Get the Best Leads and the Top Lead Gen for Real Estate in 2024


The housing market's been on quite a ride lately, hasn't it?

But guess what?

The smartest cookies in the PropTech game are cooking up cool new ways to help you crush your goals.

We recently held our Ylopo Success Summit in Austin.

Our team and some rock stars from Follow Up Boss spilled the beans on our latest tools.

We're laser-focused on getting you better leads, beefing up your contact list, and scoring more face time with buyers and sellers - and we have our latest product stack to show for it.

Today, let's dive into the must-know lead gen and follow-up strategies covered by our experts.

We'll also touch on some basics you can't ignore, especially in a tough year like 2024.


Let's go!


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Chapter 1: Hot Takes from the Ylopo x FUB Panel

The real estate industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, but innovative companies continue to develop new technologies and strategies to help agents succeed.

At a recent industry conference, leaders from Ylopo and Follow Up Boss shared exciting updates on their latest tools and features designed to generate higher quality leads, improve database engagement, and empower agents to win more buyer and seller consultations.

Focusing on Quality Over Quantity in Lead Generation

One of the key themes emphasized was the importance of generating high-quality leads rather than just a high volume of leads.

Ylopo shared data showing that homeowners who are looking to buy are significantly more likely to become qualified leads compared to non-homeowners.

Specifically, homeowner leads have a 26% qualification rate versus 19% for non-homeowners - a 37% quality difference.

Given this insight, Ylopo is developing new algorithms and targeting capabilities to increase the percentage of buyer leads who also need to sell a home before purchasing.

Currently, about 25% of buyer leads generated through PPC and Facebook ads fall into this "buy-sell" category.

The goal is to boost that to 35% or higher, as these leads tend to be more motivated and likely to transact.

The company is also enhancing its seller lead generation capabilities, recognizing that the best buyer leads are often those who need to sell their current home first.

By identifying and targeting more of these buy-sell opportunities, agents can work with higher-intent leads who have clarity and certainty about their real estate goals.

Engaging Existing Databases More Effectively

In addition to generating new leads, the speakers highlighted the importance of better engaging existing databases.

Ylopo is updating its listing alert emails to incorporate more seller-focused content, recognizing that a significant portion of buyer leads in agents' databases may also be potential sellers.

These enhanced listing alerts will now feature market trend data, seller statistics, and value propositions aimed at teasing out seller opportunities among buyers in the database.

Similarly, Ylopo is layering in more seller-focused content throughout agents' home search websites to surface potential listings.

The company has also revamped its behavioral texting system to reach more inactive buyer leads.

In a recent test, they sent out 20,000 text messages in a single day to re-engage dormant buyer leads across their client base.

These messages aim to nurture buyer prospects while also opening the door to potential seller conversations.

New Tools for Winning Buyer Consultations

With recent industry changes putting more focus on buyer agency agreements, Ylopo has rapidly developed new tools to help agents succeed in buyer consultations.

A key addition is a customizable buyer presentation builder that allows agents to create professional, data-driven presentations.

This presentation tool pulls in dynamic market data, agent statistics, and other relevant information to help agents demonstrate their value proposition.

Agents can customize the content based on their specific market, experience level, and areas of specialization.

The goal is to empower agents to have more effective buyer consultations and increase their success rate in securing buyer agency agreements.

To complement the presentation tool, Ylopo has partnered with industry veterans to create video training on how to have successful buyer agency conversations.

This includes scripting, mindset coaching, and strategies for communicating an agent's value to justify their commission.

The training aims to help agents navigate what can often be difficult conversations about compensation and representation.

AI-Powered Sales Coaching

Taking agent training a step further, Ylopo announced the development of AI-powered sales coaching bots.

These virtual assistants will allow agents to practice their buyer consultation pitches and receive automated feedback and scoring.

The system will analyze conversations, provide grades, and offer suggestions for improvement.

For teams and brokerages that sign up early for this "MaverickRE" AI coaching platform, the system will even analyze agents' last 1,000 phone calls from their CRM to establish a baseline of their current sales skills.

This gives managers unprecedented visibility into their agents' abilities and opportunities for coaching.

Enhancing Team Communication and Collaboration

On the Follow Up Boss side, several new features were highlighted to improve team communication and collaboration around leads.

A key addition is threaded replies and reactions within the CRM's notes system.

This allows team members to have more organized conversations about specific leads, tagging colleagues and keeping all communication in one place.

The speakers emphasized how this can be especially powerful for collaborating with lender partners.

By bringing lenders into these CRM conversations, it increases transparency and allows for smoother handoffs between agents and lenders.

This level of integration can be a key differentiator when recruiting lending partners to help cover technology costs.

Another major update is an integrated inbox that combines all lead communications from Ylopo, automated AI assistant responses, and agent replies in one unified view.

This solves the common problem of disjointed communication across multiple platforms.

Key benefits of the new integrated inbox include:

  1. The ability to see all lead conversations in one place, similar to managing an email inbox

  2. Visual indicators showing when other team members are viewing or responding to a lead

  3. Access to response templates directly within the inbox

  4. Clearer differentiation between AI assistant responses and agent messages

For team leaders, the integrated inbox provides a centralized place to monitor all lead communications, step in when needed, and ensure leads don't fall through the cracks.

It aims to streamline workflows and reduce instances of multiple team members unknowingly reaching out to the same lead.

Leveraging Contact Cards for a More Professional Approach

A simple but effective feature highlighted was the ability to send professional contact cards through the CRM.

This allows agents to easily share their contact information with leads in a polished, branded format that automatically populates the lead's phone contacts.

One clever tip shared was to save your contact card with a prefix like "Realtor" in the name.

This makes it easy for leads to find you in their contacts later by searching for "Realtor."

It's a small touch that can help keep you top-of-mind with prospects.

The contact card feature also allows agents to send cards for other team members, which can be useful when handing off a lead to a showing agent or lender partner.

It creates a more formal, professional experience for the client.

Adapting to a Changing Market

A key theme throughout the presentations was the need to innovate and adapt in the face of industry challenges.

The speakers emphasized that constraints often breed creativity, and that the difficult market conditions of the past two years have actually driven some of their most impactful innovations.

Rather than lamenting "why us?" when facing obstacles, the Ylopo team's mentality is to ask "what's next?" and view challenges as opportunities to develop better solutions.

This forward-looking, problem-solving mindset was presented as crucial for success in the current real estate landscape.

The Importance of Integrated Systems

Another recurring theme was the value of keeping agents working within integrated systems as much as possible.

By bringing more functionality into centralized platforms like the CRM, it reduces context-switching for agents and helps them stay focused and efficient.

The goal is to create workflows where agents can manage most of their key activities - lead follow-up, client communications, presentation building, etc. - from within a single system.

This not only saves time but also ensures important details don't get lost across disparate tools.

Training and Adoption

While exciting new features were announced, the speakers also emphasized the importance of proper training and adoption.

They acknowledged that many agents may not be fully utilizing existing tools like team inboxes, and stressed the need for ongoing education.

To address this, the companies are offering a variety of training resources, including:

  1. Live demo sessions at the conference

  2. Recorded video tutorials

  3. Written documentation and guides

  4. One-on-one support from their "genius" customer service teams

The message was clear that simply having powerful technology isn't enough - agents and teams need to fully understand and consistently use the tools to see results.

Looking to the Future

While much of the focus was on immediately available features, the presenters also hinted at their longer-term visions for the industry.

A brief video shown at the start of the session showcased more futuristic concepts that got the audience excited about where real estate technology may be headed.

However, the speakers were quick to emphasize that their current focus is on "tactical hand-to-hand combat" - delivering practical tools that agents can use right now to succeed in today's market conditions.

The balance between blue-sky thinking and pragmatic solution delivery seems to be a key part of their product development philosophy.

Empowering Agents in Changing Times

A significant portion of the presentation focused on equipping agents to succeed in an evolving industry landscape.

With more emphasis being placed on buyer agency agreements and commission discussions, the speakers recognized the need to give agents better tools and training for these sometimes difficult conversations.

The new buyer presentation builder, for instance, isn't just about creating flashy slides.

It's designed to help agents clearly articulate their value proposition and justify their compensation.

By dynamically pulling in relevant market data and agent performance metrics, it aims to give agents the confidence to have frank discussions about their services and fees.

Similarly, the AI-powered conversation practice tools are meant to help agents refine their pitches and become more comfortable with potentially awkward topics like commissions and representation agreements.

The underlying message is that success in the current market requires agents to level up their sales and communication skills.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Another clear theme throughout the presentations was the companies' commitment to data-driven product development and decision making.

The Ylopo Team mentioned investing around a quarter-million dollars annually in analytics technology to track the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts.

This data-centric approach allows them to continually refine their targeting algorithms and product features based on real-world results.

By analyzing which leads convert at the highest rates and what factors contribute to success, they can focus their efforts on the most impactful innovations.

For agents and teams using these platforms, this translates to continually improving lead quality and tools that evolve based on what's actually working in the field.

It's a stark contrast to static, one-size-fits-all solutions that don't adapt to changing market conditions.

The Future Realtor Wins with Savvy AND Cutting-Edge Tech

The real estate industry continues to evolve rapidly, driven by technological innovations, market shifts, and changing consumer expectations.

Companies like Ylopo and Follow Up Boss are working to equip agents and teams with the tools they need to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Key takeaways from their latest product updates include:

  1. A focus on generating higher-quality leads, particularly those with both buying and selling intent.

  2. Enhanced database engagement tools to surface more opportunities from existing contacts.

  3. New presentation and training resources to help agents win more buyer consultations.

  4. Improved team collaboration features within CRMs to streamline communications.

  5. AI-powered coaching tools to help agents refine their sales skills.

  6. A data-driven approach to product development based on real-world performance metrics.

As the industry continues to face challenges, from inventory shortages to commission structure debates, it's clear that technology will play a crucial role in helping agents adapt and succeed.

The most successful agents and teams will likely be those who embrace these new tools and use them to provide superior service and value to their clients.

However, it's equally clear that technology alone is not the answer.

The human elements of real estate - relationship building, local expertise, and skilled negotiations - remain as important as ever.

The winning formula appears to be a combination of cutting-edge technology and high-level personal skills.

As our companies continue to innovate, it will be exciting to see how our solutions evolve and what new capabilities emerge to help real estate professionals navigate the ever-changing landscape of the industry.

Ylopo AI Text:

The pioneering 24/7 AI real estate assistant that actively converts leads 365 days a year.


Chapter 2: Essential Lead Generation Strategies for 2024 and Beyond

While cutting-edge tech is exciting, it's crucial not to neglect tried-and-true lead generation methods.

Here are some fundamental strategies that continue to deliver results:

Harnessing Social Media for Real Estate Success

In our digital-first world, social media has become an indispensable tool for real estate professionals.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with potential clients and showcase your expertise.

To maximize your social media lead generation efforts:

  1. Create engaging, informative content that resonates with your target audience:

    • Eye-catching property photos and virtual tours

    • In-depth neighborhood guides

    • Market trend analyses

    • Home buying and selling tips

  2. Consistently deliver value to build a loyal community of followers who turn to you for real estate advice.

  3. Leverage paid advertising on social platforms:

    • Use highly targeted options to reach users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors

    • Craft compelling ad copy and visuals

    • Direct users to landing pages with strong calls-to-action

  4. Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and live videos to build relationships and trust.

By implementing these strategies, you can establish yourself as a go-to real estate expert in your local market and generate a steady stream of leads.

Optimizing Your Website as a Lead Generation Powerhouse

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence, and when optimized effectively, it can become a powerful lead generation tool.

A well-designed, user-friendly site not only showcases your listings and expertise but also serves as a magnet for potential clients.

To transform your website into a lead generation powerhouse, start by implementing prominent call-to-action buttons throughout your site.

These CTAs should make it easy for visitors to schedule consultations, sign up for newsletters, or request property information.

Use action-oriented language and contrasting colors to ensure these buttons stand out and attract attention.

Strategically placing lead capture forms across your site is another crucial tactic.

Offer valuable content, such as home valuation reports or neighborhood guides, in exchange for contact information.

Keep these forms short and simple to increase completion rates and encourage more visitors to share their details.

Integrating IDX (Internet Data Exchange) functionality allows visitors to search for properties directly on your site, enhancing user experience.

You can capture leads by requiring registration for advanced search features, turning casual browsers into potential clients.

Regular, informative blog posts are an excellent way to showcase your expertise and build trust with potential clients.

Address common questions and concerns of buyers and sellers in your market, and optimize your content for relevant keywords to drive organic traffic to your site.

Lastly, ensure your site is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

With an increasing number of users browsing on smartphones and tablets, a responsive design is crucial.

Optimize images and streamline code to improve load times, creating a seamless experience for all visitors regardless of their device.

By implementing these strategies, you can create an engaging user experience that not only attracts visitors but also converts them into valuable leads.

Your website will become more than just an online brochure – it will be a dynamic tool that actively contributes to growing your real estate business.

Automated Outreach:

Ylopo AI Voice tirelessly calls and nurtures your leads to drive qualified appointments right into your calendar.

Building a Robust Referral Network

In real estate, personal connections and word-of-mouth referrals often yield the highest quality leads.

By actively networking and cultivating strong referral partnerships, you can tap into a steady stream of pre-qualified prospects.

To build and maintain a powerful referral network:

  1. Attend local industry events:

    • Real estate conferences, workshops, and trade shows

    • Chamber of Commerce meetings and local business networking events

  2. Forge strategic partnerships with complementary businesses:

    • Home stagers, interior designers, contractors

    • Mortgage brokers, financial advisors, attorneys

    • Moving companies, home insurance agents

  3. Provide exceptional service to past clients:

    • Stay in touch through regular check-ins, holiday greetings, and informative newsletters

    • Offer valuable insights on market trends and home maintenance tips

    • Create a referral rewards program to incentivize past clients to recommend your services

  4. Leverage online platforms:

    • Join local real estate groups on Facebook and LinkedIn

    • Participate in online forums and discussion boards related to your market

    • Contribute valuable content to establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource

  5. Host community events:

    • Organize first-time homebuyer seminars

    • Sponsor local charity events or sports teams

    • Conduct workshops on relevant topics like home staging or investment properties

By consistently nurturing your referral network, you can create a self-sustaining source of high-quality leads that can significantly boost your business.

Mastering Email Marketing for Continuous Lead Nurturing

Email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective and powerful tools for real estate professionals to nurture leads and stay top-of-mind with prospects.

A well-executed email strategy can help you build relationships, showcase your expertise, and convert leads into clients.

To create an effective email marketing campaign, start by building a quality email list.

Offer valuable lead magnets on your website, such as market reports or home buying guides.

Utilize sign-up forms at open houses and community events, and don't forget to include an email opt-in on all your marketing materials.

Segmenting your list is crucial for delivering targeted content.

Consider factors like buyer versus seller interests, price range preferences, specific neighborhoods or property types, and the stage in the buying or selling process.

This segmentation allows you to create more personalized and relevant communications.

When crafting your emails, focus on creating targeted, value-driven content.

This could include market updates and trend analyses, new listing alerts tailored to subscriber preferences, home maintenance tips, and local event highlights.

By providing useful information, you position yourself as a knowledgeable resource in your field.

Personalization is key to engaging your audience.

Use the recipient's name in the subject line and greeting, reference past interactions or specific interests, and tailor content based on their stage in the buying or selling journey.

This personal touch can significantly increase open rates and engagement.

In today's mobile-first world, optimizing your emails for mobile devices is essential.

Use responsive email templates that look good on any screen size.

Keep your subject lines short and impactful to grab attention quickly.

Structure your content to be concise and scannable, with clear calls-to-action that are easy to tap on smaller screens.

To ensure the continued success of your email marketing efforts, regularly analyze and refine your approach.

Track important metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Experiment with A/B testing of subject lines, content, and send times to see what resonates best with your audience.

Use this performance data to continuously improve your strategy.

Remember, the goal is to consistently deliver valuable, targeted content to your email subscribers.

By doing so, you can effectively nurture leads over time and position yourself as the go-to real estate expert.

When your subscribers are ready to buy or sell, you'll be the first person they think of, thanks to your consistent and helpful presence in their inbox.

Ylopo:Holistic Approach to Real Estate Success

The real estate industry is evolving at a rapid pace, driven by technological innovations, market shifts, and changing consumer expectations.

Companies like Ylopo and Follow Up Boss are at the forefront, developing cutting-edge tools to help agents and teams thrive in this dynamic environment.

Ready to transform your real estate business?

Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential by booking a demo with Ylopo today.

Our team of experts will guide you through our innovative platform, showcasing how our tailored solutions can streamline your operations, boost your lead generation, and ultimately drive more closings.

About the Author

Aaron “Kiwi” Franklin

Head of Growth