play matchmaker and pair leads with their dream digs, crunching crazy amounts of property data, like features, location, and past sales.

This targeted approach saves mad time AND wows clients by proving you totally get their vibe.

Scoring and Qualifying Leads Like a Boss

Not all leads are created equal.

Some might be chomping at the bit to buy or sell ASAP, while others are just starting to dip their toes in.

AI-driven lead scoring and qualification systems can analyze lead behavior, engagement, and demographics to gauge how likely they are to convert.

It gives each lead a score so agents can prioritize their hustle and focus on the cream of the crop.

For instance, an AI system might flag a lead who's been all over your site, filled out a contact form, and is vibing with your social posts as a VIP prospect.

But a lead who only signed up for your newsletter and then ghosted? They might get a lower priority score.

This data-driven approach keeps agents laser-focused on the leads most likely to turn into deals.

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MaverickRE is an AI-powered real estate software that's straight up changing the game with its cutting-edge features for lead management and sales coaching.

Let's take a closer look at some of the standout perks they're spotlighting.

1. AI Call Grading That Matters

One of the dopest features of MaverickRE? Its AI call grading chops.

This smart tool harnesses the power of AI to analyze and grade sales calls, serving up priceless insights into agent performance.

It automatically sizes up stuff like tone, lingo, and customer engagement, meaning MaverickRE's AI call grading system can pinpoint areas for improvement for targeted coaching.

With AI call grading, brokers and team leaders can get a legit understanding of their agents' strengths and weaknesses without having to slog through calls manually.

This saves crazy time AND keeps grading consistent and unbiased.

Using AI to ID best practices and room for growth, MaverickRE helps real estate teams push for nonstop improvement and level up their sales convos to new heights.

2. An AI Sales Coach in Your Corner

On top of call grading, MaverickRE also hooks agents up with an AI-powered sales coach that delivers custom guidance and recommendations.

This digital guru looks at agent performance data, spots patterns, and serves up personalized tips to help agents fine-tune their sales game.

The AI sales coach can drop real-time knowledge during calls, suggesting fire responses, objection handling hacks, and closing techniques.

It can also run a post-game analysis, pointing out key moments and dishing practical advice to crush it next time.

MaverickRE's sales coach is like a 24/7 mentor, helping agents sharpen their skills and rack up better results.

3. Rules and Alerts to Keep You on Track

MaverickRE's rules and alerts feature lets brokers and team leaders set custom triggers and get real-time pings based on specific events.

This could be anything from alerts for big fish leads to overdue follow-up reminders to red flags on weird activity.

By setting up smart rules and automated alerts, real estate teams can make sure no opportunities fall through the cracks.

Agents can zero in on the juiciest leads and pounce at just the right time to nurture relationships and seal deals.

The rules and alerts system also keeps everyone accountable and on their A-game, ensuring a well-oiled machine across the squad.

4. Unlocking Revenue Acceleration

At the end of the day, any real estate software worth its salt needs to help you stack that cash.

And MaverickRE delivers in spades.

Tapping into AI-driven insights, automating the tedious stuff, and serving up actionable coaching, MaverickRE gives real estate teams the keys to rev up their revenue.

And when we say it can help teams double their conversions while cutting their effort in half, that isn’t just a slogan.

We’ve seen it happen to many teams, and the panelists in the video above are just some of them.

They’ve seen firsthand its knack for streamlining ops, tightening up lead management, and supercharging sales performance.

Lasering in on the highest impact activities and tapping into AI-powered recs, it helps agents max out their output and crush their goals in less time.

5. Data-Driven Reporting and Automations on Lock

MaverickRE is all about that data-driven life for real estate.

The software packs comprehensive reporting features, giving brokers and team leaders crazy deep insights into performance metrics, lead sources, and conversion rates.

With data-driven reporting on hand, real estate teams can spot trends, ID areas that need work, and make informed calls to tighten up their game plan.

MaverickRE's automations also keep workflows running like clockwork, nixing busywork and freeing up agents to focus on the big wins.

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One of the most skull-exploding features they hyped was Maverick's slick lead router and distribution system.

Daniel Keeton, Maverick's resident Realtor, broke down how their algorithmic lead routing solves a bunch of common headaches for teams:

"Fairness is a massive pain point when you're running a team. Who's getting which lead? There's always someone pointing fingers. 'They got a better lead because of X, Y, Z.' You've got all these janky routing setups and round robin messes. But the routing tool handles all that noise. It takes me out of the equation as the 'bad guy' dishing out leads."

The lead router shines a spotlight on critical metrics like:

  1. How many leads each agent is getting served

  2. How many leads they're scooping up

  3. Their individual conversion rates

This data gives team leaders crazy visibility to rapidly ID their rockstars.

They can also catch agents who might need some extra coaching or support.

Daniel made a clutch point in the panel: ranking agents by conversion rate, not just total deals, is the move.

This approach shouts out efficient team members who might not be the biggest dogs in sales.

But they're actually killing it on ROI for their leads.

Digging into what those conversion champs are doing right uncovers priceless coaching gold for the other agents.

The reporting also makes it stupid simple to have data-driven convos about lead follow-up and performance.

No more wishy-washy whining about lack of opportunity!

Leaders can pull up exactly how many leads an agent's been tossed and claimed.

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Mike Schumm, real estate coach extraordinaire with Profits Coaching, dropped a counterintuitive truth bomb about lead volume:

"When I peek at team data, nearly all of them are drowning agents in way too many leads. The average lead in this country needs at least 10 touches. But IRL? The average lead's lucky to get hit up 1.2 times."

He dished that when agents are buried in leads, they tend to cherry-pick.

They're crossing their fingers for quick wins instead of putting in the elbow grease to nurture leads over time.

Mike walked through a wild experiment where he slowly cranked down agents' lead flow:

"Just to test the waters, I thought hey, what if we cap leads at 100 per agent? I kept tabs on conversion and it ticked up a smidge. Huh, interesting! A couple months later, I knocked it down to 75. Conversion spiked again. Eventually, we got these hustlers down to 25 leads max per month. And they were straight crushing it on conversion."

Putting a limit on leads forces agents to squeeze more juice out of each one with more calls and touches.

This jacks up conversion rates like crazy.

The secret is nailing that sweet spot lead volume for each agent.

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Another game-changing feature they raved about was Maverick's "nudging" tool.

It lets team leaders fire off automated reminders to agents about overdue follow-up tasks.

Danny Rinaldi, a team leader and Maverick pro, broke down the impact:

"Leads roll in at three different funnel stages. We tend to lump 'em all together, but they're not the same at all. You've got the dreamers (91 days to 2 years out), then the researchers (31-90 days). And finally, you've got the hot and ready leads (0-30 days). The nudging feature helps us zoom in on the warmest leads that are this close to signing on the dotted line."

Daniel hammered home that using the nudge feature consistently trains agents:

"The more you rock the nudging feature from day one, the less you actually have to lean on it over time. Because the agents start internalizing that flow and accountability."

He dished that after rolling out the nudging system, his team saw a wild 20% spike in lead conversion over just 6 months.

The automated text reminders light a fire under agents to follow up.

No more constant nagging needed from the team leader.

But hey, clear standards and consequences are non-negotiable.

As Daniel put it:

"On Mondays, we nudge 'em about overdue tasks. If they don't get it handled by Friday, we reassign those leads. They know the drill. When they know there are real repercussions, they take those standards seriously."

This approach builds a culture of accountability.

The system's the enforcer, not the team leader personally.

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Having beefy performance data lets you pinpoint exactly where agents need some extra schooling and support.

Danny walked through a detailed breakdown of leveling up an agent's results using Maverick's reporting:

"Take Graham for example. Solid dude, total workhorse. Last 30 days, my man made 1,107 calls and had 62 chats - we're talking calls over 2 minutes. That means every 18 dials, he's locking in a legit convo. A couple months back? It was taking him 3-4 times that many dials."

Diving into the data, Danny figured out Graham was choking on his opener.

That's why he was racking up tons of quick, failed calls.

After some laser-focused training on his opening lines and objection busting, Graham went from worst to first on the team for dial-to-convo ratio.

Danny then drilled into Graham's appointment bookings:

"Out of those 62 convos, he booked 17 appointments. So every 4 chats or so, he's locking in an appointment. Back in the day, dude could talk to 20, 30, 40 folks without landing a single appointment."

This granular data let him zero in on appointment setting skills as the key coaching opp.

No more wasting time on irrelevant stuff.

The panelists drilled this home - this hyper targeted coaching runs circles around generic training.

Randomly grabbing call recordings and praying for coachable moments is wildly inefficient.

As Danny said:

"If I'm just snagging a random call from the CRM to coach someone, that specific call might not actually show off the agent's real sticking points. My coaching won't line up with where they're losing people in their pipeline."

When you use data to diagnose each agent's unique hiccups, you can craft stupid focused training.

This cranks up breakthroughs at warp speed.

Exploding Production While Slashing Headcount

Maybe the most mind-blowing result they shared was how data and accountability let teams massively jack up production while cutting agent headcount.

Danny broke down how his team went from over 20 agents down to a lean 6, while keeping overall production steady and even growing it:

"Right now, we've got a rock solid core of 6 agents. We're hitting the recruiting hard, don't get me wrong. But during the slower stretch in late 2022 and early 2023, we locked in all our systems and processes. That way, we weren't scrambling to keep up later when the market kicked into high gear."

By rolling out clear standards, harnessing tech for accountability, and serving up targeted training, Danny's tight squad of 6 outproduced their old roster of 20+.

He summed up the impact:

"We've kept our lead flow steady, but production has basically doubled. Our six hustlers are outperforming what 20 used to do."

This shows the wild potential for teams to tighten up ops and drive crazy production gains.

No need to throw more warm bodies at it.

Key Takeaways for Diving into Data

The panelists dropped some crucial nuggets of advice for leveling up with a data-driven approach:

  1. Track and measure everything. Mike said, "You can only boost what you track and measure. If you don't know where your cash cows are hiding, how can you milk 'em?"

  2. Appoint a data honcho. Not everyone needs to geek out on data. But someone's gotta own tracking metrics and surfacing insights. Mike's advice? "Before I even open my inbox or hop on socials, I'm knee-deep in my dashboards finding out what needs to happen that day."

  3. Prioritize efficiency, not just volume. Daniel hammered home recognizing efficient converters, not just top dogs. Learn from their wins to coach the rest of the pack.

  4. Lay down clear standards and consequences. Standards are just suggestions without teeth. An objective accountability system takes the heat off leaders to police agents.

  5. Use data to laser-focus training. Generic coaching is wack. Use granular performance data to ID each agent's unique pain points and serve up stupid focused training.

  6. Don't drown agents in leads. Surprisingly, fewer leads can jack up conversion by forcing thorough follow-up. Find each agent's sweet spot.

  7. Roll out tech strategically. Mike warned, "One of the biggest headaches with these tools is getting folks to actually use 'em. Before you swipe that credit card, nail down who's gonna own it and drive daily buy-in."

  8. Think scalably. Danny's advice? "If I can drill into what that 50-agent team is pulling off per agent, and plug in those metrics, tracking methods, and analysis to my 6 hustlers, then I've got a roadmap to scale to 30, 40, 50 agents and beyond."

Data Junkies Will Dominate the Future

As the real estate game keeps evolving, harnessing data and tech is becoming non-negotiable.

The gems these top dogs shared paint a vivid picture of the crazy potential for driving efficiency, accountability, and production by locking in the right systems and processes.

Platforms like Maverick that mash up lead routing, performance tracking, automated accountability, and granular reporting are fueling teams to squeeze every drop out of their ops.

This next-level insight empowers leaders to make data-informed power plays on everything from lead distribution to training to hiring and keeping rockstars.

While jumping into a data-driven approach might feel like a kick in the teeth at first, the panelists drilled home that the long-haul perks are more than worth the temporary growing pains.

Danny nailed it:

"Tracking data, plugging in systems through tools like Maverick, YLOPO, and Follow Up Boss - it gives us that North Star. There's a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. All the elbow grease we're putting in now with data and tracking is gonna pay fat dividends down the line."

For teams ballsy enough to bear hug this new world order, the sky's the limit for scaling production while keeping a lean team.

Zeroing in on efficiency and plugging into tech to drive accountability and performance lets even small crews throw hands with way bigger competitors.

As our industry barrels forward, the sharpshooters who nail the art and science of data-driven real estate will be primed to crush it in any market.

The future belongs to the efficient, the accountable, and the insight-powered.

So don't get left choking on dust in the data-driven revolution.

The tools and strategies are ripe for the picking.

It's on you to grab 'em by the horns.

When you do, you'll be unstoppable.

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Ready to crank your real estate team's performance to 11?

Ylopo's game-changing AI tech is here to make it happen.

Wave goodbye to weak sauce lead management and give a warm welcome to a data-driven approach that prints money.

With Ylopo and MaverickRE's powerhouse toolbox, you'll rustle up top-shelf seller leads, nurture 'em like a pro, and close more deals than you can shake a stick at.

Don't sleep on this chance to flip the script on your business.

Book your FREE demo with Ylopo today and step into the future of real estate domination.

Your competition is already arm wrestling with AI - don't get left in the dust!

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