Realtor Listing Presentation: Key Strategies for 2024


Your listing presentation is your chance to shine.

It's where you show potential clients why you're the best choice to sell their home.

Think about it - for most folks, their house is their biggest asset.

They're trusting you with their financial future.

No pressure, right?

But here's the thing: a great presentation isn't just about rattling off facts and figures.

It's about telling a story.

Your story.

The story of how you'll guide them through selling their home, find the perfect buyers, and get them the best price possible.

At the recent Ylopo Summit in Austin, three top-notch real estate pros shared their secrets.

Livia Monteforte, Davina Hughes, and Rachael Novak spilled the beans on how they consistently win listings.

They combine cutting-edge tech, data-driven decisions, and a laser focus on what sellers really need.

You can watch their full panel presentation here:


Below, we break down their proven techniques for:

  1. Pre-listing prep

  2. Educating sellers

  3. Crafting killer presentations


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The Bottom Line:

Your listing presentation needs to convince homeowners that you're the agent for them. How? By showcasing your experience, presenting a solid market analysis to nail the right price, and laying out a killer marketing strategy to sell their house fast.

Chapter 1: Pre-Listing Prep: Setting Yourself Up for Success

The real work starts long before you step foot in a seller's home.

Here's how to lay the groundwork for a winning presentation:

1. Leverage Tech for Scheduling

Livia swears by using tech to make a great first impression.

She uses the appointment feature in CRM systems like Follow Up Boss to schedule initial meetings.

But here's the kicker: she gets super specific with the appointment title.

Instead of a boring "Listing Appointment," she goes for something like:

"Meeting with Livia Monteforte and John Smith to discuss selling 123 Main Street"

Why does this work? It:

  • Links you, the agent, to the property and the seller's goal

  • Shows up on the seller's calendar, keeping you top of mind

  • Proves you're a pro who pays attention to details

  • Sets you apart from other agents who use generic titles

2. Pre-Listing Questionnaires: Get the Scoop

All three agents stressed the importance of gathering key info before the listing appointment.

Livia uses a Google Form to collect data on:

  1. The seller's estimated home value

  2. Recent updates or improvements

  3. The seller's timeline for moving

  4. Whether they're talking to other agents

  5. What they're looking for in an agent

This form is a game-changer because it:

  • Gives you crucial info to prep for the appointment

  • Gets sellers thinking critically about their home's value and condition

  • Lets you gather info sellers might not want to share face-to-face

  • Shows you're thorough and professional

3. Educate Before You Meet

Davina is big on educating sellers before the listing appointment.

She uses a platform called Highnote to send potential clients a pre-listing package.

It includes:

  1. Info about her and her track record

  2. An explanation of how homes are priced

  3. A preliminary Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

  4. An overview of the listing and selling process

  5. Her marketing strategies and tools

By providing this info upfront, Davina:

  • Positions herself as an expert and educator

  • Ensures sellers are prepped for the listing appointment

  • Sets clear expectations for the process

  • Stands out from agents who don't provide such thorough materials

4. Data-Driven Marketing: Show Your Power

All three agents emphasized using data-driven tools to showcase their marketing chops.

They love tools from companies like Ylopo and our new and improved Seller Suite that let them:

  1. Create heat maps showing buyer interest in specific areas

  2. Do reverse lookups to find potential buyers already in their database

  3. Use predictive analytics to target marketing efforts

Leveraging these tools before the listing appointment allows you to show sellers concrete proof that you can market their property effectively.


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Chapter 2: The Listing Appointment: Your Time to Shine

You've done your prep work.

Now it's showtime.

Here are the key strategies these top agents use to consistently win listings:

Talk Price Early

Rachael says you need to discuss price early in the listing appointment.


If sellers aren't confident in your pricing strategy, they won't listen to anything else you have to say.

Her advice:

  • Present a thorough CMA

  • Explain your pricing rationale clearly

  • Be ready to justify your pricing strategy

Break Down the Numbers

Sellers want to know how much money they'll walk away with after the sale.

Rachael stresses the importance of providing a detailed net sheet that breaks down:

  1. Estimated sale price

  2. Mortgage payoff (if applicable)

  3. Closing costs

  4. Agent commissions

  5. Taxes and other fees

  6. Estimated net proceeds to the seller

Presenting this info upfront and you show transparency and help sellers understand the full financial picture.

Map Out the Process

Sellers want to know you have a solid plan.

All three agents recommend providing a clear, step-by-step overview of your listing and selling process.

This should include:

  • Pre-listing activities (photography, staging recommendations, etc.)

  • Marketing strategies

  • Showing procedures

  • Offer review and negotiation process

  • Closing procedures

Rachael emphasizes setting clear expectations for both your responsibilities and the seller's role in the process.

Show Off Your Marketing Muscle

In today's digital age, effective marketing is crucial for maximizing a home's exposure and attracting qualified buyers.

The agents shared several strategies for demonstrating their marketing capabilities:

  • Use of predictive analytics and targeted advertising

  • Leveraging your existing database of potential buyers

  • Professional photography and videography

  • Social media marketing strategies

  • Print marketing materials

Livia recommends using language that highlights the sophistication of your marketing approach.

For example: "I've paid my marketing firm to scrub our database against the specifics of your property, and I'm excited to share the results with you."

Offer Tiered Service Packages

Rachael shared an innovative approach to presenting services and commissions.

She uses a tiered system with three levels of service:

  1. Basic Package: Includes essential services provided for all listings

  2. Flex Package: Includes additional marketing and support services

  3. VIP Package: Comprehensive service including extras like professional staging, pre-inspection, etc.

This approach lets sellers choose the level of service that best fits their needs and budget.

It also helps justify commission rates by clearly demonstrating the value provided at each tier.

Address Potential Objections Head-On

All three agents stressed the importance of anticipating and addressing common seller objections before they come up.

This includes:

  • Explaining your commission structure and the value you provide

  • Discussing your marketing strategies in detail

  • Providing data on your track record of successful sales

  • Explaining how you handle multiple offer situations

Addressing these topics proactively, you show confidence and expertise while easing potential concerns.


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Chapter 3: Standing Out from the Pack

In markets where sellers often interview multiple agents, it's crucial to set yourself apart.

The agents shared several strategies for differentiation:

Provide Questions for Other Agents

Livia recommends giving sellers a list of questions to ask other agents they might be interviewing.

These questions should highlight your unique strengths and the sophisticated tools you use.

For example:

  • "How many buyers in your database are currently searching for homes like mine?"

  • "What predictive analytics tools do you use to target potential buyers?"

  • "Can you provide a detailed net sheet showing my estimated proceeds from the sale?"

You accomplish two things by providing these questions:

  1. You position yourself as confident and transparent

  2. You set a high bar that other agents may struggle to meet

Highlight Your Tech Advantage

All three agents stressed the importance of showcasing the sophisticated tools and technologies they use.

This includes:

  • CRM systems for managing client relationships

  • Data analytics tools for targeted marketing

  • Professional-grade photography and videography equipment

  • Virtual tour technologies (more on these later)

When you highlight these tools, you show that you're investing in the latest technologies to market homes effectively.

Showcase Your Team

For agents who work with a team, emphasizing the strength of your support staff can be a key differentiator.

Rachael, who leads a team of 12 agents and 6 support staff, highlights how this allows her to provide comprehensive service and expertise in all aspects of the selling process.

Flaunt Your Local Market Knowledge

While technology and marketing are important, deep knowledge of the local market is still crucial for sellers.

Be prepared to discuss:

  1. Recent sales in the neighborhood

  2. Current market trends specific to the area

  3. Your experience selling similar properties

  4. Your connections with other local agents and potential buyers

Offer Unique Value-Added Services

Consider offering services that go beyond the typical agent's offerings.

This could include:

  • Professional home staging

  • Pre-listing home inspection

  • Professional cleaning services

  • Minor repairs or updates to improve marketability

By offering these services (either included in your package or as optional add-ons), you show a commitment to maximizing the home's value and appeal.

Chapter 4: Don't Forget the Basics!

While fancy tech and innovative strategies are great, don't overlook the fundamentals.

Here are some listing presentation basics you should never skip in 2024:

Know Your Audience

Before you start putting together your presentation, take time to research and understand your potential clients.

Ask yourself:

  1. What's their situation? Are they relocating for work or empty-nesters looking to downsize?

  2. Do they have specific concerns or priorities?

  3. Are they looking to get top dollar or find a buyer who will appreciate the home's unique features?

The more you know about their needs and motivations, the better you can tailor your presentation to address their specific concerns.

This shows that you're not just delivering a generic pitch, but that you've taken the time to understand their unique circumstance.

Showcase Your Expertise

Your listing presentation is your chance to prove why you're the right agent for the job.

This is where you highlight:

  • Your track record of success

  • Your deep knowledge of the local market

  • Your innovative marketing strategies

Don't just tell them you're an expert—show them.

Share specific examples of how you've helped past clients in similar situations.

If you have data or testimonials to back up your success, include them in your presentation.

If you have unique certifications or specialties, such as a designation in luxury home sales or experience with historic properties, make sure to highlight these.

Have a Clear, Compelling Marketing Plan

For most sellers, the biggest question on their mind is, "How will you get my house sold quickly and for the best price?"

Your presentation needs to answer this question with a clear, compelling marketing plan.

Discuss how you will leverage both traditional and digital marketing channels to reach the widest pool of potential buyers.

  • Will you use professional photography and videography to showcase the home's best features?

  • How will you utilize social media and online listings to generate buzz?

  • Will you host open houses or broker's opens?

The more specific and strategic your plan is, the more confidence you'll instill in potential clients.

They want to see that you have a roadmap for success, not just a handful of vague promises.

Prepare for Objections

No matter how compelling your presentation is, potential clients are likely to have questions and concerns.

Anticipating and preparing for these objections can help you stay poised and persuasive.

Some common objections might include:

  1. Concerns about your commission rate

  2. Doubts about your suggested listing price

  3. Questions about how you'll handle challenges like low appraisals or difficult buyers

Have thoughtful, well-researched responses ready for these objections.

The key is to reframe the conversation around the value you provide.

For example, if a client is concerned about your commission, emphasize how your marketing strategies and negotiation skills will help them net more money from the sale, even after your fee.


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Chapter 5: Creating a Realtor Listing Presentation That Engages

Make it Visual

A dry, text-heavy presentation simply won't cut it these days.

To really engage potential clients and make a lasting impression, your listing presentation needs to be visually dynamic.

Consider incorporating elements like:

  • Professional photos of homes you've previously sold

  • Video testimonials from satisfied clients

  • Interactive market data visualizations

  • Infographics to break down complex concepts like the seller net sheet or the stages of the sale process

If you're presenting in person, consider bringing physical props like your marketing brochures, signage samples, or even a staging lookbook to give clients a tangible sense of what you offer.

If you're presenting virtually, make sure your digital presentation is polished, professional, and easy to navigate.

The goal is to create a multi-sensory experience that keeps potential clients engaged and makes it easy for them to understand and retain the key points of your presentation.

A visually striking presentation also communicates that you're a modern, innovative agent who's in touch with the latest trends and technologies.

Virtual Listing Presentations and Beyond

In the era of COVID-19, virtual listing presentations have become the norm for many realtors.

But even as in-person interactions resume, the benefits of virtual presentations should not be overlooked.

Incorporating a virtual component into your listing presentation strategy can provide flexibility, convenience, and a competitive edge.

Virtual presentations allow you to connect with potential clients regardless of their location or schedule.

They can be especially appealing for out-of-town sellers or those with busy work schedules that make in-person meetings challenging.

Plus, virtual presentations can be easily recorded and shared, allowing clients to review the information at their leisure.

To create an effective virtual listing presentation:

  1. Invest in reliable technology like a high-quality webcam, microphone, and lighting setup

  2. Practice your presentation to ensure smooth delivery and transitions

  3. Test your setup beforehand to avoid any technical glitches during the actual presentation

Beyond virtual presentations, technology can be leveraged throughout the listing process to provide a superior client experience.

From digital signature tools for seamless contract signing to automated email updates on the sale progress, embracing technology can help you stand out as a modern, efficient agent.

Bringing Your Presentation to Life with Storytelling

Facts, figures, and marketing plans are essential components of your listing presentation, but they alone may not be enough to truly connect with potential clients.

This is where the art of storytelling comes in.

Humans are wired to respond to stories.

We remember information better when it's presented in narrative form, and we're more likely to trust and connect with someone who can engage us on an emotional level.

Incorporating storytelling into your listing presentation can help you create a more memorable, persuasive experience.

Consider starting your presentation with a brief anecdote about a past client who was in a similar situation to your potential clients.

Share how you helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Throughout your presentation, use specific examples and case studies to illustrate your points, rather than just reciting abstract statistics.

When discussing your marketing plan, paint a vivid picture of how each strategy will contribute to the successful sale of their home.

Instead of simply stating that you'll use social media advertising, describe how your targeted Facebook ads will reach thousands of potential buyers in their ideal demographic.

The key is to make your presentation come alive by appealing to their imagination and emotions.

When potential clients can envision the successful sale of their home and feel confident in your ability to make it happen, you're much more likely to win their business.

Parting Thoughts

Winning listings consistently requires a mix of thorough preparation, effective use of technology, clear communication, and a deep understanding of sellers' needs.

Implementing the strategies shared by these top agents - from sophisticated pre-listing questionnaires to tiered service packages and proactive objection handling - significantly boosts your success rate in securing listings.

Keep in mind that the goal isn't just to win the listing, but to set the stage for a successful sale and a positive client experience.

Focusing on education, transparency, and demonstrating clear value will not only win you more listings but also build a reputation that leads to repeat business and referrals.

The real estate industry continues to evolve, but the fundamental principles of understanding client needs, showcasing your expertise, and delivering exceptional service will always be the foundation of success in winning listings and building a thriving real estate business.


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You've now got the blueprint for crafting a winning listing presentation in 2024.

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About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth